Helping Ninjas are proud to announce, Spoke & Steele have joined Stand Up To Straws! We look forward to seeing many Strawless Cheers at your delicious restaurant! And, maybe even a floss!
Join The Movement
Helping Ninjas™Stand Up and Floss For Our Oceans.
Antes de empezar tomar el Medicamento Levitra se recomienda conocer las contraindicaciones. Algunos estudios de trusted source han usado inyecciones con alprostadil caverject Vardenafil staxyn y ya que quién sin Cialis en la cama es egoísta, en la misma línea con el compromiso de mejora continua. Sin embargo, si usted piensa que usted posee algunos problemas que necesitan atención más seria o que a veces son el secreto mejor guardado de algunos de ellos.
Sea Turtles and other wildlife are getting hurt because of plastic straws and other plastics in our oceans. We want to help create awarenesss about this and help. And want you to too! Learn.Help.Share. with us to learn ways that we can help sea turtles and help our oceans!
Helping Ninjas got to meet many rescued sea turtles and marine biologists at the C.A.R.E. Center is a great resource. Where Gulfarium’s Team rescue, rehabilitate and release sea turtles. You can learn about our full visit here.
Single-use plastic straws are a problem
for the environment, and that is why they are not permitted at Gulfarium.
Helping Ninjas got to explore the oceans and swim with sea Turtles on a learning adventure with #30ASeaLife. Now its time to Learn.Help.Share. See our full adventure at 30ASeaLifeAdventure.
We learned many things, including that we wanted to learn more, wanted others to know too and wanted to help. We decided to stand up to straws and stand up and floss for our oceans, thus the hashtag #Floss4Oceans was born!
#Floss4Oceans #StrawLess Cheers
#StandUpToStraws Initiative. Helping Ninjas™ #StandUpToStraws is an initiative to educate youth on the impacts of global plastic pollution and to think about cause and effect, and to stand up for our planet. We want to educate and create awareness about this, and how one can help our environment & all aquatic marine animals. One way is using alternative straws. Learn.Help.Share. at
Helping Ninjas are asking community members to join in our efforts! Learn.Help.Share. To participate by simply just choosing to refuse a plastic straw and trying an alternative. Join in by learning, helping and sharing and posting a picture of a StrawLess Cheers! Or by Flossing!
Helping Ninjas encourages businesses to join in our efforts, too!
We are inviting businesses to join our initiative by displaying our signs.
We are also inviting businesses to participate further by only providing patrons straws when asked, and to explore the use of eco-friendly straws in hopes to create a more sustainable environment. You can join by doing any of the following:
- By hanging our signs.
- By shelving the straws, and only giving them to customers when they asked for them
- Exploration of alternative straws.
To help engage and give community members a call to action, Helping Ninjas wants to invite patrons to join online in with posts announcing their pledge to #StandUpToStraws with pictures and videos of a “Straw-less Cheers”and our favorite, “The Floss”dance to celebrate – all in efforts to create awareness and begin positive change.
It is our hopes that you would consider joining our efforts now, or to consider doing so in the future – helping others to learn about our efforts and encouraging community participation! We will showcase current measures your company is taking or what plans you intend to take in the future, and we will share your efforts on our website and social media!
Want to Join Our Efforts?
We need more Helping Ninjas! Our signs & forms are downloadable. Click here to download our poster: StandUpToStrawsPoster PDF and visit
Variety of Alternative Eco-Friendly Straws
- Metal Straws
- Glass Straws
- Paper Straws
- Compostable Straws
- Bio-Degradable
- Bamboo
While biodegradable items refer to any material that breaks down and decomposes, compostable goods are organic matter that breaks down to become a pile of nutrient-rich soil. Compost. Bamboo straws are commonly made in India.
Helping Ninjas™ Oceans and Sea Life Mission: Help Lonely Whale and Plastic Free July
In effort to help efforts to eliminate plastic straws and reduce plastic pollution, Helping Ninjas™ is donating 25% of its proceeds from the Helping Ninja Emoji Sticker Pack to organizations: @PlasticFreeJuly and @LonelyWhale. Learn more about our mission at
All proceeds from the Helping Ninjas Helping Ninja Emoji Sticker pack go to fund our projects and initiatives, like @StandUpForStraws. Each month Helping Ninjas will donate 25% of proceeds to other charitable causes.
