Youth Climate Action Day

The Helping Ninjas went to the statehouse.

State Representative Carey Hamilton co-hosted the event with Earth Charter Indiana, an organization that works to empower youth to talk about climate change. 

As Carmel residents and young activists for our planet and wildlife,  the students were very excited to learn when speaking to State Representative Donna Schabily and to J.D. Senator Ford, that both support environmental action, conserving our natural resources and believe education is on an important step to take towards assessing the problem.

They both thanked the CCS students for their efforts to create awareness and educational outreach to our community and local youth that they do through Helping Ninjas

Youth Action Climate Day

Indinanapolis, Indaina

Representative Carey Hamilton co-hosted the event with Earth Charter Indiana, an organization that works to empower youth to talk about climate change.

State Representative Anderson

Earth Charter Indiana

Jim Poyser

Indiana Forest Alliance


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Meet Vedh!

Happy Birthday Vedh! 💫💖 Check out Vedh’s weather forecast on FOX 59 Weather Authority Junior! ⛅️☔️ Thank you for the opportunity to go behind the scenes at Fox59 and to learn about the science of weather! 🌩 

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Vedh is a founding member Helping Ninjas and is an active youth leader. Vedh and the Helping Ninjas are on a mission to inspire others, together  spreading awareness on how to help the environment and each other, and the importance of being kind.  Vedh is a fifth grader Carmel Clays Schools. He loves basketball and traveling and volunteering in his community. Vedh loves his volunteer work Second Helpings Indy where food is rescued to feed others in need. Vedh is also involved in his schools student CCS Green Team and is on the morning news at his school College Wood Elementary the CWE Tv Crew!

Learn about how Vedh is helping wildfire victims in Australia. Click here.

Fox59 #wxauthorityjr

Meet Jack!

Watch Jack’s Forecast here!

#FutureMeteorolgists Meet Jack! ☀️🌧💨 Excellent job giving the forecast on FOX59 News with Krista McEnany Meteorologist! Jack loves reading and history —and playing keyboard in his School of Rock band! 🎹 🎶 Jack likes to help the helping ninjas and always has a smile on his face spreading kindness! Jack and our founder Leo have been friends and classmates since they were four years old!

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Australia Bushfire Relief

More 9,000 miles away, Australia wildfires continue to burn, causing catastrophic damage. Currently, the most effective way you can help and support bushfire relief efforts is to make a monetary donation. Here are a list of organizations working to help and links to how you can support their efforts.

Australia’s Bushfire Relief: A Guide to How You Can Help

By Lindsey Fella Berry 

More 9,000 miles away, Australia wildfires continue to burn, causing catastrophic damage. Each day, first responders, firefighters, volunteers and organizations are working together to help victims of the bushfires.   

Going on record, as one of the most intense fires the country has ever seen.

Over one billion animals are believed to have lost their lives, 6.3 million acres of land burned, thousands of families displaced and homes destroyed, and  24 people have been killed, including ten firefighters.

How can we help Australia?

Currently, the most effective way you can help and support bushfire relief efforts is to make a monetary donation. Here are a list of organizations working to help and links to how you can support their efforts.

Community and Fire Victims  

  • The St. Vincent de Paul Society Provides emergency housing support to bushfire victims. St’Vincnet’s Vinnies Bushfire Appeal is aimed specifically to help displaced families. Donate Here.
  • Australian Red Cross Disaster Relief and Recovery Funds recovery programs, emergency assistance in affected communities, disaster preparation, protection and volunteer training. Donate Here.
  • The Salvation Army Supports communities affected by the fires, with emergency service teams responding to loss of life and property. Donate Here.
  • Foodbank is a hunger relief charity in Australia. For every $1 donate, they can provide $6 worth of supplies to communities affected by the fires. Donate Here.
  • Blaze Aid Works with families and individuals in rural Australia after natural disasters  Donate Here. 
  • Save the Children Supports children and parents with recovery, aiding in assistance to support trauma from loss of community. Donate Here. 
  • First Nations Communities Supports aide to cover expenses for culturally sensitive, specific and direct support to those communities in need.  Donate Here. 
  • Givit Serves as a third party to provide donations whether goods or monetary.  Donate Here. 
  • Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal Long term support for communities affected by the fire. Donate Here.

