Milkweed & Monarchs FieldTrip

Helping Ninjas were very excited to have had the opportunity to bring this idea to life! A first for ESE students to take a field trip to plant seeds at a Carmel Clay Parks West Clay Park!

ESE Helping Ninjas are on a mission to help save milweed and monarchs!

These ESE Ninjas got to help restore land from invasive species and to plant native milkweed seeds that will encourage a sustainable environment and give monarchs a place to lay their eggs!

Approximately 30 ESE Helping Ninjas planted native milkweed seeds donated by Helping Ninjas — in which Hamilton County Parks donated to us for use on our mission to help them save Monarchs!

ESE students learned about milkweed, how to harvest and plant it – and got to plant it in the ground as well as plant seeds to take home a compostable pot and soil!

This activity marked the first “official” ESE Helping Ninja club! A program in in which we are pilotiing at ESE with Carmel Clay Parks and Recreation at a local Carmel Clay School .