Standing Up For Our Planet

By: Siddarth Chavali, Helping Ninja, Age 13

The fact that climate change is one of the most tempestuous, and detrimental problems in the world is indisputable. This fact is unequivocal for climate change and air pollution have already caused the deaths of millions of people, destruction of agriculture, world hunger, illness, and severe depredation on the environment. In order to address this problem, Representative Carey Hamilton proposed a bill to make our communities and environment more resilient by taking action against climate change. 

On February 26, Leo Berry and I attended the Environmental Affairs Committee to hear Hamilton Southeastern High School Senior Vernice Riego testify on Representative Hamilton’s bill. Before Representative Hamilton proposed the bill for climate change, another bill was proposed which favored economic wealth but can potentially endure depredation on the environment, for it disrupts the protection of wetlands. 

By 1985, 85% of Indiana’s wetlands had already been destroyed. Senator Victoria Spartz proposed a bill that removes countenance in wetland repair, which can harm the environment. This is detrimental for wetlands have a significant role in the environment. For instance, wetlands act as an absorber of water, so when it rains, water gradually moves throughout water systems (rivers, streams, lakes, etc.). Thus, when heavy precipitation occurs, wetlands prevent flash-flooding by absorbing rainwater. Wetlands also filter pollutants from the atmosphere like nitrogen, carbon, phosphorus, and suspended solids. They also have a valuable role in filtering water, for wetlands filter out the sedimentation, decompose vegetative matter and convert chemicals into a usable form.

Wetlands are significant in the struggle against climate change. In fact, controlling the climate is one of the greatest hydrologic functions of wetlands. Through a process called evapotranspiration, wetlands return 2/3 of their annual water to the atmosphere. As demonstrated, wetlands have a great impact which is important for the environment. It is the Government’s or the State’s responsibility to preserve wetlands and this bill would cause further harm to this important ecosystem. Despite causing contention, Senator Spartz’s bill was passed by the Environmental Affairs Committee. 

After Senator Spartz’s proposal, Representative Carey hamilton proposed her bill which favored the environment and fought against climate change, for it creates an environmentally sustainable community, mainly by utilizing green manufacturing. During this time, Vernice Riego, a senior at Hamilton Southeastern High School also spoke against climate change. She emphasized the contentious effects of climate change and how communities can fight against climate change, creating resilient communities. When concluding, Representative Hamilton proposed a vote, however, her proposal was declined. 

Although Senator Hamilton’s bill was declined, it was one of the most decisive steps in taking action against climate change. In conclusion, we will continue to spread awareness and take action to create more resilient communities and fight climate change.

Youth Climate Action Day

The Helping Ninjas went to the statehouse.

State Representative Carey Hamilton co-hosted the event with Earth Charter Indiana, an organization that works to empower youth to talk about climate change. 

As Carmel residents and young activists for our planet and wildlife,  the students were very excited to learn when speaking to State Representative Donna Schabily and to J.D. Senator Ford, that both support environmental action, conserving our natural resources and believe education is on an important step to take towards assessing the problem.

They both thanked the CCS students for their efforts to create awareness and educational outreach to our community and local youth that they do through Helping Ninjas

Youth Action Climate Day

Indinanapolis, Indaina

Representative Carey Hamilton co-hosted the event with Earth Charter Indiana, an organization that works to empower youth to talk about climate change.

State Representative Anderson

Earth Charter Indiana

Jim Poyser

Indiana Forest Alliance


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A Note From Our Founder

Plastic is ruining our oceans because there are so many pieces of plastic in our oceans. For instance, a couple of months ago I read and found out on Twitter™ that there was a plastic island twice the size of Texas and most of it was single use plastics.

My advice to help the ocean is don’t “throw away” stuff because there is always a way to recycle it.

Trash it will always end up somewhere.

Leo, Age 10, Helping Ninja, Creator and Founder

Stand Up For Our Planet

Helping Ninjas™ new initiative “Stand Up For Our Planet” is to applaud those individuals and businesses that put forth effort to help our planet and each other.

Our mission is bring awareness to those that are helping and to celebrate their efforts. Helping Ninjas believes it is best to lead by example and it is important that we teach our youth to recognize and thank those persons or indviduals, organizations and coprorations, who are helping our planet is some way – big or small. Stand Up For Our Planet initiative  is led by youth, a mission to learn to inspire others to celebrate any and all efforts by others whom are protecting our home and future.

Included in the global issues this initiative addresses in hopes to  educate the community and inspire a to help is: food waste, hunger and food rescue – and repurposing. And it’s connection. Helping Ninjas™ recognizes Second Helpings as our first official receipent of our Stand Up For Our Planet Certificate.

Helping Ninajs celebrates Second Helpings efforts to help our environment and our planet.Helping Ninjas salutes and celebrates Second Helpings’ environmental responsibility and mission to reduce food waste and hunger simultaneously and to stand up for our planet.