Conservation, Wildlife & Habitat Support 

  • WIRES Rescues and rehabilitates wildlife rescue in Australia. Donate Here.
  • The World Wildlife Fund (WWF)  Conservation efforts to save wildlife affected by Australian wildfires and restore land for future habitats. Donate here.
  • Port Macquarie Koala Hospital Rescues and treats injured koalas. Donate Here. 
  • RSPCA NSW Supports measures and efforts to help wildlife, pets, and livestock endangered by the fires. Donate Here.
  • One Tree Planted is a 501(c)(3) non-profit based in Vermont dedicated to long-term restoration. $1 can plant a tree. Donate Here. 
  • Erwin Family Australia Zoo  Donate Here. 
  • Vets Beyond Borders Provides life-saving medical care to animals affected by the Australia bushfires. Donate here.
  • Zoos Victoria Bushfire Emergency Wildlife Fund which funds emergency vet assistance.  Donate Here.
  • Port Macquarie Koala Hospital. protect the koalas in the region. Donate Here.
  • Kangaroo Island Wildlife Park Seeking of donations for vet assistance and animal food, specifically koala milk. Donate Here. 

First Responders and Firefighters 

Get involved, support and educate.

  • #ThankAFirefighter Youth platform for posting photos of thank you cards and or artwork dedicated to showing gratitude to firefighters and first responders and expressing appreciation for their bravery. Learn more

Social Media Support 

  • #AuthorsForFireys Authors are auctioning off signed books and writing services, donating funds towards fire relief.
  • #FightFireWithaFiver Comedian Nick Kroll and Aussie actor Joel Edgerton are encouraging donations to the NSW RFS of $5.
  • #Bushfires #NSW Simply by following this hashtag, you can become aware of what is happening down under, and support those affected by fire devastation. 

Current News NSW Bushfires

Photo Credit Top Photo: AU NEWS

Future Meteorologists

Today our founder, Leo Berry, participated in Fox 59 Weather Authority Junior Report — and was able to help give the local forecast for todays weather with the Fox 59 Weather Authority Report Team!

Watch full video of Leo in action: Fox59 Weather Authority Junior!

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Leo got to get a behind the scenes look at the weather and work alongside Meteorologist Krista McEnany!

Meet Leo!

About Leo

Leo is ten years old and a fourth grader at Carmel Clay Schools. Leo is a member of his schools’ student council and the CCS Green Team. Leo is the founder and creator of Helping Ninjas. Leo’s favorite subjects are Science, Math and History. Leo wants to be the President of the United States when he grows up. 

Leo is active in his community and enjoys volunteering regularly (every week since he was seven years old) Leo has a passion for helping, leading and educating others on how to help our oceans and environment and wildlife. Leo loves animals and science. Leo also enjoys spending time with his family, friends and his Grandpa Fella.

Leo loves the traveling. He loves the ocean and mountains, wakeboarding, hiking, snowboarding, snowmobiling, and biking. Leo also loves reading and gaming, an listening to music. Leo plays in a rock band— he plays drums and keyboard. Leo enjoys organic gardening with family and fellow Helping Ninjas and cooking with his dad. Leo also plays baseball.

Leo enjoyed being on LIVE television this morning at Fox59 and thought helping to give the forecast was cool — although being a meteorologist may not be his career choice path of now, Leo enjoyed the experience and as always happy to learn more about the science of weather!

Leo got to meet Ray Cortapassi, Fox59 TV Anchor.

Leo got to meet Scott Jones, Fox59 TV Anchor.

Stay tuned as more Helping Ninjas help forecast Indianapolis winter weather during the month of January on FOX59 Weather Authority Junior — next up Helping Ninjas’ Jack, Vedh and Layla!

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