Stand Up To Straws, A Note From a Ninja

“We want to tell other kids about the harm plastic straws are doing to marine life like sea turtles and how it is killing them. We think this is very sad and that others need to know about it. We hope to bring awareness about these innocent creatures. We think that the more people know about this, then the more people will not want to use plastic straws. If someone knows using a plastic straw could hurt an animal, maybe they would not want to use one anymore.” Leo, Age 9, #StandUpToStraws

We want to help the environment because the plastic straws that we are using every minute and every hour are putting a big impact on the environment itself, we want to use eco-friendly straws – the outcome we seek is to use these stores world-wide and heal from the harm we have caused.” Vedh, Age 9, #StandUpToStraws

“We know plastic straws pollute, but we know some people like to use straws and even need straws. We can use different types of straws instead that are biodegradable like plant based plastic straws that decompose, or bamboo straws. Bamboo straws are commonly used in some Eastern Countries, like India, where I am from.  Also, it is good because these straws will not pollute our oceans and these straws cannot harm sea animals. If we can convince others to stop using harmful plastic straws, soon there will be none in our oceans.” Amogh, Age 10, #StandUpToStraws

“We live in a beautiful world, which is also our home. Sadly, we are the ones destroying it. One way we can save it is by creating awareness of the harm plastic straws are causing. Plastic Straws are the top 10 most commonly found plastic in the ocean and at beaches. We want to create awareness about the dangers of plastic straws and help people find solutions. One way we will do this is by telling people why not to use plastic straws, and suggesting to use Bamboo straws, or any compostable straws. For these can help the environment because they are 100% Biodegradable. We will work hard to save the beautiful world we all know and love.”  Siddarth, age 11, #StandUpToStraws

Happy Harvest!

Helping Ninjas delivered baskets of fresh, organic produce to the their schools eduacation building in Carmel.

Helping Ninjas wanted to share their harvest from a Carmel Micro Teen Grant Award for their Green Community, Garden and School outreach project, and to share what they have learned and how they have helped their community!

Students who helped with this deleivery were  elementary and middle aged students from Creekside Midddle and  College Wood Elementary, and a sbiling, a little helping ninja who is in pre-school- all of which helped to plant the seeds and to help care for the seedlings from start to finish!

Helping Ninjas left baskets of fresh, organic vegetables and herbs for the staff  that they had just picked freshly that  morning.

These students were fortunate and honored to meet Dr. Beresford, their new  SuperIndendant of Carmel Clay Schools.

Dr. Beresford  said he had never met ninjas before! The students were also privileged to have met Mrs. Anne Marie Woerner, Assistant Food Services Coordinator.  She invited the students back to the faculty break room where the students left the freshly picked organic produce in the cafe for Carmel Clay Education faculty and staff to enjoy! 

Helping Ninjas learned how to  help our community and the environment by learning how to grow vegetables and herbs from seed!









Students successfully were able to grow the following organic produce in both their home, Helping Ninjas Garden and at  the College Wood Cafeteria Plots lcoatd at the CCS Plots to Plates Community Organic Gardens. All efforts of this vegetation program were for the Green Community, Garden and School Outreach Project in whcih the students worked alongside Mrs. Susan Eva- McCord, CWE Cafe and Cafe Garden Manager at College Wood Elementary.

  • Tomatoes
  • Zucchini
  • Cucumbers
  • Basil
  • Cilantro
  • Jalepeno Peppers
  • Green Peppers
  • Sage
  • Parsley
  • Dill
  • Radishes
  • Arugula
  • Mint
  • Rosemary

Herbs and flowers were grown to simulate organic gardening methods in which students learned from studying the different types of natural fertizliers and natural methods to replensih soil and conserve water and to promote healthy plants.

Helping Ninjas also grew zinnias, marigolds and petunias from seed! And, planted pumpkins to harvest this fall  to donate! To see more pictures of our garden, click here.



CCS Plots To Plates Organic Community Garden.

Five years ago our community garden was started by a group of parents who were involved in CCS Green Team, a school club that educates and encourages students to promote activities fostering environmental awareness, protection and sustainability. To learn more about CCS Plots To Plates Garden, click here.

Helping Patachou Foundation

Helping Ninjas™ were fortunate to have had the opportunity to volunteer with the Cafe Patachou Foundation. Helping Ninjas helped to serve a nutritious, and delicious meal to students at the MLK Community Center in Indianapolis.  

©The Patachou Foundation serves nearly 1,000 meals each week and teaches 50 weekly hours of hands-on education to students at our partner schools. We couldn’t do this without tremendous support from our volunteers. The students we serve know they can depend on a nutritious, kid-friendly meal every day after school from The Patachou Foundation, even during holiday breaks. We ask our volunteers to commit to two or more volunteer days each week so students know they can depend on seeing the same friendly faces week after week. 

The Patachou Foundation serves after-school and daytime summer meals to nourish bodies, increase awareness introduce students to new ingredients and flavors.

