Thank A Firefighter Initiative

Together we are creating awareness about the importance to teach our youth to give thanks and recognizing firefighters through our Initiative, ThankAFirefighter! Helping Ninjas are on a mission to thank firefighters and want the whole world to join us! ThankAFirefighter.Org.

Thank A Firefighter Initiative  

Join the Floss4Firefighter Challenge! Floss for firefighters! Join us on social media for our floss for fighter challenge! Do your best firefigher floss! This idea came from Helping Ninjas founder, Leo and his mother! Leo and his friends love to floss dance! Helping Ninjas wanted to do something to bring awareness to firefighters and all that they do for our communities! What better way to celebrate firefirghters, than to floss? Thus, the idea of flossing for firelighters was born!

Post a video of your best firefighter floss and share on social media -Instagram, Twitter or Facebook and tag @thankafirefighter with any of the following hashtags:




How Do I Join the #Floss4Firefighter and #FirefighterFloss Challenge? Example: 

Floss, Post and Tag!: #Floss4Fighters 

Helping Ninjas kicked off the #Floss4Firefighter Challenge at Ninja Zone in Westfield, IN on Sunday December 6th, with Westfield’s Fire Department Station 81. Our hopes are to inspire others to join the challenge and#flossforfirefighters!

Helping Ninjas are invitinig community members to challenge each other to floss! And, are challenging fire stations to join in on the fun and challenge each other to do the #firefighterfloss!  Go to our page to learn more! 

Would you like to participate in our Thank A Firefighter Initiative? You can join our efforts! Helping Ninjas is invitiing all community members to participate!

How to participate?

Write A Thank You Card! 

Share & Pos!  Tag #ThankAFirefighter

Support Our Initiative On Social Media! Follow our efforts on social media @thankafirefighter where we will continously uploading photos of thank you notes to firefighters from community members. Our vision is to create a space to youth to thank firfighters.

Host A Thank A Firefighter Thank You Card Box! 

Helping Ninjas is helping with pick up and delivery of thank you cards to firefighters and we are also taking photos of thank you cards and postiing them @thankafirefighter on social media and on our website: ThankAFirefighter.Org. We invite all individuals, organizations, businesses schools, and community members or groups to collect thank you notes for firefighters! Contact us if you would like to participate.

Host A Thank A Firefighter Event!

Helping Ninjas wants to have more thankafirefighter events! Help us to give the opportunity for our youth to celebrate community and firefighters and have a postiive example and outlet to express gratitude for those who serve!

Share a gift!

Donate a treat of thankfullness to those who serve! Helping Ninjas invites all members of the community to donate small gifts to local firefighters, we will share wtih the gifts via and/or locally, will be donating small gifts, coupons, passes, etc..

Businesses & Restaurants that are supporting  and showinig thanks for firefighters!  Thank you for your support! Thank you for helping us and thanking firefighters! Together we are setting an example for our youth and the importance of showing gratitude to those who serve.

Join the Floss For Firefighter Challenge! Join us on social media for our floss for fighter challenge! Do your best firefigher floss!  Post a video of your best firefighter floss and share on social media -Instagram, Twitter or Facebook and tag @thankafirefighter with any of the following hashtags:  #FlosssForFirefighters, #firefighterfloss,#floss4firefighters in a new tab)

Cick here to view the page to see the firefighters gifts from our supporters! 

Wellness Center

Ninjas Are Flossing For Firefighters!

Creating awareness about the importance of giving thanks and recognizing firefighters through our Initiative #Floss4Firefightersand #FirefighterFloss 

Join us and take the ninja kid challenge: We challenge you to #floss4firefighters. Join or efforts to celebrate firefighters & do the floss! Our efforts will be challenged  on all outlets of social media, by flossing and encouraging all individuals, organizations, offices, clubs, classrooms and even fire stations and firefighters to join in our flossing! First ever #FirefigherFloss challenge at the Ninja Zone and Helping Ninjas Thank A Firefigher Ninja Games ! Floss and Tag us! #Floss4Firefighters #FirefighterFloss       (Firefighters and fire stations tag this one!) @thankafirefighter. We will repost on all social media outlets and share on! 

Join our Initiative to #ThankAFirefighter and floss! 

NinjaZone is a partner and host of the of Helping Ninjas Thank A Firefighter Initiative Ninja Games!   

Thank A Firefighter Ninja Games

Thank you to  Carmel Parks & Recreation ESE Helping Ninjas for writing thank you notes to firefighters!

Thank you to Mrs. Robinson’s First Grade Class for writing thank you notes to firefighters!

Thank you to Mrs. Mann’s Kindergarten Class for writing thank you notes to firefighters!

