Thank A Firefighter Ninja Games

Join us at on Sunday December 9th, 1pm to 3 pm.  in Westfield, on the northside of Indianapolis at Ninja Zone Academy at Grand Park for our first ever:

Helping Ninajs and Ninja Zone Thank A Firefighter Ninja Games

Come one, come all ninjas! Participants bring three thank you notes to our firefighters and will get to particpate in the Ninja games at Ninja Zone on December 9th, 1pm to 3pm at Grand Park. Participants will have  the opportunity to thank local firefighters in person!                                 Click here to RSVP on ebrite.

You can have the opportunity to thank a firefighter in person!



Ninja Zone is helping us collect Thank You Notes For Firefighters!

Create a card and visit Ninja Zone Grand Academy to drop off your card in our #ThankAFirefighter Card box!

Helping Ninjas will deliver thank you cards to local firefighters and to those in fighting the Southern California wildfires.

Helping Ninjas and Ninja Zone kids will be celebrating firefighers with a floss dance! Our efforts will continue after the Games on social media where we will be asking all individuals, organizastions, offices, clubs, classrooms and even fire stations! Creating awareness about the importane of giving thanks and reccognizing firefighters through uur Initiative #Floss4Firefighters and #FirefighterFloss 

Join us and do the floss!

Tag Floss4Firefighters or #FirefighterFloss @thankafirefighter @helpingninjas @ninjazone!  We will repost and share on! Join our Initiative to #ThankAFirefighter

First ever #firefigherfloss at the Ninja Zone and Helping Ninjas Thank A Firefigher Ninja Games!


#thankafirefighter ard flyer


Learn more about Helping Ninjas #ThankAFirefighter Initiative

Learn more about NinjaZone Academy:

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Learn about how Ninja Zone and Helping Ninjas helped foster children this year, collecting over 500 books for Indiana Foster Care Chldren at their Books For Youth Games.


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