Smart Recycling

Did you know that most at home pick up curbside recycling does NOT accept plastic bags and plastic wrap? And, actually, if you put it in the curbside bin and send it to the recyling plant, it could cause major problems. The plastic bags and plastic wrap gets caught in the machines and they have to stop recycling efforts, unlodge the plastic bag and then, what’s worse – they go straight to the landfill. So what do you do? Find a local plastic recyling drop off box, such as this one that my friends and my family — we take ours here.

My mom lets me collect the plastic trash and then my brothers and sisters take it here about once a month. It’s not too much trouble, it only took a minute or so and it actually, it is kind of fun. Plus it is helping the planet.

Totally worth it.

Leo, Helping Ninja, Age 9

This is a local grocery store in Carmel Indian, Market District. Plastic they can recycle: plastic shopping bags, plastic producec clean storage wrap, (plastic baggies, like Ziplock) plastic bread bags, plastic newspaper sleeves, bubble wrap and clean, dry plastic trash bags. 

Thank you Market District for helping us to reduce waste in our community!

Helping Ninjas collect plastic in their neighborhood and learn about recycling at their school during after-school program. Education about what is recycled and not recycled at their school as well as at home at curbside.

Helping Ninjas at College Wood Elementary at Carmel Clay Parks and Recreation ESE students sort through collected waste to find plastic that they can take to Market District and recycle. Otherwise it would go to the landfill. Learning to look for recycle symbols on plastic and where to recycle it, is what Helping Ninjas calls “Smart Recycling!”

It is important to make sure that your plastic is clean and dry, otherwise it could cause contamination and prohibit other plastics from being recycled. One dirty piece of plastic could contaminate an entire bale of plastic and cause over 1000 lbs to go to the landfill instead of being recycled.

Helping Ninjas is an initiative to educate youth on the impacts of global plastic pollution. 

Helping Ninjas learning to find plastic recycle symbols at Carmel Clay Parks and RecreationESE Helping Ninjas club at College Wood Elementary. (See below).

Learn what plastic you can put in your curbside bin, otherwise it will not get recycled!

Plastic is in our oceans! Over 8.3 million tons enters our oceans each year, recycle to help keep our oceans clean! Helping Ninja children recently recognized by a global organization who removes ocean trash from our seas 4Ocean

4Ocean sent a card and 40 bracelets to our helping ninjas to thank them for their efforts to help the ocean and reduce plastic waste.

Helping Ninjas recently was recognized by the global organization, 4Ocean™ for their efforts to help the ocean and reduce plastic waste.
Do you live in Indianapolis area?
Do you know what you can and cannot recycle curbside, or where you can recycle plastic?
Links to help you find out!

Waste Management: What Can I Recycle?

Republic Services, Recycling Simplified

Rays Trash, What Can I Recycle

A plastic bag cannot go into your curbside recycle bin! But, you can recycle it! Find a location such as Market District near you to recycle your plastic!

Refusing Single-Use Plastics

Matt Mays asked me during a shoot at our home for the new Indianapolis Zoo Doplhin Show Production, “After this is all said and done, what do I want this to do?”

“Inspire change.”

Sitting nervously in a ” Be The Change” shirt, leading an organization to inspire youth and inspire others to learn how to help the planet, inspire others to stand up to plastic and choose to refuse single-use plastics and help the environment, hoping what our family does will inspire viewers in the zoo audience watching – when asked, what do I want this to do when it is all said and done, I failed to say it!

I answered to the best of my knowledge and spoke the truth. Explaining things we had learned along our journey to living plastic-free nearly eight years ago, and almost entirely zero waste over the past year and a half.

Flattered that Helping Ninjas were asked to be interviewed and to be given the opportunity and chosen to use our everyday life choices and experience and knowledge as an example to the Indianapolis area community – we were very excited to do the video shoot! When Helping Ninjas were asked to participate, I had thought they wanted to interview just the children! The production schedule did not disclose that I would be personally interviewed, so was a bit caught off guard, however, honored to have been asked to do so.

Layla, our daughter, and Helping Ninja, being interviewed on what types of things she packs her lunch in, other than plastic.

Our son, Leo, Age 9, got to share his testimony of how it makes him feel when he helps, and how he hopes others learn the harms of global plastic pollution on marine animals.

It was a great experience for the Helping Ninjas, and anything we can do to help inspire others, we are up for the challenge! It is our mission to bring awareness to the importance of teaching our youth and others to love and respect our home.

“We need nature.” Under the bright lights and into the camera lens, I do recall saying that to him.

