Helping Ninjas of Indianapolis and Ninja Zone at Grand Park Acadmey collected 439 books for Indiana Department of Child Services Books For Youth Prorgram!
Helping Ninjas recently donated organic, home grown tomoatoes to Second Helpings – an organzation that rescues food and creates meals to feed those in need in the Indinapolis and surrouding areas.
Helping Ninjas grew tomatoes from seed, using organic and natural gardening methods. Such as home made compost, organic tomato seeds, organic soil, orgnaic fertilzers: egg shells, milk, banana peel tea and epsom salt. They also used herbs as natural pest deterrants.
Helping Ninjas made homemadre pesticides from garlic and cayenne pepper to deter the unwanted pests that attemped to eat their transplant seedlings. The kids planted the tomato seeds in mid-Feburary and kept them well-cared for indoors using natural light from windows and light from a house-lamp. We turned the seedliings daily, rotating them towards the sunlight, and assemalated wind by having our hands over the seedlings. We replanted the seedlings three different times, into larger containers as they grew – using home made compost and eggshells as fertilizer. By May, the seedlings were grew into healthy plants ready to go into the ground. A Helping Ninjas dad created a tomato garden in their backyard.
Helping Ninjas give Second Helpings a Helping Ninja high five!
Learn about Second Helpings in Indianapolis and how their food rescue program encourages helps to feed others in need all while creating a sustainable environment!
Did you know that they also compost any leftover or unused food scraps?
Want to see more pictures of the Helping Ninjas Volunteering at Second Helping? Click Here.
An Excerpt from SecondHelpings.Org
Food Rescue Environmental responsibility is at the core of our mission to reduce waste. We take food resources that no one else wants or needs to fulfill the most fundamental needs that people can’t life without — nourishing food and careers that lead to self-sufficiency.
It’s estimated that every man, woman and child in the U.S. wastes up to a pound of food every single day. In Indianapolis alone, that’s almost 1,000,000 pounds of perfectly good food headed to the landfill every day. We work with our partners in the food service industry—distributors, caterers, restaurants, grocers, and others—to safely and efficiently collect surplus and perishable food that was headed for the landfill. Every year Second Helpings rescues more than 2 million pounds of nutritous food and uses that food to transform lives through our Hunger Relief and Culinary Job Training.
Recycling Often when Second Helpings takes in food, we also take in a great deal of packaging. It would be incompatible with our mission to merely throw away this extra packaging. Second Helpings recycles all cardboard, crates, plastic and bottles that hold our food. We also recycle all of our office paper and packaging as well.
Garden In 2011, Second Helpings partnered with Keep Indianapolis Beautiful to build a water-friendly herb garden at Second Helpings. Volunteers worked hard to erect the structure, grade the land, and plant all the herbs. Now, the garden is providing the kitchens here at Second Helpings with fresh basil, parsley, mint, and oregano. These herbs will season Second Helpings’ food long into the winter.
The Magic Yarn project, is a program for kids suffering from cancer. Hundreds of thousands of kids have cancer. The most common type of kids’ cancer is Luekimia, Luekimia is a blood cancer most commonly found in kids. kids going through Luekimia usualy go through a Drug treatment called “Limo-Therapy.” People going through this treatment have hair loss due to the effects of the medicines. The Magic Yarn Progic makes beanies in the style of princess hair styles and Superheros. The use yarn to make these beanies, which make them much more comfortable than store bought beanies. These beanies are also very uniqe do to their creative styles. People have said that their children have felt like normal children again after recieving these magnificent gifts. The Magic yarn Project also accepts cards with Superhero stickers, and Princess stickers. My school has been praticapating by collecting Superhero and Princess stickers, and then they have been turning those into cards for donations. Help The Magic Yarn Project accomplish their goal by donating today! Link to donate: Magic Yarn Project
Siddarth Chavali, age 11, 2018
Join the efforts in standing up to plastic to help the environment! Lindsey Fella-Berry, CEO of Helping Ninjas, and Laya Berry, a 7-year-old Helping Ninja, share startling facts about how plastic impacts the environment negatively, such as:
Source: How to pack an eco-friendly lunch
Watch Helping Ninjas LIVE on Indy Style Wish-TV Channel 8 Indianapolis, Indiana
#RecycleRangers @myCCSCafe excited about helping our #environment! Way to go CWE! Excellent recycling efforts & exemplary leadership! #GreenIdeas 💚♻️#ThinkGreen @myccs
— CCS Green Team (@Ccsgreenteam) September 7, 2018
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