Click on the flyer to see more photos of the thank you cards made by the students from each class!

Did You Know? That hot yoga can help firefighters specifically? One firefighter from Indiananpolis, Indiana, USA, hear his inspiring story of how hot yoga  helped him to transform! His pratice from hot yoga at the Hot Room with Bikram yoga, a series of 26 postures in a room balanced with humidity and 106 degreees.  Read the full article here:

Do you have an inspiring story to share? Help us create awareness for firefghters and their selflessness to protect our world. Join our efforts, share with us so we can help others learn.

Why is Recycling and UpCycling Important?


Reduce. Reuse. Reycle. Learning these words will help our environment and each other.

Upcycling. Repurposing an unwanted item. Also, known as creative reuse, is the process of transforming by-products, waste materials, useless, or unwanted products into new materials or products of better quality or for better environmental value.

Recycling. The process of converting waste materials into new materials and objects. It is an alternative to “conventional” waste disposal that can save material and help lower greenhouse gas emissions. Recycling can prevent the waste of potentially useful materials and reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, thereby reducing: energy usage, air pollution, and water pollution.





Check out this creative way to repurpose legos and even a childs sweater! What else can you upycle? Email us so we can share!

Sweater Weather

Trash Animal Street Art


Turning Trash Into Art

HGTV has a great idea – upcycle old t-shirts into a reusable produce bag! You can choose to skip the plastic bag and reuse this one! And it’s washable!

Click on a photo to be directed to HGTV website to learn how!




Helping Ninjas found that are engaging and useful in eduacating  youth to understand why recycling and upcycling is so important.



Not all plastic can go in your at home recycle bin. Learn about smart recycling! Where do I recycle plastic bags and wraps?

What Can You Recycle? A-Z 

View Full List:



Did you know that composting is a form of recycling?

Compost: The act of creating renewable energy – creating compost soil from food waste that will be used to fertilize crops and repelnish soil. 

Check out what the city of Boston, Massachusetts is doing! Click on the photo to learn!


The Pajama Program

Helping Ninjas is helping the Pajama Program by collecting pajamas to be donated for use of Foster Children in the United States.

The large need for pajamas for children in foster care is unforunate. Please consider joining our efforts to help the Pajama Program. Helping Ninjas are helping youth about this issue  and learn how to help. Helping Ninja kids are helping community members connect with an opportunity to help by donating pajamas or hosting one a collection bin.  

Collecting pajamas for other children is something that children can relate too and can connect with the cause and want to help.The Pajama Program collects pajamas year round, and is ongoing and is in need of all sizes from birth through highschool teen – XXXL.  Helping Ninjas are hoping to create awareness about foster children and the need for pajamas for foster children.

If you would like to help this cauese, you can host a drive, we can even supply a bin, or if you  have pajamas to donate, we are willing to help connect you with a drop off point! Please contact us. 

Have a Pajama Party with the Helping Ninjas.  Help us get the Pajama Program pajamas for their sweet and worthy cause – giving a good nights sleep.

Helping Ninjas and Kim Demise, the Indiana Chapter of the Pajama Program and volunteers got together to sepearte and sort donated new pajamas according to size. Ninjas helped to stack and arrange pajamas and helped to tie  gift ribbons around pajamas. It was told that this may be the only thing new that foster children will this year. Helping Ninjas kids wanted to help.

Thank you to Cool Creek Nature Center for hosting our pajama party and helping us to help those in need.

Thank A Firefighter Initiative

An initiative to bring awareness to the service, dedication and bravery firefighters portray across the globe, and to educate our youth the importance to to give thanks to firefighters and opportunities to do so.

Want to help us thank a firefighter?

Create a card to thank a firefighter, post it and tag #ThankAFireFighter @helpingninjas

Helping Ninjas Thank A Firefighter Initiative

Helping Ninjas will repost and will share photos and efforts to thank a firefighter on Twitter, Instagram & FB and showcase at the initiative’s website

Our vision to is to encourage thank you acts showing gratitude to appreciate and celebrate firefighters.

Helping Ninjas is an initiative to recognize a firefighter’s all emcombassing role of duty, community necessity, and the daily self-less acts of citizenship they give to our communities.

Helping Ninjas is encouraging youth (and adults) to  write letters! Heping Ninjas will be collecting and delivering thank you letters to local firefighters. 

For more info where to send your card to thank a firefighter and to find a local firestation, email us and we will help you!


New Helping Ninja Mission: Thank A Firefighter

Learn more about the widlfires in Southern California  and how you can help.

Californnia Wildfires.

Click here to see fire stations in Southern California that you can send cards too.



Thank A FireFighter Initiative
Please email if interested in helping with this initiative. 