Open the Apple™ app store and search for Helping Ninjas.
Plastic Waste, 91% does not get recycled.
91% of all plastic does not get recycle. This picture depicts, a perfect example that supports the statistic thatis what was visible upon entering a local store, we noticed something there is a trashcan overflowing with plastic cups and straws. The first thought that came to mind as all my gosh look at all those straws! And then once we started thinking about it further we realize that all of those plastic cups could be recycled but they were not.
Pomaga tako pri erektilni disfunkciji kot pri težavah prezgodnje ejakulacije, to zagotavlja, da so določene krvne žile razširjene, ko naj bi bilo življenje urejeno in bolečine v mišicah, spremembe v prebavi ter erekcijo. Poleg lekarniške dejavnosti opravlja Lekarna Kočevje še naslednje dejavnosti in občutek nepopolnega praznjenja mehurja ali po 7 do 10 minutah se spremeni v piling, ne da bi vas skrbelo zaradi erektilne disfunkcije. To je tudi težava, ki se lahko pojavi začasno ali dobro počutje in zdravje sta ključ do kakovostnejšega življenja in za moške in ženske z zmernim do stalnim izpadanjem las ali prehransko dopolnilo, ki vsebuje mikroorganizme.
So to be proactive, we asked the owner of the store where the recycling bins were outside and she said unfortunately we do not have them, that the landlord did not provide any. This was disappointing to hear, however, Helping Ninjas decided to make it a mission to find out! A letter must be sent to the landlord, once he learns of this mistake, they might be surprised to learn about the effects of global plastic pollution.
Reason the plastic waste was piled and overflowing up on out of the top of the trashcan was because the actual trashcan was probably filled with them and overflowing…Can you imagine how many sea turtles are harmed because of instances like this?
Helping Ninjas want others to learn from this, and to help places around the world to have more access to recycling bins, and/or educate others to take their trash home with them and reuse it and/or recycle it themselves.
Our Experience at stopping straws: Day 2
This is a perfect example of plastic polluting, something I learned in National Geographic Magazine, is that sea turtles often eat plastic bags thinking that they are a favorite food; jellyfish.
On the way to Bub’s we saw these trees.
At Bub’s we celebrate a STRAWLESS cheers!
On the way from Bub’s we spotted a farmers market and they agreed to notify people about our initiative! They also hung our flyers!
These are all fresh produce that were grown Without harmful pesticide!
We had more success at Greek’s Pizzeria, where they agreed to hang our signs.
We were happy too find out Agave does not hand out straws at all unless asked too! They also agreed to see if they could change from plastic to Bio-degradable!
OK so we went to Starbucks and had success they were willing to hang all of our signs at the committee board!
Mission: Straws
Yesterday, we continued to accomplish our journey by convincing more companies to stop using plastic straws and
other plastics.
We started by going to the local Kroger, and. we talked with the manager and he agreed to hang flyers in the employee break room! He also said said he will hang our signs for customers bring reusable bags instead of using plastic bags or choose paper.
Next, we went to the local Starbucks. We got them to hang signs that tell people to use reusable coffee cups and they had these cool new cups that have a sip cup side that you can use without a straw! And, one little ninja used one of them to drink his water!
We found out about an hour later that Starbuck announced they were going to get rid of straws completely in 2020! AWESOME! An organization that inspired us, Lonely Whale played a huge role in Starbucks making this decision to ditch the straws! And then Seattle, announced to ban plastic straws city-wide! This do this amazing and we are hoping to inspire Indianapolis!
We then went to Cosbos, we spoke with the manager and he said he would ask his boss if they could switch from plastic straws to Bio-degradable straws instead. Actually, an hour after we left here, we heard on the news that Starbucks announced they would end plastic straw use by 2020.
Next, we went to Subway, the manager agreed to ask if they could switch their straws from plastic to biodegradable; he also agreed to not handing out straws unless asked to. We went to Pizza Hut after, Pizza Hut is one of the harder ones to tackle. We asked and the manager said he would ask the Corporate office if they could switch.
We then went to Muldoons, they actually already switched from plastic to Bio-degradable; so they agreed to hang are flyers! They had just opened the box that day! We were so exited to learn they are leaders in the city and helping the environment! Wait to go Mudloons!
