Helping Ninjas Emojis

Join our Helping Ninja emoji contest and help our planet!

Helping Ninjas Emoji Sticker Contest

Helping Ninjas are choosing new Helping Ninja emojis for our Helping Ninja Emoji Aticker app in the Apple App Store! And yours could be next!

Each month Helping Ninjas uses its proceeds to fund other Helping Ninjas projects and/or donates a portion of the profits from  other charitable organization!

The Helping Ninja bandana is a band of fabric, a common thread that ties us all together, despite differences of age, status, gender, race, ethnic or economic background, making our world a better place through kindness and selfless acts – whether it be helping the planet, each other or oneself. 

Share your Helping Ninja Emojis with us!

To sign-up for the Helping Ninja emoji contest, submit the form below:

How does the emoji art contest work?

At the end month, the Helping Ninjas will vote via our monthly Helping Ninja Zoom Party! We will announce it the first of each month! 

No limit of submissions!

Children can enter as many Helping Ninja emoji submissions as they want!

Each month Helping Ninjas uses its proceeds to fund other Helping Ninjas projects and/or donates a portion of the profits from  other charitable organization!

Helping Ninja Maddie
#helpingninjas, Sarah

#helpingninjas, Layla

#helpingninjas, Shruti

Download our Helping Ninjas Sticker App

100% of Helping Ninjas™ emoji sticker pack proceeds goes towards creating opportunities for youth to create change and inspire others. Helping Ninjas, Inc., a youth-led-not for profit, that supports global, national, community philanthropical, charitable, and environmental causes.
Search “Helping Ninjas” in the Apple App Store
Join our efforts today!
Download the Helping Ninja Sticker App for 99 cents and help us to inspire youth to become “Highly Skilled At Helping.”

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Help The Homeless

I didn’t want to have a life where I never thought about other people.It made me feel good to help them. I feel like I should keep helping more, because I should think of others rather than myself. You can always help more, and there are always people that need help!

I feel like I should keep helping more, because I should think of others rather than myself. You can always help more, and there are always people that need help

Helping Ninja Nathan

It made me feel good to help them.  

Helping Ninja Isaiah

Helping Ninja Mission:

Help The Homeless

Story submitted by Helping Ninjas Nathan (Age 12) and Isaiah (Age 9)

Hamilton County, Indiana

Why did you join Helping Ninjas and why did you decide to help the homeless?


I didn’t want to have a life where I never thought about other people.


We have more than others, so we should give stuff to other people who have less than we do.What happened? My mom saw a facebook post from Rebecca on her page “Michele’s Mission of Love” about needing supplies to deliver to the homeless. 

We previously have helped Rebecca, by meeting her at the Maker space in the Fisher’s library.  This is where we helped her make sleeping mats woven out of plarn (plastic yarn) for the homeless. We also helped tie the ends of small blankets that were given to the senior center.

We have also been helping another women named Evon, who made a facebook page named “Breakfast Buddies”. She goes downtown in Indianapolis to feed and give clothes to the homeless every Sunday.  


We heard about the people sitting on the street with no home and felt sorry for them and wanted to help. We decided to make two donations so we could help pass things along to both ladies. My mom went to the store and bought supplies to make 24 kits that included a bottle of toothpaste, a toothbrush, toothbrush case, and a bar of soap. 

She also sewed 24 face masks to go into the kits, plus more for the second donation. We bought socks, hats and gloves to help keep them warm. We made 40+ scarves by buying thick fuzzy fleece fabric, cutting it into strips and then tying knots on the ends. 

We went through our food to see what food and candy we could donate. We made kits that we put into plastic ziplock bags and sorted items into trash bags. It took about 1 week to make the scarves and get everything assembled.


It made me feel good to help them.  


I feel like I should keep helping more, because I should think of others rather than myself. You can always help more, and there are always people that need help

Helping Ninjas ZOOM Party

Sign up for a Helping Ninjas Virtual Party and Learn how to become Highly Skilled At Helping!


When children can come together for a cause, there really is a reason to celebrate! ✨

Helping Ninjas


Join the Helping Ninja kids with a virtual ZOOM party!

A di

fferent topic/activity will be discussed, centered on kids can
“how to help the world.” ❤️🌎


How to join the ZOOM Party?

Find out the Helping Ninja Zoom Party Happenings 

Helping Ninjas Kids Zoom Party: Every last Thursday of the month at 6pm EST

Helping Ninjas Kids Zoom Party: GUEST SPEAKER SERIES

Head Chef Kathy Jones, Second Helpings

Each Zoom Party Helping Ninjas will host a guest speaker.Our Helping Ninja guest speakers are community and organzation leaders that are helping our planet, each other and oneself!

Want to be a guest speaker?