Helping Ninjas is a student-led not for profit. Volunteers opportunities and internship positions are available to help with this initiative  and with the initiative’s website: Corporate sponsorships are also avaialble. 

Stand Up For Our Planet

Helping Ninjas™ new initiative “Stand Up For Our Planet” is to applaud those individuals and businesses that put forth effort to help our planet and each other.

Our mission is bring awareness to those that are helping and to celebrate their efforts. Helping Ninjas believes it is best to lead by example and it is important that we teach our youth to recognize and thank those persons or indviduals, organizations and coprorations, who are helping our planet is some way – big or small. Stand Up For Our Planet initiative  is led by youth, a mission to learn to inspire others to celebrate any and all efforts by others whom are protecting our home and future.

Included in the global issues this initiative addresses in hopes to  educate the community and inspire a to help is: food waste, hunger and food rescue – and repurposing. And it’s connection. Helping Ninjas™ recognizes Second Helpings as our first official receipent of our Stand Up For Our Planet Certificate.

Helping Ninajs celebrates Second Helpings efforts to help our environment and our planet.Helping Ninjas salutes and celebrates Second Helpings’ environmental responsibility and mission to reduce food waste and hunger simultaneously and to stand up for our planet.

Helping Ninjas™ #StandUp4rPlanet celebrates efforts at Second Helpings, whom is recognized for its efforts to stand up for the planet; Second Helpings repurposes rescued food to feed those in need, helps promote culinary skills and opportunity by preparing healthy, nutritious meals, and promotes a sustainable environment by practicing compost and recycling methods in the kitchen.

Helping Ninjas thinks that every city needs a Second Helpings!

Helping Ninjas declares Second Helpings as Helping Ninjas! Helping Ninjas™ celebrates efforts at Second Helpings through our #StandUp4RPlanet initiative and recognizes Second Helpings for its efforts to stand up for the planet since 1998. Second Helpings repurposes rescued food to feed those in need, helps promote culinary skills and opportunity by preparing healthy, nutritious meals, and promotes a sustainable environment by practicing compost and recycling methods in the kitchen. To date Second Helpings has repurposed 200,000 pounds of rescued food this year alone — and delivered approximately 80,000 meals per month.

Helping Ninjas™ @standup4Rplanet initiative can be found on social media.

StandUp4RPlanet Learn more about stand up for our planet initiative.

Helping Ninjas™ supports Second Helpings charitable efforts.

Helping Ninjas has supported Second Helpings with their mission to fight hunger by organizing a charitable cause to collect items from Second Helpings kitchen Wish List. The children held a “Rock For A Cause” event with partner School of Rock in Carmel, IN on April 2018 to bring awareness to their hunger and food waste and its connection. Helpings Ninjas collected and donated over $100 of spices, vingers and oils to Second Helpings.

Donate To Second Helpings. Second Helpings is in need of tomatoes. It is listed on their high priority list, we helped by sharing our harvest. Helping Ninjas™ were able to donate approximately 75 lbs of organic, from the garden tomatoes to Second Helpings this summer.  Tomatoes that students from a local Indiana elementary and middle school grew by seed at an Indiana elementary school cafe garden and a helping ninja home garden – children experienced hands on opportunity to grow organic produce and  to care for the plants and help harvest.
This effort was part of a grant  award project that the Helping Ninjas were awarded in May 2018 from the CICF Foundation’s Carmel Micro Green Teen Grant Award. Growing fresh produce and herbs and practicing sustainable and organic gardening methods was part of the award through their project called, Helping Ninjas™ “Green Community, School and Garden Outreach.

Helping Ninjas began volunteering At Second Helpings in To HELp FIght Waste and reduce hunger in 2017

Helping Ninjas, Leo & Sid at Second Helpings

About Second Helpings. Each day, Second Helpings volunteers and staff rescue prepared and perishable food from wholesalers, retailers and restaurants — preventing unnecessary waste. That rescued food is used to create 4,000 hot, nutritious meals each day that are distributed to more than 90 social service agencies that feed people in need.

The Second Helpings Culinary Job Training program trains disadvantaged adults for careers in the food service industry. This helps eliminate hunger at its source. More than 800 adults have graduated from this program, and Second Helpings alumni are now working in Central Indiana as cooks, executive chefs, business owners and culinary instructors Second Helpings recognizes the need practice sustainable actions to promote a healthy enviornment.

Second Helpings Environmental Responsibility
-Food Rescue

Donate to Second Helpings

View their wish list on amazon to donate online!

High-Priority Items Needed at Second Helpings. 

Soy Sauce
Vinegar – all kinds
Cooking Oil
Cooking Spray
Garlic Powder
Fish Sauce

Learn more about Second Helpings!

