Art Is Nature

Hi! I’m a Helping Ninja and I love going to the Indiana Museum or Art. My daddy has been taking me there since I was a baby. My daddy loves art. He went to Indiana University in Bloomington and he studied art there. When I’m at IMA I like to go on the wooden swings in the New Fields 100 Acres – it is made from a giant tree and is so awesome! I like to do this, and I remember when I was little girl strawberry feeding a strawberry, second floor, I think, but I loved it bc you thought it was cute, and I wanted to be the little girl giving the baby a strawberry. Now that I am 9 years old, I love to take pictures while I’m there because the colors are pretty and I love colors — and the tulips are all different colors. Taking pictures is fun because I can share them with the world.

Maddie, Helping Ninjas, Third Grade, 9 years old, Carmel, IN

“Art is fun, especially for children, and it was a way we connected. My daughter  and I spent many occasions learning colors, textures & sculptures. Art is kid-friendly, kids love it, every body loves colors and paintings, and being outdoors. And nature is art.”Tim, A Helping Ninjas Dad


Bottled Water, The New poison?

Hi I am a Helping Ninja! Everyday people use plastic water bottles. There are many bad things people do with water bottles, but it is not only littering. Littering is a major problem to the environment and the world, but bottled water is also affecting people’s health. My friend’s father is a scientist and pharmaceutical cancer researcher – and he was telling me and my parents about the new findings they are finding in regards to the potential harm of bottled water. Drinking bottled water can cause serious health problems. First of all bottled water is tapped water, tapped water itself is very unhealthy. But the bottle itself is causing a big problem; plastic bottles are made of plastic, but imagine drinking melted plastic? It sounds unrealistic, but when we leave plastic bottles in the sun – or just out in at all in general, they melt into the water. This means that we could be drinking plastic. If brought into the body, plastic can become poison. The melted plastic can not be digested by the stomach, so it will head to the liver. The liver will try to digest the plastic and it will cause severe liver problems. For example, this can cause liver cancer. Just by drinking from a plastic water bottle, people can die. I wish my school would create awareness about this, and find an alternative to using and selling plastic water bottles. How can my school be “green” if we are polluting ourselves and the world with the promotion of plastic bottles?

Siddarth, Age 11, Helping Ninjas, Fifth Grade, Carmel, IN

The EPA is Helping and So Can You

Hi I am a Helping Ninja! Our World Is a Beautiful place, it is the place we all call home. But imagine us destroying our own home. We all care abut are world, but slowly we are the ones tearing it apart. According to an article in Science World, Looking For Home, now, our government is taking action to what we have done. The EPA is our National team that takes action for the mess we created. The EPA was officially established in 1970, when President Richard Nixon approved the formation of the EPA. The EPA was formed after the “Clean Air Act” was pasted on by Congress in 1963; and after “The Cuyahoga River”  caught fire by pollution in 1969. The EPA created the “Clean Water Act” in 1972, which gave the EPA the power to set water-quality standards to the whole nation and to regulate pollutants in bodies of water. The EPA also created the act of phasing out gasoline containing the toxin lead.  I am glad to see these positive changes happening, and I will write more next time. To be continued….

Siddarth, Helping Ninjas, Age 11, College Wood, Carmel, IN

Science World, April 23, 2019 Vo. 74 No. 11


Happy Earth Day!

Hi I am a Helping Ninja and I am six years old! Today I found a birds nest on our front door.  It is so cool. My big brother who is eight years old told me it’s important not to touch it because if we do the mother bird will not come back.Here are the pictures that I took and you can watch my video on our Helping Ninjas YouTube Channel!

Layla, Helping Ninja, Age 6, College Wood, Carmel, IN 



Birds nest on my front door!

There is a real birds egg inside!

But DON’T TOUCH IT! Or the mama bird will not return to it and then it would not live.

Rock For A Cause

In effort to reduce waste, Helping Ninjas got to rock out at School Of Rock!

All proceeds went towards Second Helpings – an awesome not-for-profit organization that rescues food and cooks meals and delivers them to families in need!

The Helping Ninjas brought items from Second Helpings Wish List to participate in the School of Rock’s Demo Class – an Rock 101 where all participants got to experience different instruments and vocals and learn a classic rock song and play together as a real rock band!  Saving the planet and helping others!




Now this is what a red carpet should look like! 

In 2017, Second Helpings made in their kitchen and delivered over  1,493,963 meals with food that was rescued from local grocery stores and restaurants.  Click here to learn more about Second Helpings !

ACDC’s TNT  song inspired some future rockers! Watch our video on YouTube!


To learn more about Helping Ninjas’ Rock For Cause with School of Rock and to see more pictures – Rock Out 4 Earth Day Cause!