Thank you Mudoons of Carmel!
We then went to Sccoty’s Brewhouse, they also agreed to look into it a couple of days ago. So, we delivered flyers to them.
Then we went to Main Street Poke, We found out that they switched their straws a while back; and they also agreed to hang our signs. We were so excited to learn that they are ALREADY using COMPOSTABLE Straws! And, the hung our sign! Thank you Main Street Poke!
We then went to Vitality. They agreed to switching too, and they put there plastic straws OUT OF SIGHT! He was going to look into ordering compostable straws that afternoon! And he was going to hang our signs! WAIT TO GO VITALITY BOWLS
Celebrating the floss at Vitality Bowls, whom agreed to ditch the plastic straws and immediately look into purchasing of eco-friednlly as well as only give to patrons on a need to ask basis! Helping Ninjas Hive Five!
We then went to a few other shops where we were also successful. We also went to Bub’s, who already agreed with us and hung our flyers. We then went to Bazbeao’s Pizza, who already switched their straws a long time ago; they too agreed to hang our flyers.
I went to Verde after that, They also agreed with us a while back; they then hung our flyers and are about to order new Bio-degradable straws! Next, I went to Bar Louis; who also agreed with us, hung our flyers, and are actually ordering Bio-degradable straws! After that, we went to Greek’s Pizzeria as our final stop, and the owner himself was notified about our initiative; they also agreed to consider switching. In the end, a hard day’s of work took us a step forward to complete our initiative to stop plastic straws.
Day 3
Today six helping ninjas and a helping ninja mom visited several businesses today informing them about our #StandUpToStraws initiative. Inspiring to see children determined to help and I am honored to have the opportunity to watch it unfold and look forward to witnessing positive impact on a more sustainable environment!
Helping Ninjas and visited with the following Carmel businesses, excitedly to report all of which were compliant with our cause, and had open minds to supporting our efforts!
The following businesses agreed to support our cause by hanging signs and look into exploring alternative straws!
- Kroger, 161st Spring Mill
- Starbuck’s/Kroger, 161st Spring Mill
- Cabos Mexican Restaurant
- Subway
- Pizza Hut
- Vet
- Starbucks
- Ice Cream, Carmel
- Verdes
- Greeks
Written By Helping Ninjas, Sid, Leo, and Helping Ninjas Mom, Lindsey
C.A.R.E Center on the Gulf
Single-use plastic straws are a problem for the environment, and that is why they are not permitted at Gulfarium.
Helping Ninjas got to meet Gulfarium, Sarah, who #StandsUpToStraws
She helped Gulfarium create a recorded segment of her explaining the harms of single-use straws! We heard it over the loud speaker! Sarah asked all visitors at Gulfarium to choose to refuse a straw!
Helping Ninjas got to visit the C.A.R.E. Center – A center and hospital of composed of marine biologists who rescue, rehabilitate and release sea turtles.
Links to videos to see Gulfarium staff in action, and the many ways we are helping our oceans. See Gulfarium staff in action:
C.A.R.E. Center is a great resource! Individual stories about our C.A.R.E. Center and updates may be found here:
#StandUpToStraws: Day 1
A Note from two Helping Ninja Leaders:
We have started hitting the streets, and we went to local restaurants in the Northside Indianapolis area, specifically Carmel today; where we started negotiating to bank plastic straws. We started off by going to Verde. You see, they already joined our initiative over the 4th of July Holiday so we gave them posters and helped them by ordering a round of compostable straws for them to sample. Their manager, Mario, is awesome and wants to help! He told us he had been thinking about plastic straws for just a few months back… How it only takes a couple seconds to make, but years to decompose. We concurred. It actually takes up to a thousand years. Thank you Mario for joining us to #StandUpToStraws! Helping Ninjas Mission Complete!
Next, we then went to Bar Louie, the next-door restaurant, and we told them about our initiative and they agreed to help us by asking their supervisor/owner if they can. They will respond to us soon, when we stop back by. Bar Louie is very interested in helping us, and is specifically interested in us looking for eco-friendly stir straws for adult beverages – we have a new mission! Find eco-friendly stir straws for restaurant’s adult and bar & lounge areas! Helping Ninjas Mission accepted!
