Earth day is the one day every year, where people can help the environment with the people around them. It is the one day that is only about the environment. Some people don’t do much for Earth Day. But not everyone. So many people plant trees, compost, and much more! They want to make the most of April 22nd, Because it’s only here once a year! Earth Day is the time to thank our Earth for the shelter, warmth, resources, and food it provides us. Our way of saying thank you is by making the earth feel young again! if we plant trees, the earth’s atmosphere could end up similarly to how the atmosphere was before the industrial revolution.
The ideas shared on how one can help Earth on Earth Day is a reminder each day, it is our responsibility to contribute towards the cause, to practice mindfulness and minimalism, to respect and ensure care for our environment and ecosystems, to protect the future of this beautiful place we all share –our planet.
Eliminate the use of pesticides and harmful fertilizers.
Choose natural and organic.
Discover organic lawn treatments and use fewer chemicals in your household
Learn about native species and what you can do to help.
Grow a garden.
Develop eco and green habits at work, home and while traveling.
Reduce and conserve energy – turn lights off, drive less, unplug.
Explore solar energy options.
Recycle old clothes, spring clean, turn your trash into treasure: donate.
Store food in reusable items and avoid plastic.
Avoid single-use plastics in restaurants and places of business and choose to use reusable and eco-friendly items in your households.
At the grocery store, skip plastic bags.
Recycle everything you can.
Collect and sort your waste.
Recycle electronics.
Compact fluorescent bulbs save energy.
Get your family excited about helping the planet!
Read a book, google it, watch a documentary or a fun movie – there are tons!
Getting together with friends or family to engage and converse about our planet is a great way to relate to your children and hopefully, promote interest in further exploration.
Clean up a park, pick up litter along the roads, #trashtag or go #plogging
Get up, and get outside and enjoy nature!
How can I Reduce My Carbon Imprint?
Buy Less, Recycle More, Conserve Water and Energy
Reduce Waste.
Take an inventory of your waste and consider alternatives. There are numerous ways you can reduce waste in your home, you must research and examine your own living habits and begin taking the steps towards using less.
Food waste is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emission. Almost one-third of all food produced globally is wasted. Reflect on the alternative to trashing the food, is creating renewable energy out of it? Compost your food scraps!
That’s what compost is and does. Both and verb and a noun, compost is the act of turning food scraps into a nutrient-rich soil and plant fertilizer, but compost is also the finished product – the newly made compost soil. Options to compost include doing it at home in an at-home compost bin or using a compost pick-up company.
Compost In A Jar
The Compost Jar Experiment
Composting in a jar is a great experiment to do with your family to test the waters to see if composting is for your family. It demonstrates the decomposition of the items in the jar.
You simply fill it with soil, dried leaves, cardboard, and your food scraps. Over time you can watch the food disappear! And you are left with a healthy activating compost soil to sprinkle in your garden!
Join the Helping Ninjas efforts to create awareness about food insecurity and how to help ensure all kids have access to food.
Helping Ninja Bhavya is helping her community by encouraging others to give back and help Noblesville, Indiana based organization, Fueled For School. And, she needs YOUR help!
Photo: Bhavya and her sister vounetee at Fueled For School prior to the Covid-19 panademic.
Read more about Helping Ninja Bhavya and how she is helping the world and making a difference!!
Each Zoom Party Helping Ninjas will host a guest speaker.Our Helping Ninja guest speakers are community and organzation leaders that are helping our planet, each other and oneself!
As we all know, there has been a significant increase in rainy weather. Last week, some of us experienced a severe thunderstorm, which included hail, and lightning and thunder for about 3 hours in total. Many people want to know why Many states and cities might be experiencing an excessive amount of “Indoor Weather”.
Scientists around the country have explained that spring is coming earlier by 2,5 days everyday. Evan Comen from “USA Today” has explained that pollution is the reason the spring is coming to us faster than it did the decade before. Weather has been getting hotter and hotter with more and more rainy weather. This is because of pollution where we all put greenhouse gasses into the air. While there is more and more rain coming down, the risk of a flood is getting higher and higher. Last week, a flood warning was put out during the storm until 11:30 pm. This has caught the attention of many people.
All of this flooding causes many problems around the area. One of the most important affects of this weather is unhealthy soil. The flooding can cover up the plants in which disabling the ability for the plants to collect nutrients. The flooding also causes erosion on the soil which results in less nutrients for the plants to receive due to the lack of soil. This makes soil and plants unhealthy. This decreases the amount of plants in the area, which makes it worse for plant eaters. Without their food, they will not be able to survive.
Flooding also causes water pollution. Whenever you are walking around a city and see trash on the ground, try to pick it up. Trash on the ground can cause many severe problems. Flooding can pick up that trash which makes it float around and could affect marine life. If this is a town near a lake or a large body of water, the flooding could bring the trash into the body of water which results in marine life eating the trash. The trash makes the marine life feel full. Then they start starving themselves because they still think they are full. Eventually, they will start dying of starvation.
A way to prevent this is by making barriers with sandbags. This is something that your whole neighborhood could help with. Once the flooding is over, put the sandbags for some other use, such as holding down trampolines, etc. Flood Barriers have saved many lives in the water, or not.