Thank A Firefighter Initiative

Together we are creating awareness about the importance to teach our youth to give thanks and recognizing firefighters through our Initiative, ThankAFirefighter! Helping Ninjas are on a mission to thank firefighters and want the whole world to join us! ThankAFirefighter.Org.

Thank A Firefighter Initiative  

Join the Floss4Firefighter Challenge! Floss for firefighters! Join us on social media for our floss for fighter challenge! Do your best firefigher floss! This idea came from Helping Ninjas founder, Leo and his mother! Leo and his friends love to floss dance! Helping Ninjas wanted to do something to bring awareness to firefighters and all that they do for our communities! What better way to celebrate firefirghters, than to floss? Thus, the idea of flossing for firelighters was born!

Post a video of your best firefighter floss and share on social media -Instagram, Twitter or Facebook and tag @thankafirefighter with any of the following hashtags:




How Do I Join the #Floss4Firefighter and #FirefighterFloss Challenge? Example: 

Floss, Post and Tag!: #Floss4Fighters 

Helping Ninjas kicked off the #Floss4Firefighter Challenge at Ninja Zone in Westfield, IN on Sunday December 6th, with Westfield’s Fire Department Station 81. Our hopes are to inspire others to join the challenge and#flossforfirefighters!

Helping Ninjas are invitinig community members to challenge each other to floss! And, are challenging fire stations to join in on the fun and challenge each other to do the #firefighterfloss!  Go to our page to learn more! 

Would you like to participate in our Thank A Firefighter Initiative? You can join our efforts! Helping Ninjas is invitiing all community members to participate!

How to participate?

Write A Thank You Card! 

Share & Pos!  Tag #ThankAFirefighter

Support Our Initiative On Social Media! Follow our efforts on social media @thankafirefighter where we will continously uploading photos of thank you notes to firefighters from community members. Our vision is to create a space to youth to thank firfighters.

Host A Thank A Firefighter Thank You Card Box! 

Helping Ninjas is helping with pick up and delivery of thank you cards to firefighters and we are also taking photos of thank you cards and postiing them @thankafirefighter on social media and on our website: ThankAFirefighter.Org. We invite all individuals, organizations, businesses schools, and community members or groups to collect thank you notes for firefighters! Contact us if you would like to participate.

Host A Thank A Firefighter Event!

Helping Ninjas wants to have more thankafirefighter events! Help us to give the opportunity for our youth to celebrate community and firefighters and have a postiive example and outlet to express gratitude for those who serve!

Share a gift!

Donate a treat of thankfullness to those who serve! Helping Ninjas invites all members of the community to donate small gifts to local firefighters, we will share wtih the gifts via and/or locally, will be donating small gifts, coupons, passes, etc..

Businesses & Restaurants that are supporting  and showinig thanks for firefighters!  Thank you for your support! Thank you for helping us and thanking firefighters! Together we are setting an example for our youth and the importance of showing gratitude to those who serve.

Join the Floss For Firefighter Challenge! Join us on social media for our floss for fighter challenge! Do your best firefigher floss!  Post a video of your best firefighter floss and share on social media -Instagram, Twitter or Facebook and tag @thankafirefighter with any of the following hashtags:  #FlosssForFirefighters, #firefighterfloss,#floss4firefighters in a new tab)

Cick here to view the page to see the firefighters gifts from our supporters! 

Wellness Center

Ninjas Are Flossing For Firefighters!

Creating awareness about the importance of giving thanks and recognizing firefighters through our Initiative #Floss4Firefightersand #FirefighterFloss 

Join us and take the ninja kid challenge: We challenge you to #floss4firefighters. Join or efforts to celebrate firefighters & do the floss! Our efforts will be challenged  on all outlets of social media, by flossing and encouraging all individuals, organizations, offices, clubs, classrooms and even fire stations and firefighters to join in our flossing! First ever #FirefigherFloss challenge at the Ninja Zone and Helping Ninjas Thank A Firefigher Ninja Games ! Floss and Tag us! #Floss4Firefighters #FirefighterFloss       (Firefighters and fire stations tag this one!) @thankafirefighter. We will repost on all social media outlets and share on! 

Join our Initiative to #ThankAFirefighter and floss! 

NinjaZone is a partner and host of the of Helping Ninjas Thank A Firefighter Initiative Ninja Games!   