Helping Ninjas™ #StandUp4rPlanet celebrates efforts at Second Helpings, whom is recognized for its efforts to stand up for the planet; Second Helpings repurposes rescued food to feed those in need, helps promote culinary skills and opportunity by preparing healthy, nutritious meals, and promotes a sustainable environment by practicing compost and recycling methods in the kitchen.

Helping Ninjas thinks that every city needs a Second Helpings!

Helping Ninjas declares Second Helpings as Helping Ninjas! Helping Ninjas™ celebrates efforts at Second Helpings through our #StandUp4RPlanet initiative and recognizes Second Helpings for its efforts to stand up for the planet since 1998. Second Helpings repurposes rescued food to feed those in need, helps promote culinary skills and opportunity by preparing healthy, nutritious meals, and promotes a sustainable environment by practicing compost and recycling methods in the kitchen. To date Second Helpings has repurposed 200,000 pounds of rescued food this year alone — and delivered approximately 80,000 meals per month.

Helping Ninjas™ @standup4Rplanet initiative can be found on social media.

StandUp4RPlanet Learn more about stand up for our planet initiative.

Helping Ninjas™ supports Second Helpings charitable efforts.

Helping Ninjas has supported Second Helpings with their mission to fight hunger by organizing a charitable cause to collect items from Second Helpings kitchen Wish List. The children held a “Rock For A Cause” event with partner School of Rock in Carmel, IN on April 2018 to bring awareness to their hunger and food waste and its connection. Helpings Ninjas collected and donated over $100 of spices, vingers and oils to Second Helpings.

Donate To Second Helpings. Second Helpings is in need of tomatoes. It is listed on their high priority list, we helped by sharing our harvest. Helping Ninjas™ were able to donate approximately 75 lbs of organic, from the garden tomatoes to Second Helpings this summer.  Tomatoes that students from a local Indiana elementary and middle school grew by seed at an Indiana elementary school cafe garden and a helping ninja home garden – children experienced hands on opportunity to grow organic produce and  to care for the plants and help harvest.
This effort was part of a grant  award project that the Helping Ninjas were awarded in May 2018 from the CICF Foundation’s Carmel Micro Green Teen Grant Award. Growing fresh produce and herbs and practicing sustainable and organic gardening methods was part of the award through their project called, Helping Ninjas™ “Green Community, School and Garden Outreach.

Helping Ninjas began volunteering At Second Helpings in To HELp FIght Waste and reduce hunger in 2017

Helping Ninjas, Leo & Sid at Second Helpings

About Second Helpings. Each day, Second Helpings volunteers and staff rescue prepared and perishable food from wholesalers, retailers and restaurants — preventing unnecessary waste. That rescued food is used to create 4,000 hot, nutritious meals each day that are distributed to more than 90 social service agencies that feed people in need.

The Second Helpings Culinary Job Training program trains disadvantaged adults for careers in the food service industry. This helps eliminate hunger at its source. More than 800 adults have graduated from this program, and Second Helpings alumni are now working in Central Indiana as cooks, executive chefs, business owners and culinary instructors Second Helpings recognizes the need practice sustainable actions to promote a healthy enviornment.

Second Helpings Environmental Responsibility
-Food Rescue

Donate to Second Helpings

View their wish list on amazon to donate online!

High-Priority Items Needed at Second Helpings. 

Soy Sauce
Vinegar – all kinds
Cooking Oil
Cooking Spray
Garlic Powder
Fish Sauce

Learn more about Second Helpings!

Second Helpings Helps Environment

Second Helpings

Did you know?

The United States Government announced in 2018 a plan to use food waste more effeciently? Helping Ninjas is glad to see a governement led project to address this issue in the United States. Helping Ninjas also recognizes that Second Helpings in Indianapolis was ahead of its time, addressing this issue in 1998! Second Helpings has been rescuing food and repurposing it for 20 years!

Helping Ninjas hopes that organizations like Second Helpings can inspire other organizations, citites, communities, to take their lead.

You can learn more The United States paln to address food waste with food rescue.

United States announces plan to address food waste 2018:  Waste Dive

Do you know someone who is standing up for our planet?

Please share with us! You can send via email or share on social media!

Post and tag us @helpingninjas or @standup4Rplanet or #StandUp4RPlanet
Learn more about our Stand Up For Our Planet Initiative

Rather than singling out those who are not, let us help educate our youth about those who are helping our planet, and lead our youth in a public expression of gratitude.

Want to learn more about our initiative to inspire? Through positive expression we encourage others and our educating our youth that “Insults Do Not Inspire.” Read more here:  Social Ettiquette

Want to learn more about food rescue?

Stand Up To Straws Initiative


Have you ever enjoyed sipping out of a sweet can of soda with a plastic straw? Or have you drank out of a delicious milkshake with a plastic straw? Well, you are not the only one, and you actulaly might not know how much trouble you are causing the environment each day, just by using a plastic straw. Straws are one of the top 10 items found at beaches.

