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Break Free From Plastic

📷 @nytimes Adam Amengual

Are We Addicted to Plastic? Share with what are YOU doing to help reduce plastic? We want to learn efforts how others have reduced plastic so we can share and inspire positve change! Let us know or send us tips and suggestions so we can share with others on our webpage: at info@helpingninjas or tag us on FB, Instagram or Twitter! Read this New York Times article to learn how…

Photo credit above Adam Amengual New York Times

Join the Stand Up To Plastic Iniatative! Help us inspire others to reduce single use plastic use through education and leadership!

Our Planet

Written By: Leo, Helping Ninja, Founder/Creator

The World Wild Life Foundation:

“It’’s never been more urgent and important to recognize the fragility of our world. We’re losing nature at an unprecedented rate. Sixty percent of vertebrate species have disappeared in the last 50 years, according to WWF’s recent Living Planet Report. The health of our forests, oceans and fresh water are all at risk. ”

According to WWF’s Living Planet Report 2018:

60% Populations of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians have, on average, declined by 60% between 1970 and 2014, the most recent year with available data.

50% The Earth is estimated to have lost about half of its shallow water corals in the past 30 years.

20% A fifth of the Amazon has disappeared in just 50 years.

After learning this, I think this video that WWF is producing will help our future. Why? Because it will tell people that you can’t live like this, we need wildlife, plants and animals to live.

This makes me feel sad because our future relies on the biodiversity. .

I think it is important that others know that the human race cannot survive like this – at the rate we are going.

I hope that this video will tell teach people how important animals are to the planet and we need each other to live.

I hope you watch Our Planet on Netflix when it comes out on April 5th.

If you do, tag us on @helpingninjas on Instagram or email us at [email protected] and tell us what you think!

Starting the Journey to Low-Waste Living

Written By: Helping Ninja Kate, Age 17, 11th Grade, California

The International Statistic of 2018 states that 90.5% of plastic waste has never been recycled. While some of this trash goes to the landfill, a surprising amount ends up in the ocean. This has devastating effects. 70% of the Earth’s oxygen comes from the sea and the sea life that lives there.

In addition, plastics do not biodegrade. They simply break down into smaller and smaller pieces, called microplastics. Small sea creatures consume these insidious microplastics and by doing so, the plastics make their way into the ocean food chain. Microplastics deteriorate an animal’s health and eventually cause death. To alleviate this harm on our oceans, individuals can reduce their waste. There are myriad ways to cut down on waste in almost all aspects of our lives.

Packing Meals

Have no fear, it’s definitely possible to pack meals without creating waste.

The first thing to do is to pack your food in a reusable container such as a thermos or metal box. After you’ve done that, fill up a reusable water bottle with whatever drink you plan to have. Next, make sure to pack the reusable utensils that you will need. Now you are good to go, enjoy!

Personal Hygiene Products

Most personal hygiene products contain some sort of plastic. Soaps, shampoos, and conditioners are packaged in plastic containers. Dental floss not only contains plastic but is also packaged in it. Toothbrushes are made of plastic and nylon. These products can be easily swapped for more eco-friendly products. For example, use bars of soap to wash your hands. These are usually wrapped in paper or even better, not packaged at all! Bars of soap can also be used for body wash and believe it or not, shampoo and conditioner. In addition, bamboo toothbrushes work just as well as their plastic counterparts. Lastly, silk floss packaged in glass containers is available in some stores and online. 


Shopping greatly contributes to pollution. Many people enter stores empty-handed and leave with plastic bags filled with unnecessary, packaged items. However, that can change with a few simple steps. First, ask yourself if you really need what you want to buy. If you do, then try to find what you are looking for second-hand or sustainably-made. Second, come to the store with a reusable bag so that no paper or plastic will be needed to carry home your purchase. When shopping for food, choose whole foods without packaging. If you bring your reusable bag, there is no need to put fruits or vegetables in the plastic bags that many grocery stores offer. Also, many stores have bulk shopping or refill sections. Here, you can put unpackaged nuts, beans, tea, flour, etc. into your own container or bag!

Eating Out

Eating out, especially at fast-food restaurants, can produce lots of waste. Nevertheless, you can avoid this waste by coming prepared. It’s important to carry all the essentials so that you can refuse single-use plastics and still enjoy your meal. For instance, if you are craving a smoothie or tea with boba, bring a stainless steel boba straw and a reusable cup. Remember to convey to the person at the restaurant that you don’t want the plastic cup or straw when you order. 