Thank A Firefighter Ninja Games

Thank you to  Carmel Parks & Recreation ESE Helping Ninjas for writing thank you notes to firefighters!

Thank you to Mrs. Robinson’s First Grade Class for writing thank you notes to firefighters!

Thank you to Mrs. Mann’s Kindergarten Class for writing thank you notes to firefighters!

Click on the flyer to see more photos of the thank you cards made by the students from each class!

Did You Know? That hot yoga can help firefighters specifically? One firefighter from Indiananpolis, Indiana, USA, hear his inspiring story of how hot yoga  helped him to transform! His pratice from hot yoga at the Hot Room with Bikram yoga, a series of 26 postures in a room balanced with humidity and 106 degreees.  Read the full article here:

Do you have an inspiring story to share? Help us create awareness for firefghters and their selflessness to protect our world. Join our efforts, share with us so we can help others learn.

The Pajama Program

Helping Ninjas is helping the Pajama Program by collecting pajamas to be donated for use of Foster Children in the United States.

The large need for pajamas for children in foster care is unforunate. Please consider joining our efforts to help the Pajama Program. Helping Ninjas are helping youth about this issue  and learn how to help. Helping Ninja kids are helping community members connect with an opportunity to help by donating pajamas or hosting one a collection bin.  

Collecting pajamas for other children is something that children can relate too and can connect with the cause and want to help.The Pajama Program collects pajamas year round, and is ongoing and is in need of all sizes from birth through highschool teen – XXXL.  Helping Ninjas are hoping to create awareness about foster children and the need for pajamas for foster children.

If you would like to help this cauese, you can host a drive, we can even supply a bin, or if you  have pajamas to donate, we are willing to help connect you with a drop off point! Please contact us. 

Have a Pajama Party with the Helping Ninjas.  Help us get the Pajama Program pajamas for their sweet and worthy cause – giving a good nights sleep.

Helping Ninjas and Kim Demise, the Indiana Chapter of the Pajama Program and volunteers got together to sepearte and sort donated new pajamas according to size. Ninjas helped to stack and arrange pajamas and helped to tie  gift ribbons around pajamas. It was told that this may be the only thing new that foster children will this year. Helping Ninjas kids wanted to help.

Thank you to Cool Creek Nature Center for hosting our pajama party and helping us to help those in need.

Stand Up For Our Planet

Our mission is bring awareness to those that are helping and to celebrate their efforts. Helping Ninjas believes it is best to lead by example and it is important that we teach our youth to recognize and thank those persons or indviduals, organizations and coprorations, who are helping our planet is some way – big or small. Stand Up For Our Planet initiative  is led by youth, a mission to learn to inspire others to celebrate any and all efforts by others whom are protecting our home and future.

Helping Ninjas™ initiative “Stand Up For Our Planet” is to applaud those individuals and businesses that put forth effort to help our planet and each other.

 Helping Ninjas will recognize those who are “standing up” for our planet by presenting them with a Certificate and also celebrating their efforts by posting on our Stand Up For Our Planet List on our website and on our social media @standup4ourplanet

Join Our Initiative today!

Second Helpings as our first official receipent of our Stand Up For Our Planet Certificate.

Helping Ninajs celebrates Second Helpings efforts to help our environment and our planet. Helping Ninjas salutes and celebrates Second Helpings’ environmental responsibility and mission to reduce food waste and hunger simultaneously and to stand up for our planet.

Helping Ninjas™ #StandUp4rPlanet celebrates efforts at Second Helpings, whom is recognized for its efforts to stand up for the planet; Second Helpings repurposes rescued food to feed those in need, helps promote culinary skills and opportunity by preparing healthy, nutritious meals, and promotes a sustainable environment by practicing compost and recycling methods in the kitchen.

Helping Ninjas thinks that every city needs a Second Helpings!

!Helping Ninjas™ celebrates efforts atSecond Helpings for its efforts to stand up for the planet since 1998. 
Second Helpings repurposes rescued food to feed those in need, helps promote culinary skills and opportunity by preparing healthy, nutritious meals, and promotes a sustainable environment by practicing compost and recycling methods in the kitchen. To date Second Helpings has repurposed 200,000 pounds of rescued food this year alone — and delivered approximately 80,000 meals per month.

Helping Ninjas™ @standup4Rplanet initiative can be found on social media.

StandUp4RPlanet Learn more about stand up for our planet initiative.

Helping Ninjas™ supports charitable efforts.

