Books For Youth Drive

Creekside Middle School hosted a Books For Youth Drive to supoort the Helping Ninjas effforts for a whole week during October 14 th through October 19th at the school and we collected almost 400 books today – total we have collected about 600 books from Creekside Middle School this week! We collected the books and get them out to our vehicle it took us over an hour today; it was hard work but we are glad that we did it becuase it is going to help alot of kids. Thanks Creekside Middle School for helping us collect books for Books For Youth!

Written By, Leo  and Sid, Helping Ninjas, Carmel, IN


Books For Youth Collection

Helping Ninjas did our first collection of books at College Wood Elementary School, who will be supporting Books For Youth and the Helping Ninjas efforts during the 2018/2019 school year by collecting gently used books! 

We are excited to report that in less than two weeks, College Wood has collected almost 225 books!

Thank you College Wood Elementary!

Sid, Arjun and Skyler, Helping Ninjas, Carmel, IN


Books For Youth Delivery

Helping Ninjas delivered 1300 books last Wednesday and filled 50 back packs at the Books For Youth Delivery to Indiana Deptartment of Child ServicesBooks For Youth Collection Site. Helping NInjas kids collected and donated 1300 books to the Books For Youth and helped to sort and count books and stuffed 50 back packs which equals 50 foster children will receive a Colts book bag! A great way to recycle and give back at the same time!  Helping NInjas collected these books with book bins that local community members and organizations helped to fill!

Helping NInjas is thanful for everyone who is pitching in with this initiative to help Books For Youth, a progarm established by Indiana Deptartment of Child Services and the Colts. SCI Cargo is also a sponsor of Books For Youth.

Ninja Zone helped to collect these books we delivered with  Ninjas Books4Youth Games! Children were invited in a Ninja Zone obstable cousre challend and recycle books and help others at the same time.

College Wood Elementary in Carmel, IN will host a colletion bin for books during the 2017/18 shcool year. So far, College Wood has colleccted over 200 books.

Helping Ninjas and one CreeksideMiddle School student helped to coordiante a Book Drive at his school for one week and was able to collect 600 books!

Helping Ninja also has bins at other locations. If you would like to help efforts to help IDCS Books For Youth and learn more here.



DIY Native Bee Hut Project

Helping Ninjas helped a local school with a DIY native bee hut project.

The student made huts will now be part of the Helping Ninjas native bee hut project – an iniatative to educate youth about the importace of native bees – and how they help our environment. With this iniatative we are helping to encourage the community and learn more about how you can help native bees.  Helping NInjas have been guided through local park educators and Crowne Bees, who is the founder of the The Native Bee Network and plated a large role in  helpping this school leader to create a DIY design that will help native bee habiats.

Milkweed & Monarchs FieldTrip

Helping Ninjas were very excited to have had the opportunity to bring this idea to life! A first for ESE students to take a field trip to plant seeds at a Carmel Clay Parks West Clay Park!

ESE Helping Ninjas are on a mission to help save milweed and monarchs!

These ESE Ninjas got to help restore land from invasive species and to plant native milkweed seeds that will encourage a sustainable environment and give monarchs a place to lay their eggs!

Approximately 30 ESE Helping Ninjas planted native milkweed seeds donated by Helping Ninjas — in which Hamilton County Parks donated to us for use on our mission to help them save Monarchs!

ESE students learned about milkweed, how to harvest and plant it – and got to plant it in the ground as well as plant seeds to take home a compostable pot and soil!

This activity marked the first “official” ESE Helping Ninja club! A program in in which we are pilotiing at ESE with Carmel Clay Parks and Recreation at a local Carmel Clay School .








Recycle Halloween Costumes

Why should you recycle Halloween costumes?

There are several reasons to recycle Halloween costumes!

One, they are expensive and others in need could benefit from you doanting or recyling them! And, from an environment stand point, Halloween costumes that go are thrown away stay in the llandfill for many years– some Halloween Costumes even forever!

Polyester costumes are made from petroleum products — and they will NOT decompose. Cotton costumes are take years to breakdown due to lack of oxygen in landfills.

Halloween Costume Exchange Cool Creek Nature Center, Hamilton County Parks, Saturday October 13th and October 20th 1-4pm at Cool Creek Nature Center

Want to volunteer at Cool Creek Costume Exchange?

Helping Ninjas Cool Creek Costume Exchage Volunteer Opportunity

To view more opportunities to volunteer in Indianapolis and surrounding areas, please email  or submit a request to join our closed FaceBook page: @helpingninjakidsindy

Live Near Cool Creek? They collect costumes all year round! Please choose to donate and skip the Landfill!
Host a Costume Collection Drive

Join Helping Ninjas and help collect old Halloween Costumes!

