
Thank A Firefighter Initiative 
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Helping Ninjas Thank A Firefighter Initiative. An initiative to bring awareness to the service, dedication and bravery firefighters portray across the globe, and to educate our youth the importance to to give thanks to firefighters and opportunities to do so.

Would you like to participate in our Thank A Firefighter Initiative? You can join our efforts! Helping Ninjas is invitiing all community members to participate!

How to participate?

Helping Ninjas Thank A Firefighter Initiative Sign-Up Form

Write A Thank You Card! Share & Post!  Tag #ThankAFirefighter

Support Our Initiative On Social Media! Follow our efforts on social media @thankafirefighter where we will continously uploading photos of thank you notes to firefighters from community members. Our vision is to create a space to youth to thank firfighters. Want to help us thank a firefighter?

Create a card to thank a firefighter, post it and tag  #ThankAFireFighter

Our vision to is to encourage thank you acts showing gratitude to appreciate and celebrate firefighters.

Helping Ninjas ThankAFirefighter is an initiative to recognize a firefighter’s all emcombassing role of duty, community necessity, and the daily self-less acts of heroic citizenship they give to our communities.

Helping Ninjas will repost and will share photos and efforts to thank a firefighter on Twitter, Instagram & FB and showcase at the initiative’s website ThankAFireFighter.org.

Helping Ninjas is encouraging youth (and adults) to  write letters and post and tag #ThankAFirefighter and to post and share informative fire related or firefighter articles or acts of gratitude and tag @ThankAFirefighter 

Host A Thank A Firefighter Thank You Card Box! 

Helping Ninjas will help with pick up and delivery of thank you cards to firefighters and we are also taking photos of thank you cards and postiing them @thankafirefighter on social media and on our website: ThankAFirefighter.Org. We invite all individuals, organizations, businesses schools, and community members or groups to collect thank you notes for firefighters! Contact us if you would like to participate.

Thank You Notes made by first graders at College Wood Elementary, First Grade, Mrs. Robinson.
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Start collecting thank you cards for firefighters at home, school, or at a local business or organization.Download our Thank A Firefighter toolkit if you would like to help us by collecting thank you cards. We will help wih collection, photos, uploads and delivery to fire stations.Do you know someone that is showing gratitude or has shown gratitude to firefighters?  Share with us. We want to learn about it so we can help to inspire others to do so too! Email or tag us @thankafirefighterYou can also email us photos of the picture or you can mail us the card and we will assist with photos, upload, sharing and delivery!

History of Thank A Firefighter


Join the Floss4Firefighter Challenge! Ninjas unite to issue a global challenge! FLOSS FOR FIREFIGHTERS! Join us on social media for our floss for fighter challenge! Do your best firefigher floss!  Post a video of your best firefighter floss and share on social media -Instagram, Twitter or Facebook and tag @thankafirefighter with any of the following hashtags:




Thank you Channel 13 – WTHR for covering our event and helping to spread the word about our #Floss4Firefighter Challenge:

Join the Floss For Firefighter Challenge! Join us on social media for our floss for fighter challenge! Do your best firefigher floss!  Post a video of your best firefighter floss and share on social media -Instagram, Twitter or Facebook and tag @thankafirefighter with any of the following hashtags:  #FlosssForFirefighters, #firefighterfloss,#floss4firefighters.

Ninjas Are Flossing For Firefighters!

Creating awareness about the importance of giving thanks and recognizing firefighters through our Initiative #Floss4Firefightersand #FirefighterFloss 

Join us and take the ninja kid challenge: We challenge you to #floss4firefighters. Join or efforts to celebrate firefighters & do the floss! Our efforts will be challenged  on all outlets of social media, by flossing and encouraging all individuals, organizations, offices, clubs, classrooms and even fire stations and firefighters to join in our flossing! Floss and Tag us! #Floss4Firefighters #FirefighterFloss       (Firefighters and fire stations tag this one!) @thankafirefighter. We will repost on all social media outlets and share on thankafirefighter.org! 

Share a gift!

Donate a treat of thankfullness to those who serve! Helping Ninjas invites all members of the community to donate small gifts to local firefighters, we will share wtih the gifts via thankafirefighter.org and/or locally, will be donating small gifts, coupons, passes, etc..Contact us if you would like to participate. We will add you to our list of organizations as helping partner and supporter of the Thank A Firefighter Organization! Help us thank firefighters and lead our community and educate our youth the importance of celebrating firefighters! 

First ever #FirefigherFloss challenge at the Ninja Zone and Helping Ninjas Thank A Firefigher Ninja Games !

NinjaZone is an official partner of Helping Ninjas Thank A Firefighter Initiative Ninja Games! 

Thank A Firefighter Ninja Games

Did You Know? That hot yoga can help firefighters specifically? One firefighter from Indiananpolis tale of his transformation from practicing hot yoga at the Hot Room – where he practiced Bikram yoga, a series of 26 postures in a room balanced with humidity and 106 degreees.  Hear his inspiring story of how hot yoga  helped him to transform.

Write a thank you card, post, tag and share! 

New Helping Ninja Mission: Thank A Firefighter

Firefighters Love Cards

Make A Card For A Firefighter

Accept the Helping Ninja Mission #thankafirefighter

Firefighters like thank you cards!


Thank you to Hamilton County Cool Creek Nature Center for hosting a collection box for thank you cards to firefighter,\

Helping Ninjas wants to have more thankafirefighter events! Help us to give the opportunity for our youth to celebrate community and firefighters and have a postiive example and outlet to express gratitude for those who serve! Contact us to set up an event to thank firefighters!

Thank you to Mrs. Mann’s Kindergarten Class for writing thank you notes to firefighters!

Teachers, Classrooms, Schools click here.


Thank A Firefighter Initiative 

Businesses & Restaurants that are supporting  and showinig thanks for firefighters! 

Helping Ninjas is currently seeking donations for #THANKAFIREFIGHTER gift bags in which we will give to firefighters as an act of gratitude for their service. If you would like to help our efforts, please email us. 


Read the full article here:

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