I hope that you have learned some useful tips from this article.

Keep reducing your waste and living that low-waste life!

You can follow Helping Ninja Kate on Instagram at @pollution_solution_

Kate’s Instagram Account started as a Girl Scout Award and is now used to advocate for the low waste living to reduce ocean pollution and to save the beautiful sea! 💙

Plastic Bag In Our Tree

Written by Leo Berry, Age 9, Helping Ninja, Creator/ Founder

Today we were looking outside our upstairs window and my mom said, “Leo, look outside!”

I said, “What is out there?”

She said,”Look, what is wrong with that picture?”

I looked again.

At first I thought that it was a white bird then I looked closer and it really was a plastic bag!

My mom and I realized there was plastic bag in the top of our tree stuck on a branch.

I was really worried about the birds.

It is too high for us to reach with a ladder. We are not sure how we will get it down.

This is really not good.

I wonder how many birds die from plastic. I decided to google it and learn.

How many much birds die from plastic bags? Sea birds that die is 1,000,000 million.

Marine animals that die from plastic is one hundred million a year.

This makes me feel sad.

Animals on land can die too from plastic. I can’t find a statistic but I can bet its a lot.

I now want to know how what happens to birds if they get caught in a plastic bag. So, I look up if land birds can get hurt from plastic.

And, yes they can.

It’s really sad

I learned that birds can’t fly if they are entangled in plastic. The plastic bag could get wrapped around the birds wings and keep them from flying. If they are unable to fly they die of starvation. Or they may use the plastic for nesting materials and hurt there young.

This made me ask the question, ‘What happens to animals if they eat plastic bags?”

I found this on a website about plastic pollution and wildlife:

Plastic bags, once ingested, cannot be digested or passed by an animal so it stays in the gut. Plastic in an animal’s gut can prevent food digestion and can lead to a very slow and painful death.

As plastic bags can take up to 1,000 years to break down.

And, once an animal dies and decays after ingesting plastic, the plastic is then freed back into the environment to carry on killing other wildlife.

This is not good.

Its dark now (and snowing) and the plastic bag is still there.

My mom said we are going to figure out how to get the plastic bag down from the tree.

Kids Need More Recess

I think kids should go outside more and I think we kids, need to have a longer recess. Five to ten minutes outside is not enough for kids our age. A school day is eight hours long, kids need more recess.Kids need to be outside more. Because it’s good for their health and social skills. I like playing tag and I get to talk to my friends at recess.

Written By Leo Berry, Helping Ninja Founder/Creator, Age 9

I think kids should go outside more and I think we kids, need to have a longer recess.

Five to ten minutes outside is not enough for kids our age. A school day is eight hours long, kids need more recess.

Kids need to be outside more. Because it’s good for their health and social skills. I like playing tag and I get to talk to my friends at recess.

At my school we only get that , five to ten minutes. The thrid grade classes, we’re supposed to go outside at 12:00 and recess ends at 12:10, but it sometimes ends at five minutes early because the recess teacher wil l say that we have lunch at 12:25. And cuts our time outside, because we have to go inside to get ready for lunch.

But, after recess and before lunch, we read a book or an e-book or talk with a classmate for up ten minutes. (Or with our heads down on our desk because someone acted out and got the whole class in trouble.)  I think we should use this time to spend more time outside. 

On average, American children spend four to seven minutes a day in outdoor play and spend seven or more hours in front of a screen.

A recent study by the Seattle Children’s Research Institute says on average, children aged 10 to 16 spend only 12.6 minutes a day on outdoor activity and spend 10.4 hours of either indoors in school or watching tv or playing video games.

The study says on average, children aged 10 to 16 spend only 12.6 minutes a day on outdoor activity and spend 10.4 hours of watching tv or playing video games.

When I read this, I flipped and thought, “why are they on so long?”

I think that is too long. And definitely not enough time outside.

Kids should have longer recess because it improves physical activity and social skills. Being outside helps kids to exert more energy. This is sometimes a problem our class. Kids sometimes roll around on the floor or talk too loud because they have more energy and they don’t have a way to get it out. And, they get in trouble.

Doctors say that being in nature is good for kids health.

And that just being outside will help our mind and body get strong.

