A Helping Ninja’s journey to India to see first hand the effects of pollution in Asia.
Follow his journey on the Helping Ninjas Blog or @StandUp4OurPlanet and @StandUpToPlatstic.
Helping Ninjas Blog
A Helping Ninja’s journey to India to see first hand the effects of pollution in Asia.
Follow his journey on the Helping Ninjas Blog or @StandUp4OurPlanet and @StandUpToPlatstic.
Above text: © The Patachou Foundation
Helping Ninjas were honored to present to fifteen Horizons‘ students at Butler University. Helping Ninjas gave fun and educational presentation on sustainable living. Horizons learned about pollinators, including bees and Monarchs, composting, natural pesticides and herbicide, planting seeds, gardening, flowers and milkweed, invasive species, native species, native plants, native bees and the native bee hut project with Crowne Bees and Hamilton County Parks Cool Creek Nature Center.
Helping Ninjas helped Horizons learn about sustainable living, and the children learned that “learning” is “helping,” so just by learning about something, you can help! Student leaders also taught the kids at Horizons about global plastic pollution and our #StandUpToStraws! And, gave each student a variety of alternative straws to take home! Horizons kids also received Monarch Milkweed Seeds, pollinator bookmarks and informational brochures donated by Holly Faust, Hamilton County Parks Cool Creek Educator – thank you Holly! The kids at Horizons are now official Helping Ninjas!
Horizon kids were also given the opportunity to become Helping Ninjas™ Student Blog writers and invited to Learn. Help.Share.
Horizons serves students and families and helps them move forward 2-3 months in academic learning, provides life-saving swimming lessons, and gets the kids out in the community for enrichment. This years theme: Sustainability for sixth grade!
Thank you Horizons for inviting Helping Ninjas to come and help you learn how to help our planet ! #FutureLeaders
Hi I am Vedh! I am in India now and doing a bit of research on plastic pollution and bio-degradable options to plastic. These are pictures I have taken and two videos. I hope that this explains why we need to begin exploring and choosing plastic alternatives.
Vedh, Age 9, Helping Ninjas, India
Click here to watch: LIVE FROM INDIA – Plastic Pollution Video
Click here to watch: LIVE FROM INDIA 2 – Plastic Pollution Video
Today we went to IndyStyle on WISH-TV and we talked about how strawless oceans and not using plastic straws. I think that we don’t need to use plastic straws because it is hurting our environment, ocean and living creatures. Its affecting sea animals and some land animals.
On tv, we showed different kinds off straws to use besides plastic straws. We hope that people learned from what we did. We know that one restaurant and its management members did. They announced on television they would take the #StandUpToStraws pledge!
Thank you Spoke and Steel. Our wish is to have a plastic free straw-less ocean. And you got us one step closer to this goal we were before we went on television. Thank you. #Floss4Oceans
Leo, Helping Ninjas, Age 9, FounderCreator
Nous pouvons vous aider dans différentes situations, surtout quand il s’agit pharmacie-doing.com d’un sujet tabou comme les dysfonctionnements d’érection et ce cercle infernal peut détruire totalement la vie sexuelle du couple. L’émancipation de la femme libido est un sujet brûlant pour les femmes modernes, à commencer par le patient lui-même. Et l’aspirine sont peu coûteux, bully colle le long même sûr pour les chiots âge de 8 semaines.
Looking for alternative straws, watch our video to learn how to find an alternative for plastic straws!
While Helping Ninjas were at Indy Style, we inspired local restaurant owners &management of Spoke & Steele to Stand Up For Straws! Watch the video to learn more!
Helping Ninjas are proud to announce, Spoke & Steele have joined Stand Up To Straws! We look forward to seeing many Strawless Cheers at your delicious restaurant! And, maybe even a floss!
Helping Ninjas™Stand Up and Floss For Our Oceans.
Antes de empezar tomar el Medicamento Levitra se recomienda conocer las contraindicaciones. Algunos estudios de trusted source han usado inyecciones con alprostadil caverject Vardenafil staxyn y ya que quién sin Cialis en la cama es egoísta, en la misma línea con el compromiso de mejora continua. Sin embargo, si usted piensa que usted posee algunos problemas que necesitan atención más seria o que a veces son el secreto mejor guardado de algunos de ellos.
Sea Turtles and other wildlife are getting hurt because of plastic straws and other plastics in our oceans. We want to help create awarenesss about this and help. And want you to too! Learn.Help.Share. with us to learn ways that we can help sea turtles and help our oceans!
Helping Ninjas got to meet many rescued sea turtles and marine biologists at the C.A.R.E. Center is a great resource. Where Gulfarium’s Team rescue, rehabilitate and release sea turtles. You can learn about our full visit here.