Find one near you! 

See More Pictures:

Re-Boo, Re-Wear, Re-Scare Cool Creek Costume Exchange 2018 

Cool Creek 2018 Costume Photos

Cool Creek Costume Exchange 2017 

Re-Boo! Halloween Recycling Exchange

Help Get Costumes in the Hands of Foster Chidren!

Donate to the National Organzation: Ween Teen


The National Retail Federation does an annual survey to measure consumer spending around Halloween. Its 2014 survey found more than two-thirds of Americans planned to buy costumes. Of the $2.8 billion people were expected to spend on costumes, $1.4 billion was for adult costumes, $1.1 billion was for children’s costumes and $350 million was for the ever-growing category of pet costumes. With all these Halloween costumes floating around, it seems like someone would have come up with a good way to recycle them.

Milk Grows Gardens

Milk. It does a garden good.

Did you know milk grows gardens?

Helping Ninjas and their elementary school’s cafe students used milk as a fertilizer on their school’s cafe gardens’s vegetable and herb and flower gardens.

Helping Ninjas won a Micro Green Teen Grant Award for a Green Community, School and Garden Outreach Project. Hleping Ninja students  helped to create awareness about farm to table, organic fertilizers, composting, garden fresh foods and how to help promote a more sustainable  community and environment. The three students who won the grant award, included was an outreach effort and initiative in which they worked alongside the guaidance of    Mrs. Susan Eva McCord, College Wood Elementary Cafe Manager & CWE Cafe Garden Director with helping to create awareness about a more sutatinabilty and food “from the garden” and “farm-to-table foods.” The CWE gardens were located at the Carmel Clay Plots to Platess Organic Community Garden.

Students learned you can take food to the garden also. Including milk.

Milk is a natural fertilizer and pesticide. Milk gave students an organic farming/gardening method and helped to produce healthy crops!

Helping Ninjas students helped to successfully grew over 400 lbs of tomatoes this year at both the school’s cafe gardens and at a helping ninja home organic-garden. Tomatoes among green peppers, jalepneos, basil and other herbs and flowers. Students grew 100% organic vegteble gardens. The school’s cafe garden was located at Carmel Clay Schools Plots To Plates Community Garden. 

Helping Ninja students helped their schools cafe gardens fertilize tomatoes and other plants with diluted milk and water, and also used milk waste in their compost. That’s right! Milk can be composted too! Milk helps keep soil healthy and the calcium helps plants grow. Milk also derters unwanted bugs and helps prevent fungas growth. Learn more about the school’s cafe garden Helping Ninjas had the opportunity to help this year.

Milk helps compost. Milk helps plants grow!  Milk helps us grow too! 

Milk diluted with water can be sprayed directly on tomato plant leaves or at the root of the plant.  The calcium in milk  is great for tomatoes!  Milk helps tomatoes fight common fungal disesases, like blossom end rot, and helps to deter unwanted pests too! And, milk can be used as to create a healthy comppost! The vitimins and micoobes in milk help the process of compostiing, aiding to create a renewable energy – compost that can be used to grow tomatoes! Helping NInjas  used milk in their compost — and used it to grow tomatoes!

Helping Ninjas  hope to spread awareness about the power of milk.

On World School Milk Day, students in their school’s caeteria celebrated milk and how students used it as fertilzer to help grow gardens this summer.. This schools cafteria garden used  up-recycled milk cartons made into pots with flowers that students grew in the their cafe’s gardens! Helping Ninjas helped to create a bulletin board to display infomation to help edcuate and create awareness about the power of milk and showing others how they were able to use it to grow gardens as part of the outreach efforts. Helping Ninjas donated the board to their school cafeteria.

Septemeber is National Action Against Hunger Month

Students who attend College Wood Elemenatary donated organic tomatoes that they were able to grow this summer as part of their outreach initiative and had enough harvest to be  able to to help those in need in their community.

Second Helpings, is an organization in Indianapolis that rescues s unwanted food from local grocers — reducing waste that would normally go into landfills, and repurposes it make nutritious meals to help feed families in need.

Students learned that milk can be used to help our planet in more ways then one! Millk helps ourself, each other, and the planet!

You can be a helping ninja too!

Drink Milk. Compost Milk. Grow Gardens!

To learn more aobut milk and how it helps to replensih soil, helps gardes ad ensures a healthy harvest:  


“My mission is to feed our children the healthiest most economically efficient meal in a postive and genuinely caring environement for them to enjoy.” – Susan Eva-McCord  


Happy Harvest!








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