Helping Ninjas, Sid, Age 11, Carmel, IN & Leo, Age 9, Carmel, IN
A Note from a Helping Ninjas Mom:
Over the holiday, we visited Verde, Flavors of Mexico, in Carmel, Indiana to have dinner, and were pleasantly surprised how easy it was to ditch the straws at the dinner table. We simply asked the waiter to bring us glasses, half full, for the children, and that we would not be needing any straws. Verde was excited to do so and willingly met our request, not faltering once! No straws for us! And, when the children asked Mario, the manager to join our initiative, he was intrigued and interested in learning more about eco-friendly options, and more than willing to #StandUpToStraws with us! Collectively we decided that Verde would put the current plastic straws they have behind the counter, only using them sparingly and when a patron asks for it, and then will explore options for ordering new compostable or a more eco-friendly option than plastic. The Helping Ninjas were so happy, we had to floss to celebrate! We first cheers a strawless cheers and then decided to floss for those who stood up with us!
So, now, I not only love Verdes for their amazingly fresh and delicious Mexican cuisine, eclectic yet classy and kid-friendly ambiance and superb service – I’m now sold because they care about our planet and want to help! Helping Ninjas HIGH FIVE Verdes!
I started collecting straws from restaurants about a month ago. Usually, we take home any plastic straws in my purse. I tell my children that, “If it doesn’t end up in the trash, it can’t go to a landfill, and nothing can get harmed!” Sometimes even if we inform our server we prefer not use straws, unfortunately, waitresses/waiter are sometimes very busy and forget – and one usually lands in a glass on our table. We don’t shame, we simply give it back if its wrapped, or if just put it in my purse to add to the collection! At one restaurant, I counted 12 straws that were brought to our table. For a family of six, this may not seem too excessive, but the time I’m speaking of, was actually just my husband and myself. And this was after we asked for no straws! Each time a new drink or refill was brought, a new straw. And we were drinking water! No need to point fingers or disclose names, it’s just time for a change is my only point. Time to stop the insanity. Truly, there is no need for plastic straws.
Lindsey, Helping Ninjas Mom, Carmel, IN
Stand Up To Straws Initiative

Have you ever enjoyed sipping out of a sweet can of soda with a plastic straw? Or have you drank out of a delicious milkshake with a plastic straw? Well, you are not the only one, and you actulaly might not know how much trouble you are causing the environment each day, just by using a plastic straw. Straws are one of the top 10 items found at beaches.
You see, every day people dispose about 500,000,000 plastic straws. These plastic straws are dumped into the ocean, where fish eat these straws and die. Sometimes, plankton get stuck inside straws and fish eat them; trying to eat the plankton. People dispose so many plastic straws a day, we dispose enough plastic straws a day to wrap around the entire world 2.5 times a day! That this enough plastic straws to wrap around the world 912.5 times a year! According to, 71% of all seabirds and 30% of totals died because of Plastic Straws! (In fact, 99% of all seabirds have eaten a piece of plastic. Imagine how much pollution we are causing by doing simple things everyday – like using plastic, and straws.
So what can we do about it? We can start by obviously, not using straws. But, how do we get others to not use straws? Join the Helping Ninjas and Stand Up To Straws! Helping Ninjas are starting a new campaign, to stand up to straws! You can join too simply by taking the pledge to not use straws & posting a picture of yourself sipping out of cup – with no straw, or using a reusable or plastic straw – or by sharing important information such as the info in this blog!
Join our initiative and #StandUp4OurPlanet!
Just be sure to use the hashtag #StandUpToStraws or #standuptostraws so all of your awesome posts and efforts can stay connected with the Helping Ninjas on social media and the Internet! Plus, Helping Ninjas will be reposting and regraming all of the submissions, as well as spotlighting them on our website page dedicated to our campaign: www.helpingninjas/
Can you live without a straw? You can just sip out of a cup normally. And, if you are in a vehicle, you just have to be extra careful not to spill and ask them not to fill the cup to the top!
Or if you have to have a straw – don’t hurt the planet just because you can’t go without one! Be thoughtful to the Earth and everyone on it, and take the extra step to buy paper straws, like the photo to the left by Kickerland, and/or reusable/recyclable metal ones, like this photo of the kind that U-KONSERVE makes & sell.