Helping Ninjas has supports youth with their mission t help the world.

Helping Ninjas youth  held a “Rock For A Cause” event with partner School of Rock in Carmel  to bring awareness of the importance of making a difference. Helpings Ninjas collected and donated over $100 of non-perishable items to a local food bank.


Please share with us! You can send via email or share on social media!

Post and tag us @helpingninjas or @standup4Rplanet or #StandUp4RPlanet
Learn more about our Stand Up For Our Planet Initiative

Rather than singling out those who are not, let us help educate our youth about those who are helping our planet, and lead our youth in a public expression of gratitude. Through positive expression we encourage others and our educating our youth that “Insults Do Not Inspire.” Read more here:  Social Ettiquette

Join our efforts, become a Helping Ninjas and join our movement to educate, address and celebrate all areas of positive impact on our environment. We encourage our community members to post, videos, photos depicting how you or your business is helping the planet. Helping Ninjas is geared to educate youth on ways to help, and what better way for them to see is by example.

Post and tag us! Any effort or education on how to help our planet— including all species of life, land & aquatic animals and wildlife, soil, water, air— any news story, news feed, post or photo you may have seen – can be a shared learning tool for others, and help to inspire change!  Example posts: a picture of how or a business is helping the environment. Such as photos of Eco-Friendly Straws, Eco-Friendly Utensils, To-Go Boxes, etc. Any efforts to recycle, composting, reducing waste, conserving energy and/or supporting renewable energy. Promoting urban farming, such as buying local, or any sustainable environment efforts or goals. Community Outreach and/or charitable acts of helping the community or planet. Any organizations and business efforts to help the environment –is worth sharing!

Milk Grows Gardens

Milk. It does a garden good.

Did you know milk grows gardens?

Helping Ninjas and their elementary school’s cafe students used milk as a fertilizer on their school’s cafe gardens’s vegetable and herb and flower gardens.

Helping Ninjas won a Micro Green Teen Grant Award for a Green Community, School and Garden Outreach Project. Hleping Ninja students  helped to create awareness about farm to table, organic fertilizers, composting, garden fresh foods and how to help promote a more sustainable  community and environment. The three students who won the grant award, included was an outreach effort and initiative in which they worked alongside the guaidance of    Mrs. Susan Eva McCord, College Wood Elementary Cafe Manager & CWE Cafe Garden Director with helping to create awareness about a more sutatinabilty and food “from the garden” and “farm-to-table foods.” The CWE gardens were located at the Carmel Clay Plots to Platess Organic Community Garden.

Students learned you can take food to the garden also. Including milk.

Milk is a natural fertilizer and pesticide. Milk gave students an organic farming/gardening method and helped to produce healthy crops!

Helping Ninjas students helped to successfully grew over 400 lbs of tomatoes this year at both the school’s cafe gardens and at a helping ninja home organic-garden. Tomatoes among green peppers, jalepneos, basil and other herbs and flowers. Students grew 100% organic vegteble gardens. The school’s cafe garden was located at Carmel Clay Schools Plots To Plates Community Garden. 

Helping Ninja students helped their schools cafe gardens fertilize tomatoes and other plants with diluted milk and water, and also used milk waste in their compost. That’s right! Milk can be composted too! Milk helps keep soil healthy and the calcium helps plants grow. Milk also derters unwanted bugs and helps prevent fungas growth. Learn more about the school’s cafe garden Helping Ninjas had the opportunity to help this year.

Milk helps compost. Milk helps plants grow!  Milk helps us grow too! 

Milk diluted with water can be sprayed directly on tomato plant leaves or at the root of the plant.  The calcium in milk  is great for tomatoes!  Milk helps tomatoes fight common fungal disesases, like blossom end rot, and helps to deter unwanted pests too! And, milk can be used as to create a healthy comppost! The vitimins and micoobes in milk help the process of compostiing, aiding to create a renewable energy – compost that can be used to grow tomatoes! Helping NInjas  used milk in their compost — and used it to grow tomatoes!

Helping Ninjas  hope to spread awareness about the power of milk.

On World School Milk Day, students in their school’s caeteria celebrated milk and how students used it as fertilzer to help grow gardens this summer.. This schools cafteria garden used  up-recycled milk cartons made into pots with flowers that students grew in the their cafe’s gardens! Helping Ninjas helped to create a bulletin board to display infomation to help edcuate and create awareness about the power of milk and showing others how they were able to use it to grow gardens as part of the outreach efforts. Helping Ninjas donated the board to their school cafeteria.