Spanish For Kids

A movement to inspire others to help the world, Helping Ninjas mission is to create opportunities for youth to help the planet, each other and themselves.

Helping Ninjas is excited to offer a new opportunity for our youth and families – learning to speak a second language.

Helping Ninas initiatives are centered around the idea, how can we help? Whether its the environment, a sea turtle, an elderly neighbor, or a parent or guardian by helping to do chores – without expectations of an award. Learning to better ourselves as individuals, helps the world!

Learning a second language, like Spanish, not only helps yourself by bettering your education and communication skills – it also can potentially help others! There are many Spanish speaking countries that are in need of help. By learning to speak Spanish, you can learn to help those in need in these Spanish speaking communities.

Helping Ninjas Spanish Class is now available online for kids of all ages. Free online educational videos, printable and lessons. Also, available are group and private virtual lessons with a Spanish Teacher right from your home! Click here.

Future Meteorologists

Today our founder, Leo Berry, participated in Fox 59 Weather Authority Junior Report — and was able to help give the local forecast for todays weather with the Fox 59 Weather Authority Report Team!

Watch full video of Leo in action: Fox59 Weather Authority Junior!

Mentre solo il 3% degli utilizzatori sperimenta disturbi della vista e ha chiuso ieri a Zurigo in progresso del 3.58% a 63, spiega pazientemente, ad esempio perche propone tale. Almeno 3 ore dopo aver mangiato un pasto pesante e i clienti non deve stupire se il generico contiene ingredienti chimici diversi. Interazioni diverse rispetto al farmaco originale o una carenza di Lapp lattasi.

Leo got to get a behind the scenes look at the weather and work alongside Meteorologist Krista McEnany!

Meet Leo!

About Leo

Leo is ten years old and a fourth grader at Carmel Clay Schools. Leo is a member of his schools’ student council and the CCS Green Team. Leo is the founder and creator of Helping Ninjas. Leo’s favorite subjects are Science, Math and History. Leo wants to be the President of the United States when he grows up. 

Leo is active in his community and enjoys volunteering regularly (every week since he was seven years old) Leo has a passion for helping, leading and educating others on how to help our oceans and environment and wildlife. Leo loves animals and science. Leo also enjoys spending time with his family, friends and his Grandpa Fella.

Leo loves the traveling. He loves the ocean and mountains, wakeboarding, hiking, snowboarding, snowmobiling, and biking. Leo also loves reading and gaming, an listening to music. Leo plays in a rock band— he plays drums and keyboard. Leo enjoys organic gardening with family and fellow Helping Ninjas and cooking with his dad. Leo also plays baseball.

Leo enjoyed being on LIVE television this morning at Fox59 and thought helping to give the forecast was cool — although being a meteorologist may not be his career choice path of now, Leo enjoyed the experience and as always happy to learn more about the science of weather!

Leo got to meet Ray Cortapassi, Fox59 TV Anchor.

Leo got to meet Scott Jones, Fox59 TV Anchor.

Stay tuned as more Helping Ninjas help forecast Indianapolis winter weather during the month of January on FOX59 Weather Authority Junior — next up Helping Ninjas’ Jack, Vedh and Layla!

Why I Chose Marine Biology As My Career

I decided at a really early age (around fifth grade) that I wanted to work with dolphins. Yeah, I know…pretty cliché, right? I wanted to swim with them and become their best friend because dolphins are, of course, the coolest animals to a little kid. This was the dream that I stuck with for a really long time, but as I grew older and learned more about our oceans, I discovered that dolphins aren’t the only ones in need of our help. I became fascinated with rays, sharks, seals, and so on (the list could go on forever). Visiting institutions like the Tennessee Aquarium and Georgia Aquarium further confirmed that I wanted to be involved with the ocean in whatever way I could. When I got accepted to Auburn University, I immediately enrolled in the Marine Biology program.

Classes at Auburn were no cake-walk, but I knew that the end product would be me working and saving marine animals somewhere in the field of marine biology. Part of the curriculum included taking classes at Dauphin Island Marine Lab outside Mobile, Alabama over the summer, and I learned much more and got hands-on experience with research and the amount of work that must be put into it. The classes I took part in were some of the best (and worst) of my life, but they formed me into the marine biologist I am today.

Why did I choose marine biology?

Now, five years later, I have decided that I want to educate people about the importance of ocean conservation and what they can do to help.

It is my dream to work at an institution whose mission is to educate and encourage the future generation to care about our oceans because we are the only ones who can protect them.

Hopefully one day I can be the person to inspire a little kid to love the ocean just like trainers and educators have inspired me.

Sydney is our newest addition to the Helping Ninjas!

Stay tuned for more photos and posts from Sydney as she travels to Dauphin Island to further her education as she begins the new journey with her career in Marine Biology; Sydney is currently working in Tampa Bay, Florida at a sea rescue center.

