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Helping Ninja Mission: Learn About Composting

October 2017

Hi, I am a Helping Ninja and I wanted to complete the Helping Ninja Mission to learn more about composting so I asked my parents if I could search on the Internet for things you can compost. I found out there are over 100 things you can compost. Here is my list of some of the things that are compostable.

Helping Ninja, age 10, Carmel, IN, Fifth Grade

Orangutans are in danger

October 23, 2017

Hi Im a helping Ninja. I just learned about orangutans and their danger. I learned that their habitat is being destroyed by loggers for palm oil agriculture and the loggers eat the food of the rain forest because the log companies won’t provide food. No food left for orangutans. A female orangutan can only have babies every 3-5 years and 6000 estimated mothers were killed and captured 6000 babies. Only 1/3 of them lived. And the 2000 that lived and were sold as pets. I think this is very sad.  I want to help. So how do you help? You can help by adopting an orangutan at this website: You can also help by just learning about it and telling others.

Helping Ninja, age 11,  Carmel, IN

Click on this picture to see where I found it – it came from this website about orangutans.


Endangered Species

Hi! I am a Helping Ninja and I learned that the Loggerhead Sea Turtle is almost an endangered species. They are in trouble because they don’t have enough beaches to lay their eggs. I realized that this might be because of climate change because the Artic is melting rising sea waters are flooding beaches. Also, pollution can kill the turtle when they eat waste people throw in the ocean by accident. They think its food.  I would like to help the turtles by asking people to put trash in our oceans. I saw them at Gulf World in Florida.

Helping Ninja, age 8, Carmel, IN College Wood



What is acid rain?

Hi! I am a Helping Ninja and I just read about acid raid. It can happen because of too pollution in factories because of the smoke in the air and the too much electricity. Acid rain is poisonous rain that can cause stuff to dry up, like lakes and ponds, and then more species will become extent. The smoke in the air from large factories cause this acid rain. You should use solar power because it doesn’t make that happen.  So you should do stuff like turning lights off to save energy which will help air pollution. If you want to read the article too, click on the following link:

Helping Ninja, age 8, Carmel, IN

Helping At Home

Hi I am a helping Ninja. Today I went to my friends house and he was not home, but his mom gave me a bag of halloween decorations to take home.  She told me that I could make some Halloween Cards for elderly people at the nursing home. She would deliver them next week. She said it would make them smile. I wanted to help so my grandmother helped me make cards and a decoration. And then I gave them back to my friend’s sister when I saw her. I liked helping.

Anthony the Helping Ninja, age 6, First Grade

Recycling Detective Work

Today we had a little mission. It was to figure out which stores and businesses recycled and which ones that did not. And, I think it is good that most places recycle. We were pretty surprised with what we found. Cool Creek Park recycles large cardboard boxes and some paper waste .One little sad thing is when we were at the gas station, their was green bins for trash, but they were NOT recycling bins. They were only green because it was BP and their theme is green. We were also surprised to find that McDonalds actually recycled cardboard. But Arbys didn’t recycle at ALL. I was shocked because McDonalds – even though they were recycling cardboard  they were not normally everyday recycling waste. One good thing was Rickers was planting trees all over America – one pump, one tree gets planted. If you want to learn more, go to Rickers Replenish.  Good for Rickers, but bad for BP. I want to write a letter to BP asking them to start recycling some way at gas stations across America. Here are some images.

 Cool Creek RecyclesMcDonalds Recycles Cardboard  

Cleaning at Cool Creek Nature Center

October 2017. Today I was able to help the nature center staff clean. They said they never have time to dust, or clean as much as they would like too. , they said didn’t clean in more then one year like we cleaned today. The chief naturalist told me that it hadn’t looked this good in years. That made me feel really happy.

Helping Ninja, age 8, Carmel IN, College Wood Elementary

Re-Boo! Halloween Recycling Exchange

October 2017. Today I got to help at this event at Cool Creek Park in Indianapolis. It was a Halloween costume exchange and helping at the center was  fun because we helped the staff with the exchange event. They are busy so it was nice for them to have help and it was fun to do with my friend. It was cool because we made document videos and got to try on costumes and got to explore the center while we were helping. But it was also cool because we were recycling. My favorite part was helping the customers, because it was fun being nice and helping other people. It was important because less fortunate people need costumes because sometimes they can’t afford them. I think my least favorite part is I got bored, because I was getting tired but I would go back again next year to help.

Helping Ninja, age 8, Carmel, IN, College Wood Elementary


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