As parents, guardians, grand-parents, educators, community members, and citizens of the world – we must remember to teach our children to respect Earth.

We must consider, before tossing something into the trash can, that there is no such thing as away. Everything must go somewhere.

Yesterday, we were watching old re-run episodes of the Brady Bunch with our four children, and Mr. Brady had gone grocery shopping; Mike and Carol had switched duties for the day. Mr. Brady had brought home four brown, paper bags full of food! The Brady girls, excalimed, “Good job Daddy!”

He preceeded to pull out plastic bag, after plastic bag, after plastic bag of vegetables.

Layla, says, “Look mommy,” exclaiming in horror, “look at all that plastic!”

Leo, says, “Yep, and those plastic bags are still here on the Earth right now, somewhere. “

Almost 40 years later.

Leo is right.

Plastic. Made out of petroleum, takes hundreds of years to bio-degrade. Hundreds.

Although, may not have said the exact things I wish I had in the video interview in retrospect nor did I have perfectly prepared and “rehearsed answers” to each of Mr. May’s questions, instead, I had done something just as great. Maybe, even greater.

I had taught my children something.

They were now aware.

I wanted to share this story, and how my family and the Helping Ninjas have embarked on a journey to refuse single use plastics and also, share a few photos that we captured of Mays Entertainment and the crew; a few “behind the scenes” photos of the new production to educate the environmental harms of plastic on dolphins and how one can help. We cannot wait to see the end result, and hope our story and experiences will hope to inspire others to refuse single use plastics!

The Indianapolis Dolphin Show Production is to be released March 21st 2019.

Lindsey Fella Berry, The Helping Ninjas Mom

What’s The Big Deal? It’s A Straw?

As I embarked on this journey of learning the consequences of plastic straws, I discovered something. They are everywhere. And – they are NOT recyclable.  And, they contain BPA.

Once I started paying attention, I realized the severity of the problem with not just straws, it was plastic.

It occurred to me that if 91% of plastic is not being recycled, then that means a large chunk of that 91% of plastic is ending up in our oceans. And, our oceans supply almost all of the Earth’s oxygen.

quickly realized restaurants were unaware of brands that sold eco-friendly options, some surprisingly were not aware of the “plastic epidemic” & fortunately were open minded & whole heartily willing to try alternative straws.

In fact, Helping Ninjas inspired restaurants to make the swtich.

Some restaurants in Indy where we are based, were not even aware of the issue and were happy to learn. And eager to make the switch.

You can too.

Luckily there are a wide variety of environmentally friendly straws available to consumers.

There are reusable straws.

There are compostable straws.

There are biodegradable straws.

Bamboo straws, stainless steel straws, glass straws, hay straws, corn straws and plant-based PLA straws.

We have all kinds at all house! And we keep them in the console of our family car, so when we are out and about or traveling we our prepared!

Helping Ninjas were able to assist McGuires restaurant in south Florida with making  a switch to biodegradable straws!

To learn more, visit our webpage dedicated to standing up to straws.

Lindsey Fella Berry, The Helping Ninja Mom


An initiative to educate the youth on cause and effect of global plastic pollution. Helping Ninjas™ was first founded because of love for animals. Founder and creator, Leo Berry, since he was a toddler had had a love for animals and insects and science.

So, naturally when Leo heard how straws are hurting our oceans and the marine animals living in it or on beaches, his reaction was like this, “Straws are doing what?! How rude!”

Leo and his fellow Helping Ninjas are embarking on a new journey to help tell the world how to take a stand for what is right, and stand up to straws and joining the fight to end plastic pollution.

Wild Kratts was a favorite past time show for Leo to  engage.

At the age of seven, a month before his 8th birthday, Leo and his mother sat down at the computer and began researching what animals were endangered. Leo’s mother knew that he loved animals and thought it might be an interesting topic to research together and gave them an activity to spend quality time together.

“Leo was very heartbroken when he found so many species on the list, I think I could literally here is heart-breaking,” said Lindsey Fella-Berry, The Helping Ninjas Mom . “I saw the empathy and concern in his eyes. And, then – the despair. and confusion. He didn’t understand why this was happening.”

Leo’s mother explained to him and they read reasons for each species to have been placed on the list. “Then the wheels began turning,” said Leo’s mom. “A honest, genuine desire to help these creatures expelled from his little body and heart, and a passion to tell the world how to do it.”