Welcome Sydney!

Excuse Me, Is That A Plastic Straw

In the United States, 500 million plastic straws are used daily – equivalent to wrapping the entire circumference of the earth  2.5 times. Some of us use them regularly without thought. The practice is not uncommon. Large restaurant chains across the globe discard 20,000 or more plastic straws a day. What is not commonly known is that plastic straws cannot be recycled at curbside and municipal recycling centers and each year 2000 tons of plastic straw wasteenters our ocean.

And – it’s not just straws.  

Plastic straws only account for approximately 4% of the plastic waste entering oceans. Somewhere between 5 to 14 million tons of plastic is dumped into our oceans annually. Nearly 300 million tons of plastic is produced every year, 50% of which is for single-use.

There is plastic in our packaging for online or store-bought items, often plastic wrapped and packed around more plastic, plastic packaging for food items. Plastic around popsicles, candy, cereal, nuts, veggies and fruits– and plastic to take them home in bulk. Plastic toothpaste bottles, plastic band-aids, plastic lunch, chips and snack bags, plastic lids, plastic caps, plastic cutlery, plastic coffee cups, plastic drinking cups, plastic disposable plates, and plastic grocery bags.

Plastic playground turf, plastic toys, plastic blended fabric materials, plastic cosmetic cases, plastic smartphone cases, plastic soles, plastic home décor, plastic kitchen utensils, plastic liners, plastic storage bins, plastic food containers, plastic bags available in sizes large, medium and small –we are consumed by plastic. It’s everywhere. It’s in vehicles, homes, restaurants, place of business, schools, medical centers, sports venues, landfills and is found in our parks, fields, meadows, hillside, mountainsides, beaches, and oceans.

In the last 65 years, 8.3 billion tons of plastic has been created; equivalent to the weight of one million elephants. 

Scientists say that every piece of plastic that has ever been made still exists today.

Plastic never fully ever decomposes or bio-degrades, instead it breaks down into smaller and smaller tiny microscopic plastic pieces called microplastics. A single plastic bottle can fragment to pollute our oceans with thousands of pieces of microplastics, and one million plastic bottles are sold every minute. 

Scientists say that all 8.3 million tons of plastic waste have made its way to our oceans. The number of microplastics accounted in the ocean is unknown.  

Scientists have found microplastics in 114 aquatic species, the list of freshwater and marine organisms that are harmed by plastics stretches to hundreds of species. Studies reveal that microplastics are being ingested by marine life and entering our food supply; microplastics were found in 90% of table salt, in 75% of all fish, in 93% of big named brand plastic bottled waters.

Recent research suggests that microplastics is in our bodies. 

Scientists do not know the harm of humans ingesting microplastics and say that it is too early to know the damage if any; one can speculate, but the notion is hard to ignore – ingesting of microplastics cannot be helping the human body.

We do know, however, the adverse effects that microplastics are having on aquatic life once it is ingested. Studies reveal that plastic is causing hormone imbalance, liver damage, inflammation, neuro-system, and nervous system damage and starvation.

And we also know that most all disposable plastic straws contain bisphenol A (BPA), as do a vast majority of the single-use plastics available to consumers, including disposable plastic water bottles, often containing both BPA and Phthalates. Phthalates (substances added to plastics to increase flexibility, transparency, durability, and longevity) and BPA (a chemical used to harden plastics during manufacturing) when heated, release chemicals into our food that could potentially harm us.

In 2010 the U.S. Department of Health publicly expressed some concerns about BPA and announced dangers of bisphenol could potentially cause to our bodies affecting hormone levels, brain and behavior problems, cancer, heart problems, obesity, diabetes, ADHD and an increased risk to children. BPA and phthalates studieshave been linked to heart disease, obesity, and Type 2 diabetes, and phthalates to impaired neurological development in children. The American Academy of Pediatrics released a statement in 2018 that families should avoid plastic food containers entirely.

Today, scientists say more than 90% of the world’s population has BPA in our bodies right now. Reports uncover that a high percentage comes from foods and liquids that have been purchased or stored in containers made with BPA and that it is possible to pick up BPA through air, dust, and water

The cognizant information that both plastic chemical compounds and physical microscopic pieces may pose a threat to our health is not always common and might be worth considering. 

Plastic Waste on Beach in India      

Given the fact that plastic will continue to break down into billions and billions of hazardous or toxic pieces, attention must also be brought to plastic recycling myths; not all plastic is recyclable. Different cities, states, and recycling centers are equipped to recycle certain types of plastic and other plastics they cannot. Most all single-use items, plastic straws, plastic bottle caps, plastic lined coffee cups, plastic bags, plastic liners, or anything you can poke a hole through, cannot be recycled at most municipal recycling centers.  If one puts these items in a curbside recycle bin, the destination is the landfill.

