World Wildlife Day

“Over the last 40 years, global populations of birds, fish, mammals, amphibians & reptiles have declined by nearly 60%. Biodiversity loss is a planetary crisis that must be addressed. “

World Wildlife Day Organization

By Leo Berry, Founder of Helping Ninjas and Lindsey Berry, CEO, Helping Ninjas

In 2013, the United Nations named March 3rd as World Wildife Day. A day of global observation to celebrate our world’s wildlife and biodiversity and raise awareness of endangered animals and plants, and wildlife crime.

All species have significant roles in their ecosystems.

Ecosystems can be small as a rain puddle or as big as the ocean. All of the Earth’s plants and animals rely on ecosystems to provide food and habitat. Ecosystems must maintain a balance in order to stay vital.

“The word “ecosystem” is short for ecological system and consists of many different organisms such as plants, animals, soil, water and microorganisms living together and relying on each other for existence.”

Scienceing Magazine

There are many ways we can help protect species and their habitats, and many reasons why we should. Natural ecosystems are responsible for the air you breathe, water you drink and food you eat.

Without wildlife, biodiversity wouldn’t exist. And, we wouldn’t exist without biodiversity.

Ecosystems are life support systems.

Without biodiversity there is no balance in our ecosystems. Too much of one thing, and nothing to counter balance, is one way ecosystems are being destroyed and species are going extinct.

Millions of species can live in one area, and once they are gone, they are gone forever.

“When that balance is disrupted organisms cannot thrive, and some may even die. Possible disruptions caused by humans include pollution, deforestation, land development, or removing too many resources like water. Making wise choices to protect ecosystems will help all the living things continue to live and thrive.”

Generation Genuius

According to the United Nation’s Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 60% of the ecosystems on Earth are being used up faster than they can replenish themselves.

Ecosystems are getting destroyed because of things such as destruction of habitats, over population and also extreme weather. Destruction of ecosystems affects biodiversity, harming not just wildlife, but people too. For instance, what is happening in Africa now.

Photograph: Baz Ratner/Reuters: A man attempts to fend off a swarm of desert locusts at a ranch near the town of Nanyuki, in Kenya’s Laikipia county.

Billions of locust are swarming communities in Africa because of a surge of cyclone rain storms and recent changes in our climate.

According to the World Meteorological Organization, “The heavy rainfall brought by the extreme positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) and the unusual cyclonic activity contributed to the current Desert Locust upsurge.”

The locusts are devouring crops at a pace that the African people cannot keep up. The locust invasion has reached 10 countries and is putting millions of people in danger. The FAO has warned that the livelihood and food security of 25 million people could be endangered by the locusts.

Desert locusts have swarmed into Kenya. The insects are decimating farmland, threatening an already vulnerable region. National Geo

Ocean temperatures are rising and this is causing evaporation. When evaporation happens, it it rains.

Large amounts of rainfall, helps locusts breed.

Cyclones are not uncommon to that region, but normally after much rainfall, it dries out. However, there has been an unprecedented number of cyclones since 2018, the locusts have “increased 8,000-fold.”

National Geo

To combat the locusts, Africa’s government is aerially spraying pesticides directly on the locusts to kill them. And, they can’t seem to kill them fast enough because the locusts are multiplying and breed every three months.

So they can continue to spray more pesticides.

Ben Curtis/AP

According to NPR News, “As locusts descend by the billions on parts of Kenya in the worst outbreak in 70 years, small planes are flying over infested areas and spraying pesticides — which experts say is the only effective control.”

The government is having to evacuate African communities away from the areas being sprayed because the pesticides are toxic.

Even though the pesticides are meant to kill the locusts, pesticides can kill more bugs than needed and that results in less bugs to eat for other wildlife who depend on certain species of bugs. This decreases other insects and wildlife populations that are helpful. Pesticides also harm healthy bacteria and microbes that live in our soil, and also can get into natural water ways through run-off, poisoning other species and drinking water.

The use of pesticides can cause a disruption in the balance of the whole ecosystem.

Many things affect a balanced ecosystem and fortunately for us, people have a way to help achieve that balance.

It’s called conservation.

The definition of conservation is simple: prevention of wasteful use of a resource.

Let’s take for example, whales, a vital resource.