I think that schools need to think about how they can add more recess time into their school day. And if the school curriculum rules say that they cannot add more reccess, they may need to think about it and maybe rethink the rules. And, teachers maybe they could try to mix outside and our work. Like incoroprate going outside into our daily lessons. Some studies say being outside improves chidren’s creativity and foucs.

I have a freind who is on focus medicine. Some studies and doctors say that it improves this too. That being outside helps you focus better when go inside. There was a big article in the New Yorks Times about how nature helps kids mental health. Maybe it would help my friend if we had more recess and help other kids too.

Another reason  kids should go outside more as it helps kids focus and concentrate on class work and also improves the five senses. And being outside also helps your body’s defenses from getting sick – going outside improves your immune system.  It also helps the development your brain. It helps with being more friendly and talking – helps your socializing skills .

And, here’s the best part about it – being outside, it’s also proven, that it makes kids happier.

Leo, Central Park, New York City, New York
Helping Ninjas Photo Copyright December 2018

Helping Ninjas Rock Climbing at Central Park, New York City, New York
Helping Ninjas Photo Copyright December 2018

Why We Love TerraCycle

TerraCycle is a company that allows you to recycle and reuse, well, anything.

That’s a pretty cool thing because it means, less trash in the landfill. Less trash in the rivers. And, less pollution in the ocean. And, I love animals. My sister Layla loves dolphins. My brother Sawyer loves sharks. Skyler, my youngest brother loves sea turtles.

TerraCycle is a company that allows you to recycle and reuse, well, anything.

That’s a pretty cool thing because it means, less trash in the landfill. Less trash in the rivers. And, less pollution in the ocean. And, I love animals. My sister Layla loves dolphins. My brother Sawyer loves sharks. Skyler, my youngest brother loves sea turtles. My mom, well shes scared of sharks and to scared to touch dolphins, but she loves the ocean because she says it makes her happy, and because the ocean helps us breathe. She says without it we would not be here anymore. My dad loves to swim in the ocean. He jumps in the waves with us and he goes really far out and it scares my mom. She has to yell at him to come back sometimes. He does.

Why am I telling you all this? Because if we don’t start recycling all things ever made, our ocean will be full of trash. And, then – well, um, it is NOT good.

TerraCycle gives you a box and then you collect the trash and then you mail it back to them. They turn it into something useful and keep the trash out of the landfill.

My mom met a really nice lady named Shannon Cook. She is the sustainability manager at a place that sells cars and trucks and vans. It’s called Tom Wood Subaru.

My family and our friends in our neighborhood collect things that we give to TerraCycle so they can recycle it. Otherwise, it will end up in the trash can. Which, we all know wher that goes. TerraCycle is awesome. They can help save our planet.

Subaru helps stuff get recycled and re-used at TerraCycle.

Subura loves the Earth so they want to help, just like us.

We collect trash at home that we cannot put in our recycle bins and we collect stuff in our neighborhood from other helping ninja’s houses, like Jack and Garrett, and, my mom’s hair dresser, Elana, she collects her K-Cups at her salon for us, and two other helping ninjas, Claire and Alice, their mom, Kate, collects trash at her office for us. Her office, It’s called Eli Lilly.

We collect snack wrappers and snack bar wrappers and chip bags. And K -cups for coffee makers and plastic coffee lids and coffee cups.

Some of the stuff we buy at the store has the TerraCycle symbol on, letting you know you can recycle it with TerraCycle. Otherwise, it will not get recycled and goes to a landfill. Thumbs down.

My little sister Layla, can be annoying sometimes, but I guess we do have some fun when take a trip over to see Shannon, and we get to recycle our trash. with TerraCycle.

We think it is fun to help the planet.

Once we collec all the trash that is not recyable at our homes, we take it to Shannon. She sends it TerraCycle. TerraCycle will recycle the stuff into something that Subaru can use to help others. Like a park bench or a picnic table. Shannon said they have a whole magazine of stuff and she would show it to us next time. Shannon also said that Subaru will donate it to a local school or park. I think that that is very nice and I think that all busineses should do this. My friend and brother and sisters do to.

Shannon helps us to put the trash in the boxes. She thanks us everytime we come and bring her stuff to send to TerracCycle. She says that she mails the boxes and TerraCycle does the rest.