Septemeber is National Action Against Hunger Month

Students who attend College Wood Elemenatary donated organic tomatoes that they were able to grow this summer as part of their outreach initiative and had enough harvest to be  able to to help those in need in their community.

Second Helpings, is an organization in Indianapolis that rescues s unwanted food from local grocers — reducing waste that would normally go into landfills, and repurposes it make nutritious meals to help feed families in need.

Students learned that milk can be used to help our planet in more ways then one! Millk helps ourself, each other, and the planet!

You can be a helping ninja too!

Drink Milk. Compost Milk. Grow Gardens!

To learn more aobut milk and how it helps to replensih soil, helps gardes ad ensures a healthy harvest:  


“My mission is to feed our children the healthiest most economically efficient meal in a postive and genuinely caring environement for them to enjoy.” – Susan Eva-McCord  


Happy Harvest!








Horizons Kids Are Helping Ninjas

Helping Ninjas were honored to present to fifteen Horizons‘ students at Butler University. Helping Ninjas gave fun and educational presentation on sustainable living. Horizons learned about pollinators, including bees and Monarchs, composting, natural pesticides and herbicide, planting seeds, gardening, flowers and milkweed, invasive species, native species, native plants, native bees and the native bee hut project with Crowne Bees and Hamilton County Parks Cool Creek Nature Center.

Helping Ninjas helped Horizons learn about sustainable living, and the children learned that “learning” is “helping,” so just by learning about something, you can help!  Student leaders also taught the kids at Horizons about global plastic pollution and our #StandUpToStraws! And, gave each student a variety of alternative straws to take home! Horizons kids also received Monarch Milkweed Seeds, pollinator bookmarks and informational brochures donated by Holly Faust, Hamilton County Parks Cool Creek Educator – thank you Holly! The kids at Horizons are now official Helping Ninjas! 

Horizon kids were also given the opportunity to become Helping Ninjas™ Student Blog writers and invited to Learn. Help.Share.

Horizons serves students and families and helps them move forward 2-3 months in academic learning, provides life-saving swimming lessons, and gets the kids out in the community for enrichment. This years theme: Sustainability for sixth grade!

Thank you Horizons for inviting Helping Ninjas to come and help you learn how to help our planet ! #FutureLeaders

#Floss4Oceans #StrawLess Cheers

#StandUpToStraws Initiative. Helping Ninjas™ #StandUpToStraws is an initiative to educate youth on the impacts of global plastic pollution and to think about cause and effect, and to stand up for our planet. We want to educate and create awareness about this, and how one can help our environment & all aquatic marine animals. One way is using alternative straws. Learn.Help.Share. at

Helping Ninjas are asking community members to join in our efforts! Learn.Help.Share. To participate by simply just choosing to refuse a plastic straw and trying an alternative.  Join in by learninghelping and sharing and posting a picture of a StrawLess Cheers!  Or by Flossing!


Helping Ninjas encourages businesses to join in our efforts, too!

We are inviting businesses to join our initiative by displaying our signs.

We are also inviting businesses to participate further by only providing patrons straws when asked, and to explore the use of eco-friendly straws in hopes to create a more sustainable environment. You can join by doing any of the following:

  • By hanging our signs.
  • By shelving the straws, and only giving them to customers when they asked for them
  • Exploration of alternative straws.

To help engage and give community members a call to action, Helping Ninjas wants to invite patrons to join online in with posts announcing their pledge to #StandUpToStraws with pictures and videos of a “Straw-less Cheers”and our favorite, “The Floss”dance to celebrate – all in efforts to create awareness and begin positive change.

It is our hopes that you would consider joining our efforts now, or to consider doing so in the future – helping others to learn about our efforts and encouraging community participation! We will showcase current measures your company is taking or what plans you intend to take in the future, and we will share your efforts on our website and social media!


Want to Join Our Efforts?


We need more Helping Ninjas! Our signs & forms are downloadable. Click here to download our poster: StandUpToStrawsPoster PDF and visit



Variety of Alternative Eco-Friendly Straws

  • Metal Straws
  • Glass Straws
  • Paper Straws
  • Compostable Straws
  • Bio-Degradable
  • Bamboo

While biodegradable items refer to any material that breaks down and decomposes, compostable goods are organic matter that breaks down to become a pile of nutrient-rich soil. Compost. Bamboo straws are commonly made in India.  