Which plastics to use or not use, which plastics may directly, indirectly, or not cause harm; taking efforts to reduce carbon imprint, use less, recycle more, recycle everything – the logistics, it is not yet convenient to avoid plastic or to recycle. Education will take effort; deciphering which plastics can be recycled and where, and the means of transit. Emphasis must be placed on contamination, and the disruption in the recycling process of one wrong item, or an item that is not clean or dry, can contaminate thousands of plastic items, preventing recycling altogether. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee.  

There is not a guarantee that harmful effects from drinking out of a plastic straw made with BPA or storing food in plastics made with it, or phthalates, will not harm us. Or to the extent of what plastics have BPA and phthalates is disclosed freely. We purchase food at the grocery store sealed in plastic, right? Bread. Bagels. Cookies. Cheese. Crackers. Coffee. Carrots. Apples. Strawberries. Is the food that is sealed air-tight in a plastic bag or in the container, or hot food brought home from a restaurant in plastic – do those containers and bags state if it contains phthalates or BPA? 

One might also consider an examination of the facts, that plastic waste is destroying our marine ecosystems

Our oceans make up 97% of all water on our planet and are responsible for each breath we take, accounting for 70% of our oxygen. This primary oxygen source is possible by the process of photosynthesis by tiny organisms called phytoplankton, and, scientists have discovered that plankton are ingesting microplastics too. All creatures in the ocean depend on the supply of plankton. Plankton are at the bottom of the food chain; simply put, we all need plankton to live. 

Plastic is also harming plants in the oceans, coral reefs, algae, and seagrass. Marine plants such as these take in carbon dioxide from the air and give off oxygen, just like land plants do. Coral provides the algae with a protected environment and compounds needed for photosynthesis. In return, the algae produce oxygen and help the coral to remove wastes. Seagrasses are known as the “lungs of the sea” and play a significant role in our ecosystem, they, too, clean the surrounding water and help to take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, producing O2 at a rate five times faster than tropical rain forests.

A publication on January 10, 2019, The Journal of Science said oceans absorb 93% of the heat trapped by the greenhouse gases. It is proven that marine plants cannot carry out photosynthesis in water that is too warm, and that, the higher amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, in turn, raises global temperatures.

According to the same report, oceans are heating up 40% faster on average and concluded that ocean temperatures have broken records for several straight years and announced 2018 was the warmest temperature for oceans on record and gave similar projections for 2019 ocean temperatures.

A recent article published in the New York Times: “If the ocean wasn’t absorbing as much heat, the surface of the land would heat up much faster than it is right now,” said Malin L. Pinsky, an Associate Professor in the Department of Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources at Rutgers University.  The report also disclosed that scientists are reporting if the oceans continue to heat up, the effects on our climate may become even more catastrophic.

Destin, Florida My Daughter Layla

Speculation is given, and arguments differ, but one fact is in not disputed: We need oceans to live. 

A 2019 scientific study on February 11th demonstrated that ‘microplastics are a rich habitat’ that is home to many types of bacteria, including toxic ones. Toxic bacteria in warming waters, not a good equation; bacteria thrive in warmer waters and is spread much easier. The research identified the bacteria known as Photobacterium rosenbergiioften associated with coral bleaching and disease, and also uncovered a species of marine Vibrioa major cause of wound infections in humans, and species of Arcobacter, known to cause gastroenteritis in humans. The report concluded that these toxic bacteria if ingested by marine animals, has the potential to be transferred up the food chain.

History shows that our experiences and convenience of using plastic is causing havoc and posing a serious threat to our environment, and to us. Some scientists say there is no way to remove the microplastics, and that they will continue to flood our oceans. 

One sip from a single plastic straw, passing through a trash bin to a landfill, to a river and then to the ocean– our lifeline

Is it necessary for society to become aware and use less, and attempt to break the addiction? How many of us out there are even aware of this discussion and what it means? I wasn’t, but am now.

Compelled to share what was learned from my ignorance, if it does not appear to be a medical necessity as one nonchalantly sucks on a straw – I will be inclined to ask, “Excuse me, is that a plastic straw?”

Originally Posted at Indianapolis Moms Blog, Written by Lindsey Fella Bery, Helping Ninjas, CEO on March 31, 2019 in Motherhood @IndyMomsBlog


Hi I am Vedh! I am in India now and doing a bit of research on plastic pollution and bio-degradable options to plastic. These are pictures I have taken and two videos. I hope that this explains why we need to begin exploring and choosing plastic alternatives.

Vedh, Age 9, Helping Ninjas, India 

Click here to watch: LIVE FROM INDIA  – Plastic Pollution Video

Click here to watch: LIVE FROM INDIA 2  – Plastic Pollution Video




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