Shannon must be really smart. And Subaru. Becuase they help the planet and becaue they know about TerraCycle.

We collected so much trash this time that we filled all the TerraCycle boxes really quick and Shannon said she would have to take some of our trash out to the work garage to put in the other TerraCycle boxes..

This is Vedh and Sawyer. I’ve known Vedh since he and I were four years old. Sawyer, he’s my little brother, he is six.

Subaru has these boxes to collect plastic coffee lids and cups all over their offices that way you can’t forget to recycle it.

If you do, then well, that is pretty lazy.

TerraCycle has these other boxes that are really cool called zero-waste boxes. These zero-waste boxes, you can put anything in, and they will recycle it. It’s awesome.

By the way, I don’t like writing in school and typing is just ok. So my mom lets me use a voice text in her notes on her iPhone and I get to record what I am saying. She will ask me questions and then I’ll answer into the microphone. Sometimes I just say things like I am now. Then she copies and pastes it into this word press blog so it lets me fix my words pretty quick that were spelled wrong. My mom helps me with the punctuation. And some of the grammer that I don’t know or forget. Like periods and capital letters. I always forget those. She also told me this is still writing even though I am talking, so I guess I like to write when I get to write this way. And my mom is teaching me how to upload pictures to the blog today.

So, why do we love TerraCycle. (My mom just asked me to repeat the question.) I love Terra Cycle becuase the guy who founded it, he doesn’t belive in throwing things away. He says we can resuse everything. My mom says he is right. When he was 25 he had this idea and about ten years later he is doing really great stuff. I have to agree with him. (His name is Tom.) Tom says that ALL waste can be recylced and reused and used as renewable energy.

Here is a picture of Tom. My mom taguht me how to screen shot something on her iphone, and then we can put it in the blog. This picture came from Tom’s website:

What Tom is doing with Terra Cycle is awesome because he is helping the world. He is teaching others about waste and what we cacn do with it, besides dump it in a landfill. It reminds me of when I learned about composting. I thought that was pretty cool too. Taking food waste and making it something else that helps more food grow. My mom taught me about composting. She loves to compost. And she really likes TerraCycle. So do me and my friends and Layla, Sawyer and Skyler. And my dad. When he remembers to do it right. My mom sometimes has to remind him,. She says, “Mitch that goes in the TerraCycle box.”

If you know someone using Terra Cycle, send pictures to us, and we can post them. And your story too. That way we can all help save the sea animals and the ocean and the planet by using less stuff and not throwing things away in the trash can.

Reusing stuff and recycling, well, its actually, cool. And, well, so is TerraCycle.

Leo, Helping Ninja, Age 9

These are our pictures with Shannon at Tom Wood Subau in Indianapolis, Indiana where we take our trash to be mailed to TerraCycle to make cool stuff out of it.

TerraCycle was founded by Tom Szaky. This video is about Tom and his ideas on waste and recycling. You can learn alot by watching the video. You can also learn more about him and his company at

Subaru Loves Earth

To learn more about Subaru and it’s partnership with TerraCycle visit:

Photo vis

To learn more about how it works, visit:

Smart Recycling

Did you know that most at home pick up curbside recycling does NOT accept plastic bags and plastic wrap? And, actually, if you put it in the curbside bin and send it to the recyling plant, it could cause major problems. The plastic bags and plastic wrap gets caught in the machines and they have to stop recycling efforts, unlodge the plastic bag and then, what’s worse – they go straight to the landfill. So what do you do? Find a local plastic recyling drop off box, such as this one that my friends and my family — we take ours here.

My mom lets me collect the plastic trash and then my brothers and sisters take it here about once a month. It’s not too much trouble, it only took a minute or so and it actually, it is kind of fun. Plus it is helping the planet.

Totally worth it.

Leo, Helping Ninja, Age 9

This is a local grocery store in Carmel Indian, Market District. Plastic they can recycle: plastic shopping bags, plastic producec clean storage wrap, (plastic baggies, like Ziplock) plastic bread bags, plastic newspaper sleeves, bubble wrap and clean, dry plastic trash bags. 

Thank you Market District for helping us to reduce waste in our community!

Helping Ninjas collect plastic in their neighborhood and learn about recycling at their school during after-school program. Education about what is recycled and not recycled at their school as well as at home at curbside.