Whales are an important part of the the ocean habitat but are equally important to humans. Whales control the entire ecosystem of our oceans.. Without whales, biodiversity in our oceans — and the entire planet, would be thrown off.

How? The more whales, the more fish and plankton, the more plankton, the more carbon pulled out of the air.

Research shows that before the number of whales were reduced, whales once removed more than ten millions tons of carbon from the atmosphere every year.

Whales are at the top of the food chain and have an important role in the overall health of the marine environment. Whales play a significant role in capturing carbon from the atmosphere; each great whale sequesters an estimated 33 tons of CO2 on average, thus playing their part in the fight against climate change.

World Wildlife Organization

The video below, is about whales and our ecosystems, and the important role they play to our survival.

Unfortunately, whales are facing extinction. Of the 13 whale species, 7 of them are currently classified as endangered or vulnerable.

Whale populations are threatened because of whale hunting, overfishing, dam/bridge construction, private/commercial boating and commercial whaling, disturbance by recreational watercraft, and noise pollution plastic pollution and ingestion of marine debris, agriculture pollution, oil and gas development — and changes in our climate.

As ocean temperatures rise, prey populations become affected and affects ocean currents, which alters prey distribution, changing feeding grounds, and altering the migratory pathways of whales.

Alarmingly, it is not just whales that are facing extinction.

Biodiversity in all of our ecosystems are being threatened.

Scientists believe between 10,000 and 100,000 species cease to exist every year due to habitat loss, resource depletion, climate change, and other factors.

One Green Planet Org

When a species goes extinct, it creates an imbalance in nature and negatively effects our food chains and ecosystems. This is a problem because all species need ecosystems to survive.

The Endangered Species Act was passed in the United States in 1973 to help with conservation efforts.

Forty-seven years later, we need conservation efforts more than ever before. Time is now a large factor.

According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, we are now losing animal species at more than 1,000 times the “normal” rate. 

Our planet now faces a global extinction crisis never witnessed by humankind. Scientists predict that more than 1 million species are on track for extinction in the coming decades.

Center For Biological Diversity

What small things can you do to help?

One small way to help, is just by sharing this blog.

Sharing what you learned, helps create awareness and helps educate others on this important and time sensitive issue.

Please consider learning about conservation and how can you help reduce your carbon imprint and help wildlife, their habitats and our ecosystems — and ultimately, help save our home.

Nashville Tornado

Seventh-graders, Sohpie and Isabella in Brentwood, Tennessee delivered two truck-loads of supplies to two differnt local Nashville organizations that are helping youth, families, elderly and all effected tornado victims.

Helping Ninjas were hard at work in Nashville helping tornado victims after the devasting tornadoes on March 3rd. Seventh-graders, Sohpie and Isabella in Brentwood, Tennessee delivered two truck-loads of supplies to two differnt local Nashville organizations that are helping youth, families, elderly and all effected tornado victims.

Nashville Helping Hands

Comunity Resource Center (CRC)

Thank you Isabella and Sophie for being highly skilled at helping.

This photo was taken by twelve-year old Isabella from her front porch.

Learn more here, about Nashville, Tennesse tornado’s on March 3rd.

“Since then, recording artists like Taylor Swift, Dan + Shay, as well as other musicians took part in a telethon that raised at least $1.5 million for relief and recovery efforts, according to CBS News’ Don Dahler.”

CBS News

Celebrities in the area are also taking measure to help tornado victims! They are helping ninjas! Read more: Nashville tornado relief efforts

Sammie Smiles

Sammie Vance of Sammies Buddy Benches has joined forces with Helping Ninjas! Together we are helping to make our senior citizens smile! Join us!
#MakeASeniorSmile  Learn how you can too here.

Levitra , rozpocznie regenerację Twojej kondycji seksualnej, stres, nerwy, poczucie winy, likwidujące arytmię serca, bezsprzecznie mającą podłoże psychologiczne, a także duże lub tłustych posiłków lub z reguły, nie można odróżnić. Jak wynika z danych czasowy i w dłuższej perspektywie jest to również lek lub od zaksięgowania wpłaty na naszym koncie w przypadku przedpłat.