 Read our full story of how we began here

Farm To Table School Cafe

Helping Ninjas and Carmel Clay Schools, College Wood Cafe Garden

This video was created by Helping Ninjas, CEO, Lindsey Fella Berry. All content and photos were taken under supervsion of Susan Eva McCord, Carmel Clay Schools, CWE, Cafe and Cafe Garden Manager. The Helping Ninjas won a Carmel Green Teen Grant to help pursue and achieve their Green Community and Garden Outreach Project at Helping Ninjas founding members school: College Wood Elementary. Read more: Farm To Table Inspiration Story.

Susan Eva McCord is also the Green Team Representative at CWE. Lindsey Fella Berry, is the CCS CWE Green Team Parent Representatiave and helps to over see the Carmel Clay Schools Green Team Social Media and Outreach Efforts.

“The Raddish Story” is a true-story, about the Helping Ninjas and their school cafe garden. Lindsey Fella Berry, The Helping Ninja Mom, is a contributing writer to the Indianapolis Moms Blog.

Our Story

“If you build it, they will come.” Field of Dreams. 1989.  

Helping Ninjas was founded by my son, Leo Berry, out of his love for insects and animals and his desire to help them survive. 

It all started with a field trip to a local pumpkin patch, sadly, that is no longer in business.

While accompanying Leo’s class on the hay ride, I learned something. 

What I learned was not only alarming, but it inspired me to learn more and to want to find out what could be done to help. The gal on the farm was showing us a bee colony; she mentioned the rapid decline of bees and that less than 10% were left – in the world! 

I looked around at the other parents in the wagon sitting in the hay, and not one of them looked up from their smart phones. But, the children, they were listening intently. Bees were on the endangered species list! 

Then the ride continued and we were soon picking pumpkins. Pumpkins that bees had pollinated to ensure growth, so that we could be enjoying this activity. 

Later that night, I couldn’t get those bees out of my head.

 Bees, endangered? How was this possible? And, how had I not heard about it?

I knew a little about our ecosystem, and I had enough sense to realize that this was not good. I discussed this with my husband. He was as shocked as I was. I voiced my concern that this topic was not on the nightly news and he suggested that I “Google it.”

So I did.

We need bees to live, right? 

And the answer to that question is—yes. Without bees and their pollination, we will not be able to produce high yields (about 2/3 of all food.). And without food, as we all know, we can’t survive.

The next day afterschool, Leo and I began discussing what I had discovered. His interest was obvious. As a mother I was excited that my seven-year old was asking questions.

A door for communication opened.

My son was demonstrating an interest in something other than playing video games or having a “nerf war” with his friends. I could see the eagerness in his eyes. It was a magical moment. Leo wanted to learn more, and he couldn’t get enough. 

I was able to  answer some of the questions, and some of them I could not.

So, to take advantage of his interest in electronics –we turned to the good ole internet again. Together, on the computer, we began researching bees and their endangerment and what this actually meant.

In doing so we also discovered that sharks were endangered.

Sharks too?  

I’m thinking this and I will never forget what Leo said.

“Mom, um,” Leo looked up, “if sharks go extinct, we will die. They are at the top of our food chain.”

I was stunned. Stunned that he connected the dots, and even MORE so, that he was right. Bees at the bottom of the food chain. Sharks at the top. Both species VERY, VERY important. But what I could not wrap my head around was why were more people not talking about this? 

His love for animals and insects along with our conversations and research sparked Leo’s passion for science. He wanted to learn more, and he wanted to help. 

Learning about endangered species inspired a genuine concern to help. Leo showed a sincere interest to share with other children what he had learned. 

After researching endangered species, impacts of pollution on our environment – and how nature works — he turned to me, very matter of factly said, “Mom, we have to help.”

“What do you mean, Leo?”

“We have to help save the world.”

I smile. “I agree.”

“I have to tell my friends.”

“That is so sweet. You don’t think they know this information?”

“No, but they need too. Mom—I know! We need to build a website! Then I can tell all of my friends to come on the website so they can learn about this too. We have to help.”

“That is a great idea, Leo. What should we call the website?”

“Dark Phantom Ninja”

“Um, well, uh, Leo, that might be a little scary for some parents or kids, I see where you are going, like batman, who comes out at night to save people, right?”

 “Yes,” he smiles.

“Let’s think of something else, ok? What do you want the website to do?”

“To help.”

“Help who?” I ask.

“The world. I need to teach my friends how to help the world.” 

I smiled. I knew. 

“Leo, then how about…helping ninjas.”

The rest, as they say, is history. 

His three younger siblings immediately engaged and together as a family, Leo founded the club—and we invited friends. Together the Helping Ninjas were formed.

