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The Less Air Pollution, The Best Solution

By: Arjun Sunil, Helping Ninja, Age 12

In the past year, it has come to my attention that people around the world are suffering from stroke, ischaemic Heart Disease, and even lung cancer. One of the causes of this is air Pollution. Air pollution is a worldwide problem. According to “ScienceDaily”, air pollution takes about 4.6 million lives each year. Pollution is always looked down upon. The main reason for air pollution is us, humans. We use non-renewable energy every day for our own advantage not knowing that it could hurt others and their homes. One place where air pollution is truly the most deadly problem is New Delhi, India. As a person who is from India, I am truly hurt that India’s capital is suffering from the air that can cause traumatic effects on the human body. One of the main reasons for air pollution in this city is the use of non-renewable resources in motorized vehicles. Another main cause of air pollution is burning wood on agricultural lands. Farmers burn wood on the land in which the methane from the fire produces, travels to the city. New Delhi is not the only city struggling with this problem. Hundreds of cities struggle every day due to poor air quality.

How We Can Help

Many people around the world have also taken notice of this problem. Unfortunately, there is no going back to zero air pollution. However, we can reduce the number of fossil fuels being used every day. Kids around the world have been protesting for world leaders to stand up for their people and making a change in our world. The kids want everyone to ensure that there will be a bright future for everyone. We can also help by doing small things around the house. These may not seem like much help, but trust me, it will help all of us in the future.

  1. Unplug electronic device chargers when not in use
  2. Turn of the lights when no one is in the room
  3. Do not leave plugged in devices on
  4. Try to limit the use of gasoline on the stove
  5. Limit the use of taking your personal vehicle(Try to take public transport or walk, and ride a bike)
  6. Plant trees in your yard(They help reduce carbon dioxide levels in the air)
  7. Switch to electric lawn equipment

This picture represents what a city looks like with and without pollution.

Credit to the people who made this picture-

Pollution may bring us down, but we can make the world better. We can fight pollution for the better of everyone around us. Now the only place to go is UP!

Standing Up For Our Planet

By: Siddarth Chavali, Helping Ninja, Age 13

The fact that climate change is one of the most tempestuous, and detrimental problems in the world is indisputable. This fact is unequivocal for climate change and air pollution have already caused the deaths of millions of people, destruction of agriculture, world hunger, illness, and severe depredation on the environment. In order to address this problem, Representative Carey Hamilton proposed a bill to make our communities and environment more resilient by taking action against climate change. 

On February 26, Leo Berry and I attended the Environmental Affairs Committee to hear Hamilton Southeastern High School Senior Vernice Riego testify on Representative Hamilton’s bill. Before Representative Hamilton proposed the bill for climate change, another bill was proposed which favored economic wealth but can potentially endure depredation on the environment, for it disrupts the protection of wetlands. 

By 1985, 85% of Indiana’s wetlands had already been destroyed. Senator Victoria Spartz proposed a bill that removes countenance in wetland repair, which can harm the environment. This is detrimental for wetlands have a significant role in the environment. For instance, wetlands act as an absorber of water, so when it rains, water gradually moves throughout water systems (rivers, streams, lakes, etc.). Thus, when heavy precipitation occurs, wetlands prevent flash-flooding by absorbing rainwater. Wetlands also filter pollutants from the atmosphere like nitrogen, carbon, phosphorus, and suspended solids. They also have a valuable role in filtering water, for wetlands filter out the sedimentation, decompose vegetative matter and convert chemicals into a usable form.

Wetlands are significant in the struggle against climate change. In fact, controlling the climate is one of the greatest hydrologic functions of wetlands. Through a process called evapotranspiration, wetlands return 2/3 of their annual water to the atmosphere. As demonstrated, wetlands have a great impact which is important for the environment. It is the Government’s or the State’s responsibility to preserve wetlands and this bill would cause further harm to this important ecosystem. Despite causing contention, Senator Spartz’s bill was passed by the Environmental Affairs Committee. 

After Senator Spartz’s proposal, Representative Carey hamilton proposed her bill which favored the environment and fought against climate change, for it creates an environmentally sustainable community, mainly by utilizing green manufacturing. During this time, Vernice Riego, a senior at Hamilton Southeastern High School also spoke against climate change. She emphasized the contentious effects of climate change and how communities can fight against climate change, creating resilient communities. When concluding, Representative Hamilton proposed a vote, however, her proposal was declined. 

Although Senator Hamilton’s bill was declined, it was one of the most decisive steps in taking action against climate change. In conclusion, we will continue to spread awareness and take action to create more resilient communities and fight climate change.