Helping Ninjas at College Wood Elementary at Carmel Clay Parks and Recreation ESE students sort through collected waste to find plastic that they can take to Market District and recycle. Otherwise it would go to the landfill. Learning to look for recycle symbols on plastic and where to recycle it, is what Helping Ninjas calls “Smart Recycling!”

It is important to make sure that your plastic is clean and dry, otherwise it could cause contamination and prohibit other plastics from being recycled. One dirty piece of plastic could contaminate an entire bale of plastic and cause over 1000 lbs to go to the landfill instead of being recycled.

Helping Ninjas is an initiative to educate youth on the impacts of global plastic pollution. 

Helping Ninjas learning to find plastic recycle symbols at Carmel Clay Parks and RecreationESE Helping Ninjas club at College Wood Elementary. (See below).

Learn what plastic you can put in your curbside bin, otherwise it will not get recycled!

Plastic is in our oceans! Over 8.3 million tons enters our oceans each year, recycle to help keep our oceans clean! Helping Ninja children recently recognized by a global organization who removes ocean trash from our seas 4Ocean

4Ocean sent a card and 40 bracelets to our helping ninjas to thank them for their efforts to help the ocean and reduce plastic waste.

Helping Ninjas recently was recognized by the global organization, 4Ocean™ for their efforts to help the ocean and reduce plastic waste.
Do you live in Indianapolis area?
Do you know what you can and cannot recycle curbside, or where you can recycle plastic?
Links to help you find out!

Waste Management: What Can I Recycle?

Republic Services, Recycling Simplified

Rays Trash, What Can I Recycle

A plastic bag cannot go into your curbside recycle bin! But, you can recycle it! Find a location such as Market District near you to recycle your plastic!

Refusing Single-Use Plastics

Matt Mays asked me during a shoot at our home for the new Indianapolis Zoo Doplhin Show Production, “After this is all said and done, what do I want this to do?”

“Inspire change.”

Sitting nervously in a ” Be The Change” shirt, leading an organization to inspire youth and inspire others to learn how to help the planet, inspire others to stand up to plastic and choose to refuse single-use plastics and help the environment, hoping what our family does will inspire viewers in the zoo audience watching – when asked, what do I want this to do when it is all said and done, I failed to say it!

I answered to the best of my knowledge and spoke the truth. Explaining things we had learned along our journey to living plastic-free nearly eight years ago, and almost entirely zero waste over the past year and a half.

Flattered that Helping Ninjas were asked to be interviewed and to be given the opportunity and chosen to use our everyday life choices and experience and knowledge as an example to the Indianapolis area community – we were very excited to do the video shoot! When Helping Ninjas were asked to participate, I had thought they wanted to interview just the children! The production schedule did not disclose that I would be personally interviewed, so was a bit caught off guard, however, honored to have been asked to do so.

Layla, our daughter, and Helping Ninja, being interviewed on what types of things she packs her lunch in, other than plastic.

Our son, Leo, Age 9, got to share his testimony of how it makes him feel when he helps, and how he hopes others learn the harms of global plastic pollution on marine animals.

It was a great experience for the Helping Ninjas, and anything we can do to help inspire others, we are up for the challenge! It is our mission to bring awareness to the importance of teaching our youth and others to love and respect our home.

“We need nature.” Under the bright lights and into the camera lens, I do recall saying that to him.

As parents, guardians, grand-parents, educators, community members, and citizens of the world – we must remember to teach our children to respect Earth.

We must consider, before tossing something into the trash can, that there is no such thing as away. Everything must go somewhere.

Yesterday, we were watching old re-run episodes of the Brady Bunch with our four children, and Mr. Brady had gone grocery shopping; Mike and Carol had switched duties for the day. Mr. Brady had brought home four brown, paper bags full of food! The Brady girls, excalimed, “Good job Daddy!”

He preceeded to pull out plastic bag, after plastic bag, after plastic bag of vegetables.

Layla, says, “Look mommy,” exclaiming in horror, “look at all that plastic!”

Leo, says, “Yep, and those plastic bags are still here on the Earth right now, somewhere. “

Almost 40 years later.

Leo is right.

Plastic. Made out of petroleum, takes hundreds of years to bio-degrade. Hundreds.

Although, may not have said the exact things I wish I had in the video interview in retrospect nor did I have perfectly prepared and “rehearsed answers” to each of Mr. May’s questions, instead, I had done something just as great. Maybe, even greater.

