A Sustainable Halloween!

Ten year old, Leo Bery, Helping Ninjas™ founder and his mother, CEO, Lindsey Fella Berry and Indianapols Moms Blog contributing writer appeared on WISH TV in Indianapolis, letting others know how they too can have a more sustainable Halloween!

Leo shared why it is important to compost and how to it at home and also, how to recycle your candy and candy wrappers on Halloween!

Smashing Pumpkins: Compost Your Jack-O’-Lanterns

Pumpkins are smashed, and the aftermath is here! Now, what do I do? 

Smashing pumpkins sounds fun, but the composting part may scare you!

Composting is not so spooky!

It’s actually a lot easier then you think, and the alternative?

Dumping the pumpkin in your trash bin, and adding more food waste to our landfills, encouraging more toxins into our air, ground, water — is wayyyspookier

Written By Lindsey Fella Bery on October 27, 2019 in Health + Wellness

Halloween pumpkins are an excellent opportunity to explore composting!

Learning to compost at an early age creates a better chance that children will continue to do so as adults. Children who learn to conserve nature and help to reduce waste as part of their education are more likely to continue to make sustainable choices independently. 

Composting is a sustainable and circular way to live.

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How To Compost In a Jar

A composting jar activity is a fun and cool experiment for kids to learn about compost and watch it in action. Kids love to watch and will learn first-hand that composting is very cool! A healthy compost has four elements: Nitrogen, Carbon, Water and Air. 

  • Nitrogen (GREENS) Pumpkins, or any food waste! 
  • Carbon (BROWNS) Cardboard, Leaves, Wood Chips, Branches

Directions for a Kids Compost Jar at home compost in a jar experiment:

How to care for you compost jar!

We Love Nature Cat

Nature Cat Image Copyright Nature Cat PBS Televsion

By Layla Berry, Age 8, Carmel, IN, Helping Ninija

Today I watched Nature Cat on PBS Kids TV and I learned about pumpkins and lady bugs. Lady bugs spray bad smellinggas to predators away and not eat them.

Pumpkns can decompose and turn back into soil.

And also I learned there are alot of things you can do with pumpkins. You can make a pumpkin pie or muffins. You can also fry the seeds in a pan with oil and eat them. You can also use the seeds to plant more pumpkins.

I like Nature Cat becuse you learn a lot about nature.

Compost Party

November 17, 2017

Hi I am a Helping Ninja and we had a Helping Ninja Party to celebrate National America Recycles Day. I learned about recycling and composting. Composting is kind of cool. There was an experiment. One jar is a compost, the other will be like a landfill. I can’t wait to watch and see what it does. I am glad I came to the party because I didn’t know about this ever before.

Helping Ninja, Age 10, 4th Grade, College Wood Elementary



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