The Helping Ninjas went to the statehouse.
State Representative Carey Hamilton co-hosted the event with Earth Charter Indiana, an organization that works to empower youth to talk about climate change.
Senator J.D. Ford and Helping Ninjas
As Carmel residents and young activists for our planet and wildlife, the students were very excited to learn when speaking to State Representative Donna Schabily and to J.D. Senator Ford, that both support environmental action, conserving our natural resources and believe education is on an important step to take towards assessing the problem.
State Representative Donna Shailbly and Helping Ninjas Discussing importance of environmental awareness.
They both thanked the CCS students for their efforts to create awareness and educational outreach to our community and local youth that they do through Helping Ninjas.
Youth Action Climate Day
Indinanapolis, Indaina

Representative Carey Hamilton co-hosted the event with Earth Charter Indiana, an organization that works to empower youth to talk about climate change.

State Representative Anderson

Earth Charter Indiana
Jim Poyser

Indiana Forest Alliance