Second Helpings Helps Environment

Second Helpings

Did you know?

The United States Government announced in 2018 a plan to use food waste more effeciently? Helping Ninjas is glad to see a governement led project to address this issue in the United States. Helping Ninjas also recognizes that Second Helpings in Indianapolis was ahead of its time, addressing this issue in 1998! Second Helpings has been rescuing food and repurposing it for 20 years!

Helping Ninjas hopes that organizations like Second Helpings can inspire other organizations, citites, communities, to take their lead.

You can learn more The United States paln to address food waste with food rescue.

United States announces plan to address food waste 2018:  Waste Dive

Do you know someone who is standing up for our planet?

Please share with us! You can send via email or share on social media!

Post and tag us @helpingninjas or @standup4Rplanet or #StandUp4RPlanet
Learn more about our Stand Up For Our Planet Initiative

Rather than singling out those who are not, let us help educate our youth about those who are helping our planet, and lead our youth in a public expression of gratitude.

Want to learn more about our initiative to inspire? Through positive expression we encourage others and our educating our youth that “Insults Do Not Inspire.” Read more here:  Social Ettiquette

Want to learn more about food rescue?

Composting, A Beginners Guide

Helping Ninjas would like to recognize contributing writer, John Quinn of Germantown, TN who has shared his excellent guide with us, joining our efforts to help edcuate youth and others the importance and value of f composting and how to do it at home!

He has shared with us and now we would like to share what we have lerned from him with you! #LearnHelpShare. He has created a step by step guide to help you start a compost bin at home: A Beginners Guide To Compost. His guide provides educational information about what composing is as well as its use and how to make and use it yourself at home! . This compost guide was added to our website to share what excellent efforts this individual is doing to help our planet.

Thank you John for being a Helping Ninja!

A Beginners Guide To Compost       By John Quinn 


Want to learn more?

Learn more here about our Kids Compost Iniatative.

How to Start Composting? 

How to Start?   Starting to compost is as simple as getting a container and soil. The secret is to stir the soil and the items-  you will ensure that the compostable process of breakdown begins by stirring it each time. Try not to allow a large pile to accumulate without soil, if the soil gets low, add more. You always need enough soil to stir in your compostable items. Avoid dumping compostable bags into your compost, it will take longer to compost, so starting out adding ingredients directly to the soil out of the bag is best.

Would you like to join our movement and iniatatives?


[ninja_form id=1][ninja_form id=]

Books For Youth Drive

Creekside Middle School hosted a Books For Youth Drive to supoort the Helping Ninjas effforts for a whole week during October 14 th through October 19th at the school and we collected almost 400 books today – total we have collected about 600 books from Creekside Middle School this week! We collected the books and get them out to our vehicle it took us over an hour today; it was hard work but we are glad that we did it becuase it is going to help alot of kids. Thanks Creekside Middle School for helping us collect books for Books For Youth!

Written By, Leo  and Sid, Helping Ninjas, Carmel, IN


Books For Youth Collection

Helping Ninjas did our first collection of books at College Wood Elementary School, who will be supporting Books For Youth and the Helping Ninjas efforts during the 2018/2019 school year by collecting gently used books! 

We are excited to report that in less than two weeks, College Wood has collected almost 225 books!

Thank you College Wood Elementary!

Sid, Arjun and Skyler, Helping Ninjas, Carmel, IN


Books For Youth Delivery

Helping Ninjas delivered 1300 books last Wednesday and filled 50 back packs at the Books For Youth Delivery to Indiana Deptartment of Child ServicesBooks For Youth Collection Site. Helping NInjas kids collected and donated 1300 books to the Books For Youth and helped to sort and count books and stuffed 50 back packs which equals 50 foster children will receive a Colts book bag! A great way to recycle and give back at the same time!  Helping NInjas collected these books with book bins that local community members and organizations helped to fill!

Helping NInjas is thanful for everyone who is pitching in with this initiative to help Books For Youth, a progarm established by Indiana Deptartment of Child Services and the Colts. SCI Cargo is also a sponsor of Books For Youth.

Ninja Zone helped to collect these books we delivered with  Ninjas Books4Youth Games! Children were invited in a Ninja Zone obstable cousre challend and recycle books and help others at the same time.

College Wood Elementary in Carmel, IN will host a colletion bin for books during the 2017/18 shcool year. So far, College Wood has colleccted over 200 books.

Helping Ninjas and one CreeksideMiddle School student helped to coordiante a Book Drive at his school for one week and was able to collect 600 books!

Helping Ninja also has bins at other locations. If you would like to help efforts to help IDCS Books For Youth and learn more here.



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