Thank A Firefighter Initiative

Together we are creating awareness about the importance to teach our youth to give thanks and recognizing firefighters through our Initiative, ThankAFirefighter! Helping Ninjas are on a mission to thank firefighters and want the whole world to join us! ThankAFirefighter.Org.

Thank A Firefighter Initiative  

Join the Floss4Firefighter Challenge! Floss for firefighters! Join us on social media for our floss for fighter challenge! Do your best firefigher floss! This idea came from Helping Ninjas founder, Leo and his mother! Leo and his friends love to floss dance! Helping Ninjas wanted to do something to bring awareness to firefighters and all that they do for our communities! What better way to celebrate firefirghters, than to floss? Thus, the idea of flossing for firelighters was born!

Post a video of your best firefighter floss and share on social media -Instagram, Twitter or Facebook and tag @thankafirefighter with any of the following hashtags:




How Do I Join the #Floss4Firefighter and #FirefighterFloss Challenge? Example: 

Floss, Post and Tag!: #Floss4Fighters 

Helping Ninjas kicked off the #Floss4Firefighter Challenge at Ninja Zone in Westfield, IN on Sunday December 6th, with Westfield’s Fire Department Station 81. Our hopes are to inspire others to join the challenge and#flossforfirefighters!

Helping Ninjas are invitinig community members to challenge each other to floss! And, are challenging fire stations to join in on the fun and challenge each other to do the #firefighterfloss!  Go to our page to learn more! 

Would you like to participate in our Thank A Firefighter Initiative? You can join our efforts! Helping Ninjas is invitiing all community members to participate!

How to participate?

Write A Thank You Card! 

Share & Pos!  Tag #ThankAFirefighter

Support Our Initiative On Social Media! Follow our efforts on social media @thankafirefighter where we will continously uploading photos of thank you notes to firefighters from community members. Our vision is to create a space to youth to thank firfighters.

Host A Thank A Firefighter Thank You Card Box! 

Helping Ninjas is helping with pick up and delivery of thank you cards to firefighters and we are also taking photos of thank you cards and postiing them @thankafirefighter on social media and on our website: ThankAFirefighter.Org. We invite all individuals, organizations, businesses schools, and community members or groups to collect thank you notes for firefighters! Contact us if you would like to participate.

Host A Thank A Firefighter Event!

Helping Ninjas wants to have more thankafirefighter events! Help us to give the opportunity for our youth to celebrate community and firefighters and have a postiive example and outlet to express gratitude for those who serve!

Share a gift!

Donate a treat of thankfullness to those who serve! Helping Ninjas invites all members of the community to donate small gifts to local firefighters, we will share wtih the gifts via and/or locally, will be donating small gifts, coupons, passes, etc..

Businesses & Restaurants that are supporting  and showinig thanks for firefighters!  Thank you for your support! Thank you for helping us and thanking firefighters! Together we are setting an example for our youth and the importance of showing gratitude to those who serve.

Join the Floss For Firefighter Challenge! Join us on social media for our floss for fighter challenge! Do your best firefigher floss!  Post a video of your best firefighter floss and share on social media -Instagram, Twitter or Facebook and tag @thankafirefighter with any of the following hashtags:  #FlosssForFirefighters, #firefighterfloss,#floss4firefighters in a new tab)

Cick here to view the page to see the firefighters gifts from our supporters! 

Wellness Center

Ninjas Are Flossing For Firefighters!

Creating awareness about the importance of giving thanks and recognizing firefighters through our Initiative #Floss4Firefightersand #FirefighterFloss 

Join us and take the ninja kid challenge: We challenge you to #floss4firefighters. Join or efforts to celebrate firefighters & do the floss! Our efforts will be challenged  on all outlets of social media, by flossing and encouraging all individuals, organizations, offices, clubs, classrooms and even fire stations and firefighters to join in our flossing! First ever #FirefigherFloss challenge at the Ninja Zone and Helping Ninjas Thank A Firefigher Ninja Games ! Floss and Tag us! #Floss4Firefighters #FirefighterFloss       (Firefighters and fire stations tag this one!) @thankafirefighter. We will repost on all social media outlets and share on! 

Join our Initiative to #ThankAFirefighter and floss! 

NinjaZone is a partner and host of the of Helping Ninjas Thank A Firefighter Initiative Ninja Games!   

Thank A Firefighter Ninja Games

Thank you to  Carmel Parks & Recreation ESE Helping Ninjas for writing thank you notes to firefighters!

Thank you to Mrs. Robinson’s First Grade Class for writing thank you notes to firefighters!

Thank you to Mrs. Mann’s Kindergarten Class for writing thank you notes to firefighters!

Click on the flyer to see more photos of the thank you cards made by the students from each class!

Did You Know? That hot yoga can help firefighters specifically? One firefighter from Indiananpolis, Indiana, USA, hear his inspiring story of how hot yoga  helped him to transform! His pratice from hot yoga at the Hot Room with Bikram yoga, a series of 26 postures in a room balanced with humidity and 106 degreees.  Read the full article here:

Do you have an inspiring story to share? Help us create awareness for firefghters and their selflessness to protect our world. Join our efforts, share with us so we can help others learn.

Rock For A Cause

In effort to reduce waste, Helping Ninjas got to rock out at School Of Rock!

All proceeds went towards Second Helpings – an awesome not-for-profit organization that rescues food and cooks meals and delivers them to families in need!

The Helping Ninjas brought items from Second Helpings Wish List to participate in the School of Rock’s Demo Class – an Rock 101 where all participants got to experience different instruments and vocals and learn a classic rock song and play together as a real rock band!  Saving the planet and helping others!




Now this is what a red carpet should look like! 

In 2017, Second Helpings made in their kitchen and delivered over  1,493,963 meals with food that was rescued from local grocery stores and restaurants.  Click here to learn more about Second Helpings !

ACDC’s TNT  song inspired some future rockers! Watch our video on YouTube!


To learn more about Helping Ninjas’ Rock For Cause with School of Rock and to see more pictures – Rock Out 4 Earth Day Cause!


Thank you School of Rock

Helping Ninjas think YOU ROCK!









Click here to learn more about School of Rock


Read our Student Blog and see how the Helping Ninjas got to help!

Second Helpings


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