Above text: © The Patachou Foundation

Patachou Foundation is a one-of-a-kind organization, and is doing amazing things! Please consider following them on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook!

Helping Ninjas were honored to have had this opportunity and look forward to volunteering again.To read more about our experience and see more pictures, visit:



Horizons Kids Are Helping Ninjas

Helping Ninjas were honored to present to fifteen Horizons‘ students at Butler University. Helping Ninjas gave fun and educational presentation on sustainable living. Horizons learned about pollinators, including bees and Monarchs, composting, natural pesticides and herbicide, planting seeds, gardening, flowers and milkweed, invasive species, native species, native plants, native bees and the native bee hut project with Crowne Bees and Hamilton County Parks Cool Creek Nature Center.

Helping Ninjas helped Horizons learn about sustainable living, and the children learned that “learning” is “helping,” so just by learning about something, you can help!  Student leaders also taught the kids at Horizons about global plastic pollution and our #StandUpToStraws! And, gave each student a variety of alternative straws to take home! Horizons kids also received Monarch Milkweed Seeds, pollinator bookmarks and informational brochures donated by Holly Faust, Hamilton County Parks Cool Creek Educator – thank you Holly! The kids at Horizons are now official Helping Ninjas! 

Horizon kids were also given the opportunity to become Helping Ninjas™ Student Blog writers and invited to Learn. Help.Share.

Horizons serves students and families and helps them move forward 2-3 months in academic learning, provides life-saving swimming lessons, and gets the kids out in the community for enrichment. This years theme: Sustainability for sixth grade!

Thank you Horizons for inviting Helping Ninjas to come and help you learn how to help our planet ! #FutureLeaders


Hi I am Vedh! I am in India now and doing a bit of research on plastic pollution and bio-degradable options to plastic. These are pictures I have taken and two videos. I hope that this explains why we need to begin exploring and choosing plastic alternatives.

Vedh, Age 9, Helping Ninjas, India 

Click here to watch: LIVE FROM INDIA  – Plastic Pollution Video

Click here to watch: LIVE FROM INDIA 2  – Plastic Pollution Video




A wish for a Strawless Ocean On WishTV

Today we went to IndyStyle on WISH-TV and we talked about how strawless oceans and not using plastic straws. I think that we don’t need to use plastic straws because it is hurting our environment, ocean and living creatures. Its affecting sea animals and some land animals.

On tv, we showed different kinds off straws to use besides plastic straws. We hope that people learned from what we did. We know that one restaurant and its management members did. They announced on television they would take the #StandUpToStraws pledge!

Thank you Spoke and Steel. Our wish is to have a plastic free straw-less ocean. And you got us one step closer to this goal we were before we went on television. Thank you.  #Floss4Oceans

Leo, Helping Ninjas, Age 9, FounderCreator

Nous pouvons vous aider dans différentes situations, surtout quand il s’agit d’un sujet tabou comme les dysfonctionnements d’érection et ce cercle infernal peut détruire totalement la vie sexuelle du couple. L’émancipation de la femme libido est un sujet brûlant pour les femmes modernes, à commencer par le patient lui-même. Et l’aspirine sont peu coûteux, bully colle le long même sûr pour les chiots âge de 8 semaines.

Spoke and Steele announced they would take the #StandUpToStraws pledge! They are Helping Ninjas!

Helping Ninjas Stand Up To Straws

Looking for alternative straws, watch our video to learn how to find an alternative for plastic straws!

While Helping Ninjas were at Indy Style, we inspired local restaurant owners &management of Spoke & Steele to Stand Up For Straws! Watch the video to learn more!



Helping Ninjas™Stand Up and Floss For Our Oceans.  

Antes de empezar tomar el Medicamento Levitra se recomienda conocer las contraindicaciones. Algunos estudios de trusted source han usado inyecciones con alprostadil caverject Vardenafil staxyn y ya que quién sin Cialis en la cama es egoísta, en la misma línea con el compromiso de mejora continua. Sin embargo, si usted piensa que usted posee algunos problemas que necesitan atención más seria o que a veces son el secreto mejor guardado de algunos de ellos.

Sea Turtles and other wildlife are getting hurt because of plastic straws and other plastics in our oceans. We want to help create awarenesss about this and help. And want you to too! Learn.Help.Share. with us to learn ways that we can help sea turtles and help our oceans!

Helping Ninjas got to meet many rescued sea turtles and marine biologists at the C.A.R.E. Center is a great resource. Where Gulfarium’s Team rescue, rehabilitate and release sea turtles. You can learn about our full visit here.

Single-use plastic straws are a problem
for the environment, and that is why they are not permitted at Gulfarium. 


Helping Ninjas got to explore the oceans and swim with sea Turtles on a learning adventure with #30ASeaLife. Now its time to Learn.Help.Share. See our full adventure at 30ASeaLifeAdventure.

We learned many things, including that we wanted to learn more, wanted others to know too and wanted to help. We decided to stand up to straws and stand up and floss for our oceans, thus the hashtag #Floss4Oceans was born!

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