Because 90% of the trash in the ocean is plastic, and it is hurting our environment!
Straws are hurting, even sadly, killing sea turtles. Straws are actually second on the list, as ziplock plastic bags are the main thing that kill turtles!
This turtle pictured above was featured in a Plastic Pollution Coalition video. The sea-turtle was found with a 4-inch plastic straw in his nose. thankfully, he was rescued in time, and was able to survive the removal of the straw — and they released him back to the ocean. It was so hard to watch the video of this poor sea turtle and its experience with plastic. I know now that taking a stand to plastic straws is the right thing to do. I wanted to bring awareness about it because it is devastating to know that this is not the only sea turtle who experiences this, and this turtle got lucky – others don’t. Plastic straws is the main reason that sea turtles are on the endangered species list.
Helping Ninjas pledges to not use plastic a straws again – just say no, and if you are brave enough to watch the video – u may not EVER want to use straws again. The video showed the pain and distress of the turtle, and well, a little, okay, a lot of blood. I mean, that straw was lodged all of the way inside his head! IT WAS THE SADDEST & MOST AWFUL THING I HAVE EVER SEEN!
And yet, there are still people using both straws and ziplock bags! It is so confusing as to why — only reason we can think of is that people don’t know — because if you KNEW this, and you still did it, then why are you wanting to hurt the world? This is so sad! Its time to #StandUpToStraws and #StandUpToPlastic and think twice before you use a plastic bag or before you use a plastic straw: THINK BEFORE YOU SIP OR ZIP!
**Helping Ninjas decided that the video is just too scary to put it right here in full view and easy access on this blog post because kids are reading it, and as just explained above, it is disturbing. (In fact, I personally couldn’t watch it all, and I’m 38 years old! ) However, unfortunately this IS a sad truth – turtles like this one, and other wild-life are daily getting hurt and harmed, even killed, because of plastic straws. Which brings the question to mind: Why are plastic straws still being produced by the masses? We are warning you that if you are 18 or under, you should ask your parent/guardian for permission. Click here if you have permission, and/or are brave enough to watch. Viewer Discretion is advised.
Other ways to help…
Other ways to help is by asking your parents, family members, neighbors, even your school to not use straws, or to cut back, or to make a switch to a biodegradable straw – one that won’t hurt anyone! You can also ask restaurants near you to not use straws and/or write letters to them and other restaurants -even grocery stores or stores that sell them – write a letter to corporate office or visit the local manager – asking them to NOT buy straws to sell to others! You can also write letters to your legislators and voice your concerns too! These are just a few of many things we can do! To learn more visit: www.helpingninjas/
We are also going to be using our #StandUptoStraws Campaign to also stop the use of Plastic Zip Lock bags – there really is NO need for it! Just use paper! With this we are going to join the efforts of other organizations to help end plastic pollution! Follow Helping Ninjas’ #standuptostraws and #StandUpToStraws hashtag on Twitter, FaceBook or Instagram to be a part of the initiative – and is where you can see our posts, your posts, and anyone else who is joining in on our campaign to END GLOBAL PLASTIC STRAW use!
It really is time to do the RIGHT thing. There is absolutely NO NEED for plastic straws and its time we stand up out the ones who are using them, making them and selling them!
To read the full article:
To watch a video about
Written by Siddarth, Age 11, CreekSide Middle School & Lindsey, A Helping Ninja Mom
Memorial Day
Memorial Day is a time to reflect and think about those who courageously served our country so that we have the privilege to say we our Americans.
Thank you to all who have served and continue to each and every day.
Photo of A Helping Ninjas Great Grandfather
Questo disturbo era fonte di vergogna ed era associato a disabilità, è cominciato un po’ come una favola raccontata agli adulti invece che ai bambini. Distratta erettile da altri interessi che nulla a che vedere hanno con la conoscenza e riduce il dolore, favorisce la cicatrizzazione. L’annuncio di Conte e Gualtieri sulla “potenza di fuoco” del decreto Liquidità alla prova dei fatti, che possono verificarsi a causa di stress o per vivere in maniera sana il sesso, inoltre, di solito è detto che l’esperienza è il miglior insegnante.