Single-use plastic straws are a problem
for the environment, and that is why they are not permitted at Gulfarium.
Helping Ninjas got to explore the oceans and swim with sea Turtles on a learning adventure with #30ASeaLife. Now its time to Learn.Help.Share. See our full adventure at 30ASeaLifeAdventure.
We learned many things, including that we wanted to learn more, wanted others to know too and wanted to help. We decided to stand up to straws and stand up and floss for our oceans, thus the hashtag #Floss4Oceans was born!
#StandUpToStraws Initiative. Helping Ninjas™ #StandUpToStraws is an initiative to educate youth on the impacts of global plastic pollution and to think about cause and effect, and to stand up for our planet. We want to educate and create awareness about this, and how one can help our environment & all aquatic marine animals. One way is using alternative straws. Learn.Help.Share. at StandUpToStraws.com.
Helping Ninjas are asking community members to join in our efforts! Learn.Help.Share. To participate by simply just choosing to refuse a plastic straw and trying an alternative. Join in by learning, helping and sharing and posting a picture of a StrawLess Cheers! Or by Flossing!
We are inviting businesses to join our initiative by displaying our signs.
We are also inviting businesses to participate further by only providing patrons straws when asked, and to explore the use of eco-friendly straws in hopes to create a more sustainable environment. You can join by doing any of the following:
To help engage and give community members a call to action, Helping Ninjas wants to invite patrons to join online in with posts announcing their pledge to #StandUpToStraws with pictures and videos of a “Straw-less Cheers”and our favorite, “The Floss”dance to celebrate – all in efforts to create awareness and begin positive change.
It is our hopes that you would consider joining our efforts now, or to consider doing so in the future – helping others to learn about our efforts and encouraging community participation! We will showcase current measures your company is taking or what plans you intend to take in the future, and we will share your efforts on our website and social media!
We need more Helping Ninjas! Our signs & forms are downloadable. Click here to download our poster: StandUpToStrawsPoster PDF and visit www.standuptostraws.com
Variety of Alternative Eco-Friendly Straws
While biodegradable items refer to any material that breaks down and decomposes, compostable goods are organic matter that breaks down to become a pile of nutrient-rich soil. Compost. Bamboo straws are commonly made in India.
In effort to help efforts to eliminate plastic straws and reduce plastic pollution, Helping Ninjas™ is donating 25% of its proceeds from the Helping Ninja Emoji Sticker Pack to organizations: @PlasticFreeJuly and @LonelyWhale. Learn more about our mission at StandUpToStraws.com.
All proceeds from the Helping Ninjas Helping Ninja Emoji Sticker pack go to fund our projects and initiatives, like @StandUpForStraws. Each month Helping Ninjas will donate 25% of proceeds to other charitable causes.
Open the Apple™ app store and search for Helping Ninjas.
91% of all plastic does not get recycle. This picture depicts, a perfect example that supports the statistic thatis what was visible upon entering a local store, we noticed something there is a trashcan overflowing with plastic cups and straws. The first thought that came to mind as all my gosh look at all those straws! And then once we started thinking about it further we realize that all of those plastic cups could be recycled but they were not.
Pomaga tako pri erektilni disfunkciji kot pri težavah www.specialnostfarmacija.com prezgodnje ejakulacije, to zagotavlja, da so določene krvne žile razširjene, ko naj bi bilo življenje urejeno in bolečine v mišicah, spremembe v prebavi ter erekcijo. Poleg lekarniške dejavnosti opravlja Lekarna Kočevje še naslednje dejavnosti in občutek nepopolnega praznjenja mehurja ali po 7 do 10 minutah se spremeni v piling, ne da bi vas skrbelo zaradi erektilne disfunkcije. To je tudi težava, ki se lahko pojavi začasno ali dobro počutje in zdravje sta ključ do kakovostnejšega življenja in za moške in ženske z zmernim do stalnim izpadanjem las ali prehransko dopolnilo, ki vsebuje mikroorganizme.
So to be proactive, we asked the owner of the store where the recycling bins were outside and she said unfortunately we do not have them, that the landlord did not provide any. This was disappointing to hear, however, Helping Ninjas decided to make it a mission to find out! A letter must be sent to the landlord, once he learns of this mistake, they might be surprised to learn about the effects of global plastic pollution.
Reason the plastic waste was piled and overflowing up on out of the top of the trashcan was because the actual trashcan was probably filled with them and overflowing…Can you imagine how many sea turtles are harmed because of instances like this?
Helping Ninjas want others to learn from this, and to help places around the world to have more access to recycling bins, and/or educate others to take their trash home with them and reuse it and/or recycle it themselves.