A movement to inspire our youth to help.
When kids are willing and can successfully interact and socialize with peers for a cause- there really is reason to celebrate!
Join Helping Ninjas. Join us with the initiative in helping us to create awareness amongst our youth about the importance of helping the world.
Helping Ninjas, Inc. is a not-for-profit that is student-led and focuses on bringing awareness to the importance of teaching our youth ways to help the planet, each other and themselves.
Helping Ninjas Inc. was founded Leo Berry, and was recently incorporated in February 2018. The goal of the organization is to engage youth and familes in its mission to become Highly Skilled At Helping.
Helping Ninjas’ local, national and global philanthropical efforts and initiatives strive to enourage others to teach our youth how they can make a positive impact on their surroundings learning how to help others and respect the planet and humanity.
Helping Ninjas gives our future leaders an opportunity to learn about the world and how they can help and how to become an active citizen and learn about our environment and portray kindess. Celebrating acts of help and inspiring change, generates interest and awareness of the importance of educating themselves on global issues and finding the pathways to the solutions.
Every child can be a Helping Ninja, a highly skilled person who excels in the act of helping.
Together making the world a better place through kindness and philanthropic acts – whether it be helping the planet, each other or themselves. That every child can be a Helping Ninja warrior in their own right, no matter, their age, status, gender, race, ethnic or economic background.

The Helping Ninja bandana is a band of fabric, a common thread that ties us all together making our world a better place if we all work together no matter our differences. Striving to take the best part of themselves and give it to others, no matter how small or large the act – anyone can be a Helping Ninja.
Through acts of help, children are first-hand able to experience helping. And through education of global issues, Helping Ninjas will develop better life choices and execution skills – creating strong minds and leaders.
Helping Ninjas Philosphy
- Any child can learn to help.
- Any child can learn to help on their own in their own way.
- Any child can be a “helping ninja” just by helping.
- Any person can be a Helping Ninja
Since children are best taught when led by example, Helping Ninjas encourages all adults – college students, teacher, parents, city, state and world leaders, athletes, local and global celebrities – to help us in this initiative and begin showcasing your acts of help so that our youth may see!
Helping Ninjas promotes and advocates for all youth across the globe to be given an opportunity of an opinion, a voice and a chance.
Education to children on environmental, social, health and wellness issues and current government policy protecting our planet and citizens is very important. Helping Ninjas provides a means and a stepping stone to our youth – allowing them to learn, discuss, and act on it. Just simply learning and discussing a new subject, will indirectly help our planet. It is educating young minds, how to critically think and create a sense of citizenship.
About Helping Ninjas
Helping Ninjas is a continuous ongoing effort to create opportunities to learn, and is designed so that children can learn to help and execute acts of help individually, or in a group setting. It is a message to all, the necessity to encourage our youth, across the globe, to learn to help.
Start learning to become highly skilled at helping!
You can join Helping Ninjas anytime by following us on social media at @HelpingNinjas and/or following or posting any of our initiatives:
To see a full descrition of our iniatatives, click here,
There are many ways to participate in Helping Ninjas and endless opportunities for children of any age, or adult, to get involved! If you would like to join our efforts and become a helping ninja, subscribe to the Helping Ninjas Blog for inspirations and ideas and to keep up with Helping Ninjas efforts!
The blog is written by students and some helping ninja moms, dads, educators and citiizens of the world who want to. make a difference, and who are helping ninjas.
Do you a child, a family, a classroom, or maybe someone you know is already a “helping ninja” by example? Share with us! [email protected] or post and tag on social media #HelpingNinjas
Helping Ninjas on social will share to inspire others!
Helping Ninjas In The News
Helping Ninjas promotes education to our youth about global issues.
Important issues to create well eduated young citizens, Helping Ninjas advoates for the learning of topics such as poverty and hunger, environmental policies, climate change, endangered species, importance of renewable energy and our carbon imprint.

Edcuation may come in the form of lectures, projects, fund raisers, philanthropy opportunities and skill building including not-for-profit education, leadership, writing, mathematics, science, engineering, problem solving, delegation tactics, logistics, strategy, critical thinking, business and not-for-profit operations, public speaking, public relations, marketing, journalism, photography, videography, producing, graphic design, web design and many more.
Learning about career choice options that they can make to ensure these issues are being addressed. Such as scientists, green careers, agriculture, botany, culinary, health careers, business, marketing, adovacy, philanthropy, environment, consservation, government and more.
Any child can learn to help and can be a part of the Helping Ninjas.
How does it work?

Example, the topic of sustainabiltiy and circular economy, and the environment – are all areas of interest to children if given the opportunity to learn and process the information.
Helping Ninjas presents the information in a child friendly way. Connecting with local college professors, charities, other organizations efforts and local parks and government funded green clubs are great ways for children to become involved.
Helping Ninjas’ educational effort to teach children how to create renewable energy and how to do it themselves is done through the act of collecting items at home (that are no longer being used) and in turn giving it to charities.
Enabling the child to see first hand how they can reuse, recycle, reduce at home all by themselves. Items such as canned food, coats, gloves, books, toys, shoes are each dedicated to a specific cause, showing children how different charitable organizations collect items and where they go is based on the charity effort. But the physical act of collection provides excellent tangible tools for teaching and connecting the dots in young minds.
Activities range from this to many, any others.
To learn more the Helping Ninjas’ and keep up with our efforts, read the Helping Ninjas Blog.
Join the Helping Ninjas™
A movement, an initiative to teach the children of the world how to become future leaders and ambassadors of help, hope, change, and how to become highly skilled at helping.
Helping Ninjas is an organization devoted to helping many persons of charity – and by definition is a philanthropy.
Children like to feel like they are a part of something – it gives them confidence and security and reassurance.
Our Story
Read full story of how the Helping Ninjas started.
Want a Helping Ninjas club in your city? Click here.

Read Article In Natural Awakenings Indy
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Helping Ninjas, Inc. has been awarded a U.S. Trademark for both their name and logo was published in the Official Gazette on May 8, 2018.
©2017-2020 Lindsey Fella Berry All rights Reserved