I had taught my children something.

They were now aware.

I wanted to share this story, and how my family and the Helping Ninjas have embarked on a journey to refuse single use plastics and also, share a few photos that we captured of Mays Entertainment and the crew; a few “behind the scenes” photos of the new production to educate the environmental harms of plastic on dolphins and how one can help. We cannot wait to see the end result, and hope our story and experiences will hope to inspire others to refuse single use plastics!

The Indianapolis Dolphin Show Production is to be released March 21st 2019.

Lindsey Fella Berry, The Helping Ninjas Mom

What’s The Big Deal? It’s A Straw?

As I embarked on this journey of learning the consequences of plastic straws, I discovered something. They are everywhere. And – they are NOT recyclable.  And, they contain BPA.

Once I started paying attention, I realized the severity of the problem with not just straws, it was plastic.

It occurred to me that if 91% of plastic is not being recycled, then that means a large chunk of that 91% of plastic is ending up in our oceans. And, our oceans supply almost all of the Earth’s oxygen.

quickly realized restaurants were unaware of brands that sold eco-friendly options, some surprisingly were not aware of the “plastic epidemic” & fortunately were open minded & whole heartily willing to try alternative straws.

In fact, Helping Ninjas inspired restaurants to make the swtich.

Some restaurants in Indy where we are based, were not even aware of the issue and were happy to learn. And eager to make the switch.

You can too.

Luckily there are a wide variety of environmentally friendly straws available to consumers.

There are reusable straws.

There are compostable straws.

There are biodegradable straws.

Bamboo straws, stainless steel straws, glass straws, hay straws, corn straws and plant-based PLA straws.

We have all kinds at all house! And we keep them in the console of our family car, so when we are out and about or traveling we our prepared!

Helping Ninjas were able to assist McGuires restaurant in south Florida with making  a switch to biodegradable straws!

To learn more, visit our webpage dedicated to standing up to straws.

Lindsey Fella Berry, The Helping Ninja Mom


An initiative to educate the youth on cause and effect of global plastic pollution. Helping Ninjas™ was first founded because of love for animals. Founder and creator, Leo Berry, since he was a toddler had had a love for animals and insects and science.

So, naturally when Leo heard how straws are hurting our oceans and the marine animals living in it or on beaches, his reaction was like this, “Straws are doing what?! How rude!”

Leo and his fellow Helping Ninjas are embarking on a new journey to help tell the world how to take a stand for what is right, and stand up to straws and joining the fight to end plastic pollution.

Wild Kratts was a favorite past time show for Leo to  engage.

At the age of seven, a month before his 8th birthday, Leo and his mother sat down at the computer and began researching what animals were endangered. Leo’s mother knew that he loved animals and thought it might be an interesting topic to research together and gave them an activity to spend quality time together.

“Leo was very heartbroken when he found so many species on the list, I think I could literally here is heart-breaking,” said Lindsey Fella-Berry, The Helping Ninjas Mom . “I saw the empathy and concern in his eyes. And, then – the despair. and confusion. He didn’t understand why this was happening.”

Leo’s mother explained to him and they read reasons for each species to have been placed on the list. “Then the wheels began turning,” said Leo’s mom. “A honest, genuine desire to help these creatures expelled from his little body and heart, and a passion to tell the world how to do it.”

 Read our full story of how we began here

Farm To Table School Cafe

Helping Ninjas and Carmel Clay Schools, College Wood Cafe Garden

This video was created by Helping Ninjas, CEO, Lindsey Fella Berry. All content and photos were taken under supervsion of Susan Eva McCord, Carmel Clay Schools, CWE, Cafe and Cafe Garden Manager. The Helping Ninjas won a Carmel Green Teen Grant to help pursue and achieve their Green Community and Garden Outreach Project at Helping Ninjas founding members school: College Wood Elementary. Read more: Farm To Table Inspiration Story.

Susan Eva McCord is also the Green Team Representative at CWE. Lindsey Fella Berry, is the CCS CWE Green Team Parent Representatiave and helps to over see the Carmel Clay Schools Green Team Social Media and Outreach Efforts.

“The Raddish Story” is a true-story, about the Helping Ninjas and their school cafe garden. Lindsey Fella Berry, The Helping Ninja Mom, is a contributing writer to the Indianapolis Moms Blog.

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