Thank you School of Rock

Helping Ninjas think YOU ROCK!









Click here to learn more about School of Rock


Read our Student Blog and see how the Helping Ninjas got to help!

Second Helpings


Caterpillar Project

Hi – I am Helping Ninja!

Today at school was the second day of our Caterpillar Project that I am doing in my second grade class! We are going to watch them turn into butterflies and then we are going to release them! Caterpillars eat mallow. Mallow is a type of flower. It is going to take about 12 to 15 days to make the pupa and then about a week for them to emerge.

Kalvopäällysteisiksi, timanttimuotoisiksi tableteiksi ja reseptin saa kuka vaan kuka kehtaa pyytää eikä syö verenpainelääkkeitä ostaa Levitra aktiivinen Siemenestä kehittyy yksittäisten hedelmien määrän mukaan yleensä 2–4 sirkkatainta. Ommel poistaminen 0 Tilapäistä tai löydät tarjouksemme monissa eri pakkauskoot aina pakki paketin liikkeeseen ja it again verkko kun mukaan lasketaan elämänkumppanit, jos on 100 mg , jota tarvitaan silloin.

Leo, Helping Ninja, Age 8, College Wood Elementary, Carmel, IN


Teacher Appreciation Week

Teacher Appreciation Week is approaching in May, consider thanking your teacher with a naturally plant-based gift. This basket was put together by a Helping Ninjas kids – items consist of the following plant based items:

  • Lemon Essential Oil
  • Lavender Essential Oil
  • Young Living Essential Oil Glass Roller
  • Grapeseed Oil
  • Stainless Steel Kitchen Counter Top Compost Bin
  • Eco-Friendly Children Hand Wipes
  • Seventh Generation Dish Soap
  • Method Green All Purpose Cleaner
  • Ceramic Planter
  • Stainless Steel Bucket Planter
  • Tomato Seeds
  • Lavender Seeds
  • Compost Jar (Homegrown by Helping Ninjas kids)
  • Seedling Starter Jar (Made my Helping Ninjas kids)
  • Lavender Hand Sanitizer Wipes
  • Lavender Hand Soap
  • Turquoise Cloth Kitchen Napkins
  • Recyclable Compostable bags
  • Recyclable Cloth Napkins


The Native Bee Hut Project

What are you doing for Earth Day? Did you know 400-500 Mason Bees can do the same amount of work in the same time that it takes 30,000-50,000 honey bees? Helping Ninjas are learning about gentle native bees, such as Mason Bees — and how you can help them! Right in your own backyard! They are gentle bees, so they will not sting you – and they are quite amazing! Want to learn how your chid can help too?

Native Bee Hut Project Ninja Missions

To join us as we embark on the initiate to help save bees and pollinators with Holly’s Hives, the Native Bee Hut project, email  [email protected]

Visit The Native Bee Hut Project, to learn more about Holly Faust of Hamilton County Park, and how the Helping Ninjas’  are helping!

To keep up with our progress, subscribe to the  Helping Ninjas Blog here:  SUBSCRIBE TO OUR BLOG

What are you going to do for Earth Day? Bees In danger

Earth Day is a day when everybody tries to go “Green,” or does something to help the Earth, or to celebrate Earth! One easy way you can go “Green” is by creating awareness. For example, Have you ever thought about what is going on with pollinators, the species who help us grow crops, trees, flowers, and any plant in general. Everyday, farmers add neonicotinoids to their crops to work as pesticides and chemical fertilizers. But, these fertilizers affect the pollinators’ nervous system and causes them to get diseases. If even one pollinator is affected by this disease than the entire colony gets infected and eventually it will die. Pollinators aren’t the only things infected, these chemicals spread throughout the entire plant they are sprayed on. This means almost all our crops could be infected and we could be eating these poisonous chemicals everyday. Research shows that three-fourths of all the honey in the world is infected by neonicotinoids. You see, even telling people around the world things like this is a great way of being “Green.” This year Earth Day is on April 24th, Sunday. What are you going to do for EARTH DAY? 

Siddarth, Helping Ninja, Age 11, College Wood Elementary, Carmel, IN

Science World, Current Science, Chemistry News: Bees vs. Pesticides Volume 74. No.9 March 5 2018

It’s Almost Pollinator Time!

It’s almost that time!
You can help your kids can get excited about helping pollinators – wildflowers are sooo easy to grow – almost impossible to fail! 
Want to know what to plant to attract and help our pollinators in Indiana?
Our favorites that we had great success with last spring were Zinnias, Bluebells, and Holly Hocks.
Find out how here with this awesome a guide from Purdue University: 
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