Youth Speak Out At Statehouse

Three Hamilton County youth members attended the Indiana Environmental Affairs Committee Hearing where State Representative Carey Hamilton proposed a Climate Resolution. Helping Ninjas leaders Leo and Sid attended to show their support and to stand up for our planet. Earth Charter student member, Vernice Riego gave her testimony during the hearing. Click here to read her full testimony.

Earth Charter

Vedh Barre, Age 11, Carmel Clay Schools

Helping Ninja – Founding member and youth leader

Indiana State House hosted its first ever Youth Climate Action Day, on Jan- 28, 2020 and Helping Ninja’s was one of the groups that was invited to the event. I was so excited and happy to be a part of it and attend the event, as it was geared towards spreading awareness about the environmental problems we are facing today, and how we go about solving these problems as it would impact our generation the most.

It was a great experience for Leo Berry, Siddarth Chavali and me to hear from our State lawmakers, Environmentalists and Youth Citizen representatives on this topic, hearing them speak provided a glimpse into all that we do as Helping Ninja’s with helping the environment and the difference we (kids) make.

This validated our belief on how kids and young people can make a huge difference and play a vital role in bringing the much needed change and awareness of the local and global impact of climate change. 

The most exciting part of my trip to the State House was getting to meet State Senator J. D. Ford and State House Representative Donna Schaibely, and the opportunity to interact with them and ask questions.

I want to thank Jim Poyser, Executive Director with Earth Charter Indiana, a non profit that focuses on helping our environment who made this happen for us and a special shout out to Lindsay Berry, for making all this happen for us! 

All in all, it was an amazing experience and I am so happy that we could be a part of the first ever Youth Climate Action Day, in Indiana!
Watch a live video of Vedh and the Helping Ninjas at the statehouse!

Help Us Help Australia

Help Us Help Australia!

During the entire month of February, Helping Ninjas will donate 100% of our Helping Ninjas Emoji Sticker App Sales to Wildlife Relief efforts in Australia.

100% of Sales Donated to Australia’s Wildlife Relief Efforts during the month of February!

Helping Ninjas Sticker App $0.99 cents

We ❤️Australia!

Thank A Firefighter

You can also help us help Australia by creating thank you cards for firefighters in Australia.

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Youth Climate Action Day

The Helping Ninjas went to the statehouse.

State Representative Carey Hamilton co-hosted the event with Earth Charter Indiana, an organization that works to empower youth to talk about climate change. 

As Carmel residents and young activists for our planet and wildlife,  the students were very excited to learn when speaking to State Representative Donna Schabily and to J.D. Senator Ford, that both support environmental action, conserving our natural resources and believe education is on an important step to take towards assessing the problem.

They both thanked the CCS students for their efforts to create awareness and educational outreach to our community and local youth that they do through Helping Ninjas

Youth Action Climate Day

Indinanapolis, Indaina

Representative Carey Hamilton co-hosted the event with Earth Charter Indiana, an organization that works to empower youth to talk about climate change.

State Representative Anderson

Earth Charter Indiana

Jim Poyser

Indiana Forest Alliance


Read Full Story


Meet Vedh!

Happy Birthday Vedh! 💫💖 Check out Vedh’s weather forecast on FOX 59 Weather Authority Junior! ⛅️☔️ Thank you for the opportunity to go behind the scenes at Fox59 and to learn about the science of weather! 🌩 

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Vedh is a founding member Helping Ninjas and is an active youth leader. Vedh and the Helping Ninjas are on a mission to inspire others, together  spreading awareness on how to help the environment and each other, and the importance of being kind.  Vedh is a fifth grader Carmel Clays Schools. He loves basketball and traveling and volunteering in his community. Vedh loves his volunteer work Second Helpings Indy where food is rescued to feed others in need. Vedh is also involved in his schools student CCS Green Team and is on the morning news at his school College Wood Elementary the CWE Tv Crew!

Learn about how Vedh is helping wildfire victims in Australia. Click here.

Fox59 #wxauthorityjr

Meet Jack!

Watch Jack’s Forecast here!

#FutureMeteorolgists Meet Jack! ☀️🌧💨 Excellent job giving the forecast on FOX59 News with Krista McEnany Meteorologist! Jack loves reading and history —and playing keyboard in his School of Rock band! 🎹 🎶 Jack likes to help the helping ninjas and always has a smile on his face spreading kindness! Jack and our founder Leo have been friends and classmates since they were four years old!

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