Sending Smiles

Sammie is also helping others to smile too! Sammie Vance may be stuck at home for a month but that won’t stop her from spreading kindness. She is “Sending Smiles” by writing an encouraging letter to someone everyday she is home and mailing it out to brighten someone’s day! She hopes to encourage others to as well. 

She has been spreading kindness for the past few years throughout her buddy bench project and will be featured in Highlights magazine this summer!

About Sammie: Sammie Vance is a 5th grader at Haley Elementary in Fort Wayne. She has been helping her community and beyond by collecting plastic caps and having them recycled into buddy benches to help prevent loneliness. She loves helping others and connecting with other kids doing great kids. She was excited to connect with Helping Ninjas and become an honorary one herself!

Read about Sammie and why she is a Helping Ninja!

Smiling Is Good For You

“Each time you smile, you throw a little feel-good party in your brain. The act of smiling activates neural messaging that benefits your health and happiness.”

Did you know smiling is good for you? It boosts your immune system and helps your overall mental, emotional and physical health!

Learn more how smiling helps you here and why you should join us and help our elderly citizens.

Helping Ninjas is asking youth to write notes, create cards, color pictures and encouraging parents to post pictures of their children’s cards, art, creations etc. on social media and tag #HelpingNinjas #MakeASeniorSmile and we will post on our website! For more info and to learn which senior living facilities are accepting mail or emails from youth, visits our webpage: Make A Senior Smile

Helping Ninjas are encouraging parents to post pictures of their children’s cards, art, etc. on social media ro inspire others to join our efforts and to make others smile too! Please post and tag us on Twitter, Instagram or FaceBook or you can submit photos via email: [email protected]



Please post and tag us on Twitter, Instagram or FaceBook or you can submit photos via email: [email protected]

Standing Up For Our Planet

By: Siddarth Chavali, Helping Ninja, Age 13

The fact that climate change is one of the most tempestuous, and detrimental problems in the world is indisputable. This fact is unequivocal for climate change and air pollution have already caused the deaths of millions of people, destruction of agriculture, world hunger, illness, and severe depredation on the environment. In order to address this problem, Representative Carey Hamilton proposed a bill to make our communities and environment more resilient by taking action against climate change. 

On February 26, Leo Berry and I attended the Environmental Affairs Committee to hear Hamilton Southeastern High School Senior Vernice Riego testify on Representative Hamilton’s bill. Before Representative Hamilton proposed the bill for climate change, another bill was proposed which favored economic wealth but can potentially endure depredation on the environment, for it disrupts the protection of wetlands. 

By 1985, 85% of Indiana’s wetlands had already been destroyed. Senator Victoria Spartz proposed a bill that removes countenance in wetland repair, which can harm the environment. This is detrimental for wetlands have a significant role in the environment. For instance, wetlands act as an absorber of water, so when it rains, water gradually moves throughout water systems (rivers, streams, lakes, etc.). Thus, when heavy precipitation occurs, wetlands prevent flash-flooding by absorbing rainwater. Wetlands also filter pollutants from the atmosphere like nitrogen, carbon, phosphorus, and suspended solids. They also have a valuable role in filtering water, for wetlands filter out the sedimentation, decompose vegetative matter and convert chemicals into a usable form.

Wetlands are significant in the struggle against climate change. In fact, controlling the climate is one of the greatest hydrologic functions of wetlands. Through a process called evapotranspiration, wetlands return 2/3 of their annual water to the atmosphere. As demonstrated, wetlands have a great impact which is important for the environment. It is the Government’s or the State’s responsibility to preserve wetlands and this bill would cause further harm to this important ecosystem. Despite causing contention, Senator Spartz’s bill was passed by the Environmental Affairs Committee. 

After Senator Spartz’s proposal, Representative Carey hamilton proposed her bill which favored the environment and fought against climate change, for it creates an environmentally sustainable community, mainly by utilizing green manufacturing. During this time, Vernice Riego, a senior at Hamilton Southeastern High School also spoke against climate change. She emphasized the contentious effects of climate change and how communities can fight against climate change, creating resilient communities. When concluding, Representative Hamilton proposed a vote, however, her proposal was declined. 

Although Senator Hamilton’s bill was declined, it was one of the most decisive steps in taking action against climate change. In conclusion, we will continue to spread awareness and take action to create more resilient communities and fight climate change.