You see, every day people dispose about 500,000,000 plastic straws.  These plastic straws are dumped into the ocean, where fish eat these straws and die. Sometimes, plankton get stuck inside straws and fish eat them; trying to eat the plankton. People dispose so many plastic straws a day, we dispose enough plastic straws a day to wrap around the entire world 2.5 times a day! That this enough plastic straws to wrap around the world 912.5 times a year! According to, 71% of all seabirds and 30% of totals died because of Plastic Straws! (In fact, 99% of all seabirds have eaten a piece of plastic. Imagine how much pollution we are causing by doing simple things everyday – like using plastic, and straws.
So what can we do about it? We can start by obviously, not using straws. But, how do we get others to not use straws? Join the Helping Ninjas and Stand Up To Straws!  Helping Ninjas are starting a new campaign, to stand up to straws! You can join too simply by taking the pledge to not use straws & posting a picture of yourself sipping out of cup – with no straw, or using a reusable or plastic straw – or by sharing important information such as the info in this blog!

Join our initiative and #StandUp4OurPlanet!

Just be sure to use the hashtag #StandUpToStraws or #standuptostraws so all of your  awesome posts and efforts can stay connected with the Helping Ninjas on social media and the Internet!  Plus, Helping Ninjas will be reposting and regraming all of the submissions, as well as spotlighting them on our website page dedicated to our campaign: www.helpingninjas/

Can you live without a straw?  You can just sip out of a cup normally. And, if you are in a vehicle, you just have to be extra careful not to spill and ask them not to fill the cup to the top! Or if you have to have a straw – don’t hurt the planet just because you can’t go without one! Be thoughtful to the Earth and everyone on it, and take the extra step to buy paper straws, like the photo to the left by Kickerland, and/or reusable/recyclable metal ones, like this photo of the kind that U-KONSERVE makes & sell.

Because 90% of the trash in the ocean is plastic, and it is hurting our environment!

Straws are hurting, even sadly, killing sea turtles. Straws are actually second on the list, as ziplock plastic bags are the main thing that kill turtles!

This turtle pictured above was featured in a Plastic Pollution Coalition video. The sea-turtle was found with a 4-inch plastic straw in his nose. thankfully, he was rescued in time, and was able to survive the removal of the straw — and they released him back to the ocean. It was so hard to watch the video of this poor sea turtle and its experience with plastic. I know now that taking a stand to plastic straws is the right thing to do. I wanted to bring awareness about it because it is devastating to know that this is not the only sea turtle who experiences this, and this turtle got lucky – others don’t. Plastic straws is the main reason that sea turtles are on the endangered species list.

Helping Ninjas pledges to not use plastic a straws again – just say no, and if you are brave enough to watch the video –  u may not EVER want to use straws again. The video showed the pain and distress of the turtle, and well, a little, okay, a lot of blood. I mean, that straw was lodged all of the way inside his head! IT WAS THE SADDEST & MOST AWFUL THING I HAVE EVER SEEN!

And yet, there are still people using both straws and ziplock bags! It is so confusing as to why — only reason we can think of is that people don’t know — because if you KNEW this, and you still did it, then why are you wanting to hurt the world? This is so sad! Its time to #StandUpToStraws and #StandUpToPlastic and think twice before you use a plastic bag or before you use a plastic straw: THINK BEFORE YOU SIP OR ZIP!

**Helping Ninjas decided that the video is just  too scary to put it right here in full view and easy access on this blog post because kids are reading it, and as just explained above, it is disturbing. (In fact, I personally couldn’t watch it all, and I’m 38 years old! ) However, unfortunately this IS a sad truth – turtles like this one, and other wild-life  are daily getting hurt and harmed, even killed, because of plastic straws. Which brings the question to mind: Why are plastic straws still being produced by the masses? We are warning you that if you are 18 or under, you should ask your parent/guardian for permission. Click here if you have permission, and/or are brave enough to watch.  Viewer Discretion is advised.

Other ways to help…

Other ways to help  is by asking your parents, family members, neighbors, even your school to not use straws, or to cut back, or to make a switch to a biodegradable straw – one that won’t hurt anyone! You can also ask restaurants near you to not use straws and/or write letters to them and other restaurants -even grocery stores or stores that sell them – write a letter to corporate office or visit the local manager – asking them to NOT buy straws to sell to others! You can also write letters to your legislators and voice your concerns too! These are just a few of many things we can do! To learn more visit: www.helpingninjas/

We are also going to be using our #StandUptoStraws Campaign to also stop the use of Plastic Zip Lock bags – there really is NO need for it! Just use paper! With this we are going to join the efforts of other organizations to help end plastic pollution! Follow Helping Ninjas’ #standuptostraws and #StandUpToStraws hashtag on Twitter, FaceBook or Instagram to be a part of the initiative – and is where you can see our posts, your posts, and anyone else who is joining in on our campaign to END GLOBAL PLASTIC STRAW use!

It really is time to do the RIGHT thing. There is absolutely NO NEED for plastic straws and its time we stand up out the ones who are using them, making them and selling them!


To read the full article:

To watch a video about

Written by Siddarth, Age 11, CreekSide Middle School & Lindsey, A Helping Ninja Mom

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