A few days later after this initial conversation, I had the idea of the Helping Ninja Emoji.  

Which, now is being used as Helping Ninjas, Inc. Not-For-Profit logo. 

It just appeared in a vision.

I was sitting at the computer, attempting to build Leo’s new website, re-learning how to use a website building application, testing out my old skills from college.

I had double majored in Integrated Strategic Communications and English from the University of Kentucky, plus minored in Public Relations and Creative Writing so I had a little experience in web design and content writing, granted I hadn’t used them in a decade or so (I ran a successful Pilates Studio for eight years, then retired to be a stay at home mom for the last six years).

As I sat daunting at this new technology –it came to me. 

A globe. 

A ninja headband. 

I drew it on a piece of paper and showed Leo. 

He loved it.

 My then four-year old year old daughter, Layla drew about 50 versions that day with her crayons. 

I knew that children would love it – they love emojis! 

And, honestly, I do too. 

I knew in that instance, it wasn’t just a good idea, it was a great idea. And, it was necessary. Helping Ninjas needed to be a new word in the Wikipedia. 

We were going to teach children to be highly skilled at helping and inspire others to want to help through education, awareness and outreach.

My son wanted me to help him share this knowledge with everyone, so they could in turn help animals, our planet, and well, each other! 

I was going to make it my mission to show my children the happiness that accompanies helping and giving back; that there is no greater joy than what comes from an act of selflessness.

This reminded me of how precious and impressionable our children are, and how our actions shape our future — and I wanted to help bring Leo’s idea to life.

His idea inspired me. And, now I wanted to “be the change.

I typed and typed and typed until that late that night.

Playing over and over in my head were the infamous words, “If you build it, they will come.” A line from a classic, Field of Dreams. 

“If you build it, they will come.”

I knew if I built this website, if I helped my son achieve his goal, if we started bringing awareness to important global issues and the importance of teaching it to youth and sharing our ideas and/or opportunities of how to help —  that people would pay attention.

It might inspire another person to do the same. And another, and another.

It might inspire a company to do more. It might inspire a celebrity to help.  It might inspire a pro-athlete to give back, it might inspire more involvement in community service.

Any attention is good and the more attention being brought to being kind, helping one another, helping ourselves, healthy living, and connecting the dots – helps nature and helps the planet.

A helping ninja, by definition, is a highly skilled person who excels in the act of helping. So, let us all show our youth what that means. The power of positivity.

Let’s get kids excited, not just about learning, but learning how to help! 

To set an example for our youth as well as the urgency – we must teach our youth how to help; we must show them how, and we must provide a reason for them to want to help and give them the means to do so.

Helping Ninjas was created not to be just a website, or just a club, it was created to be a movement.

An initiative to inspire.

And that is how Helping Ninjas was born.

Lindsey Fella Berry, The Helping Ninjas Mom

©2018 Lindsey Berry All rights Reserved

Helping Ninjas Finding Earth-Friendly Ways

Helping Ninjas featured in the Indianapolis Star Metro News January 2018.

Photo 1: Vedh Barre 4th, Sawyer Berry  K, Garrett Archer 4th, Arjun Nuir, 5th 

Photo 2: Leo Berry 3rd, Layla Berry 1st, Vedh Barre, 4th, Sawyer Berry K, Garrett Archer 4th, Arjun Nuir, 5th (Skyler Berry, Leo’s Berry little brother, age 5)

Photo 3: Layla  Berry 1st, Sawyer Berry K, Garrett Archer 4th, Vedh Barre 4th 

Helping Ninjas Vision

I believe and have seen first hand, that children have an innate desire to help and to be kind, and giving them the opportunity and chance to do so, needs to be a priority to all parents, caretakers, educators and political leaders.

Providing an outlet and a means for youth to help others, the environment and all living creatures and especially themselves, is a necessity.

I hope that Helping Ninjas will inspire others to engage our youth to become highly skilled at helping.

Children learn by example, it is our duty as citizens of the world to teach young people that being kind is rewarding, that helping is rewarded with self-gratification and self-worth. And it’s contagious. One small act of kindness can change a life; pay it forward.

As the saying goes, love makes the world go round.

Learning to love the planet and all living things through education and inspiration, is the basis of Helping Ninjas.

Learn. Help. Share.

Learning about something, examining why and ways to help, understanding. And then sharing with others how.

This is the vision I have for Helping Ninjas.

We must cultivate the next generation of leaders to be ambassadors of help, hope and positive change – the future, our future, depends on it.   

Lindsey Fella Berry,

Helping Ninja Mom



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