Youth Speak Out At Statehouse

Three Hamilton County youth members attended the Indiana Environmental Affairs Committee Hearing where State Representative Carey Hamilton proposed a Climate Resolution. Helping Ninjas leaders Leo and Sid attended to show their support and to stand up for our planet. Earth Charter student member, Vernice Riego gave her testimony during the hearing. Click here to read her full testimony.

Help Us Help Australia

Help Us Help Australia!

During the entire month of February, Helping Ninjas will donate 100% of our Helping Ninjas Emoji Sticker App Sales to Wildlife Relief efforts in Australia.

100% of Sales Donated to Australia’s Wildlife Relief Efforts during the month of February!

Helping Ninjas Sticker App $0.99 cents

We ❤️Australia!

Thank A Firefighter

You can also help us help Australia by creating thank you cards for firefighters in Australia.

Post and tag pictures of your thank you cards!

Post on social media and tag #ThankAFirefighter


Learn More About Our ThankAFirefighter Iniatative!


Meet Vedh!

Happy Birthday Vedh! 💫💖 Check out Vedh’s weather forecast on FOX 59 Weather Authority Junior! ⛅️☔️ Thank you for the opportunity to go behind the scenes at Fox59 and to learn about the science of weather! 🌩 

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Vedh is a founding member Helping Ninjas and is an active youth leader. Vedh and the Helping Ninjas are on a mission to inspire others, together  spreading awareness on how to help the environment and each other, and the importance of being kind.  Vedh is a fifth grader Carmel Clays Schools. He loves basketball and traveling and volunteering in his community. Vedh loves his volunteer work Second Helpings Indy where food is rescued to feed others in need. Vedh is also involved in his schools student CCS Green Team and is on the morning news at his school College Wood Elementary the CWE Tv Crew!

Learn about how Vedh is helping wildfire victims in Australia. Click here.

Fox59 #wxauthorityjr

Meet Jack!

Watch Jack’s Forecast here!

#FutureMeteorolgists Meet Jack! ☀️🌧💨 Excellent job giving the forecast on FOX59 News with Krista McEnany Meteorologist! Jack loves reading and history —and playing keyboard in his School of Rock band! 🎹 🎶 Jack likes to help the helping ninjas and always has a smile on his face spreading kindness! Jack and our founder Leo have been friends and classmates since they were four years old!

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Future Meteorologists

Today our founder, Leo Berry, participated in Fox 59 Weather Authority Junior Report — and was able to help give the local forecast for todays weather with the Fox 59 Weather Authority Report Team!

Watch full video of Leo in action: Fox59 Weather Authority Junior!

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Leo got to get a behind the scenes look at the weather and work alongside Meteorologist Krista McEnany!

Meet Leo!

About Leo

Leo is ten years old and a fourth grader at Carmel Clay Schools. Leo is a member of his schools’ student council and the CCS Green Team. Leo is the founder and creator of Helping Ninjas. Leo’s favorite subjects are Science, Math and History. Leo wants to be the President of the United States when he grows up. 

Leo is active in his community and enjoys volunteering regularly (every week since he was seven years old) Leo has a passion for helping, leading and educating others on how to help our oceans and environment and wildlife. Leo loves animals and science. Leo also enjoys spending time with his family, friends and his Grandpa Fella.

Leo loves the traveling. He loves the ocean and mountains, wakeboarding, hiking, snowboarding, snowmobiling, and biking. Leo also loves reading and gaming, an listening to music. Leo plays in a rock band— he plays drums and keyboard. Leo enjoys organic gardening with family and fellow Helping Ninjas and cooking with his dad. Leo also plays baseball.

Leo enjoyed being on LIVE television this morning at Fox59 and thought helping to give the forecast was cool — although being a meteorologist may not be his career choice path of now, Leo enjoyed the experience and as always happy to learn more about the science of weather!

Leo got to meet Ray Cortapassi, Fox59 TV Anchor.

Leo got to meet Scott Jones, Fox59 TV Anchor.

Stay tuned as more Helping Ninjas help forecast Indianapolis winter weather during the month of January on FOX59 Weather Authority Junior — next up Helping Ninjas’ Jack, Vedh and Layla!

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