Make A Senior Smile Art

#MakeASeniorSmile Art Submissions

Helping Ninjas are helping to bring smile to senior’s faces. All artwork and cards will be share here as it is recieved. To create art to be shared, please email [email protected] or tag and post #MakeASeniorSmile @HelpingNinjas!

Thank you and we hope that our art cheers you up!

The Helping Ninjas™

Logan, Age, 8, Lafayette, IN

Tucker and Oakey, Nashville, Tennessee

Helping Ninja Leader

Layla Berry, Age 8, Carmel, IN

Layla is the sister of Leo, Helping Ninjas Founder, and is a founding member.

Layla is as a Helping Ninja leader. She helped to start this effort to make seniors smile! Layla loves art, our oceans and helping our planet.

Helping Ninja Leader

Skyler, Age 6, Helping Ninja

Skyler is the brother of Leo, Helping Ninjas Founder and is a founding member. Skyler is as a Helping Ninja leader.

Skyler and Rocky, The Helping Ninja Dog

Helping Ninja Leader

Sawyer, Age 7, Helping Ninja

Sawyer is the brother of Leo, Helping Ninjas Founder, and is a founding member. Sawyer is as a Helping Ninja leader. Sawyer loves drawing, playing baseball, climbing trees, and loves helping others.

Photo Sawyer

Helping Ninja Leader

Shruti, Age 8, Third Grade, Carmel, IN

Shruti is one of the original founding members of Helping Ninjas! She was just 5 years old! Shruti loves dancing, drawing and loves helping the world!

She helped her friend and fellow Helping Ninja, Layla, start the #MakeASeniorSmile Effort!

Shruti, Helping Ninjas Leader

Art by Shruti

Sammie, Age 10, Fort Wayne, IN, Honary Helping Ninja

Sammie helped her Helping Ninja freinds start Make A Senior Smile!

Did you know that Sammie founded Sammies Buddy Benches?

Sammie loves spreading kindness wherever she goes. She enjoys reading, playing piano, sketching and has written 3 books she hopes to have published. She likes to inspire others through her buddy bench project and to remind others to be kind!

Sammie helped to call local senior homes in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and delivered cards she and her siblings created and dropped them at their front entrance!

Click here, to read more about what Sammie is up to and how else she is helping spread smiles!

Syna, Age 8, Miss Indiana Princess

Ashley Mae, Age 10, Carmel, IN

Ashley Mae is a Helping Ninja leader in Carmel!

Blake, Age 6, Carmel, IN

John, Age 11, Fort Wayne, IN

Dannie, Age 6, Fort Wayne, IN

 By Eian Pagán, Carmel, IN

Alaina 8, 2nd Grade, Carmel, IN

Caroloine, Age 4, Carmel IN

The Benzinger Family

Sidewalk Art

by Ram Srivatsa. age 8 Carmel, Indiana

Hansin Srivatsa, age 4, Carmel, Indiana

Art created with paint and okra tips! Thanks Ram and Hnasin!

Cora, Age 6, Fishers, IN, Helping Ninja

Maddie, Age 3, Fishers, IN

Share and post your art on IG, FB or Twitter!

Helping Ninjas will post here for all to enjoy!

Or email us: [email protected]

2017-2020. Copyright. All rights reserved. Helping Ninjas™

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