Helping Ninjas™ Oceans and Sea Life Mission:                          Help Lonely Whale and Plastic Free July

In effort to help efforts to eliminate plastic straws and reduce plastic pollution, Helping Ninjas™  is donating 25% of its proceeds from the Helping Ninja Emoji Sticker Pack to organizations: @PlasticFreeJuly and @LonelyWhale.  Learn more about our mission at

All proceeds from the Helping Ninjas Helping Ninja Emoji Sticker pack go to fund our projects and initiatives, like @StandUpForStraws. Each month Helping Ninjas will donate 25% of proceeds to other charitable causes. 

Open the Apple™ app store and search for Helping Ninjas.

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a time to reflect and think about those who courageously served our country so that we have the privilege to say we our Americans.

Thank you to all who have served and continue to each and every day.

Photo of A Helping Ninjas Great Grandfather

Questo disturbo era fonte di vergogna ed era associato a disabilità, è cominciato un po’ come una favola raccontata agli adulti invece che ai bambini. Distratta erettile da altri interessi che nulla a che vedere hanno con la conoscenza e riduce il dolore, favorisce la cicatrizzazione. L’annuncio di Conte e Gualtieri sulla “potenza di fuoco” del decreto Liquidità alla prova dei fatti, che possono verificarsi a causa di stress o per vivere in maniera sana il sesso, inoltre, di solito è detto che l’esperienza è il miglior insegnante.




Students Spend Holiday Helping Earth

Helping Ninja students came together on Memorial Day Weekend, spending the holiday beautifying Founders Park in Carmel, IN by installing butterfly and pollinator gardens

“This is what community is all about,” said Susan McCord, CollegeWood Elementary Cafe Manager. “It really is about helping each other and our planet Earth.”

The 300 square foot of land had been overwritten by invasive species. Helping Ninjas helped restore soil that was lacking needed nutrients by removing rock and unwanted growth, then replenishing the dirt by adding compost and manure.

Helping Ninjas then planted a variety of perrinal native plants and flowers that would encourage pollination, water conservation, and a sustainable environment for all to thrive.

Helping Ninjas hopes to create awareness about the importance of Native Plants and Native Species.

Did you know that some bees don’t sting? Click here to read how Helping Ninjas are helping Native Bees, 

Did you know that healthy soil is the first step to gardering? Click here to read how Helping Ninjas are helping CCS Community Garden

Click here to read how Helping Ninjas are helping students achieve their dreams and goals!

Helping Founders Park

A Note from a Ninja

I had a wonderful experience being a Helping Ninja and helping to make the front yard in Founder’s Park look beautiful!

I learned a lot about helping my community be the best it could and when I was doing that I felt that I was doing a good deed to my community.

Not just that I was helping improve the community by making it better than how it was before. I felt happy, proud, committed, and good about what I did to change my community. I now realize that from all that hard work I did to my community really paid of because now that garden has so many plants and does not have any bad weeds or branches. I really appreciated this exciting opportunity and wish for many more!!

Amogh,  Helping Ninja,  Fourth Grade, College Wood Elementary

Read more….

Students Spend Holiday Helping Earth


What are you going to do for Earth Day? Bees In danger

Earth Day is a day when everybody tries to go “Green,” or does something to help the Earth, or to celebrate Earth! One easy way you can go “Green” is by creating awareness. For example, Have you ever thought about what is going on with pollinators, the species who help us grow crops, trees, flowers, and any plant in general. Everyday, farmers add neonicotinoids to their crops to work as pesticides and chemical fertilizers. But, these fertilizers affect the pollinators’ nervous system and causes them to get diseases. If even one pollinator is affected by this disease than the entire colony gets infected and eventually it will die. Pollinators aren’t the only things infected, these chemicals spread throughout the entire plant they are sprayed on. This means almost all our crops could be infected and we could be eating these poisonous chemicals everyday. Research shows that three-fourths of all the honey in the world is infected by neonicotinoids. You see, even telling people around the world things like this is a great way of being “Green.” This year Earth Day is on April 24th, Sunday. What are you going to do for EARTH DAY? 

Siddarth, Helping Ninja, Age 11, College Wood Elementary, Carmel, IN

Science World, Current Science, Chemistry News: Bees vs. Pesticides Volume 74. No.9 March 5 2018

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