Helping Ninjas Mission: #KidsSuperMoonPics

See the Super Moon through a child’s lens!

Helping Ninjas Mission: Post & Tag #KidsSuperMoonPics #helpingninjas

Helping Ninjas will publish your photos of Super Moon 2017 on our website! Send them to us at [email protected]! Or post on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and tag #KidsSuperMoonPics  #helpingninjas

Helping Ninjas were submitted by Helping Ninjas.

Super Moon Peeking Through My Bedroom Window Blinds.                            Helping Ninjas, Age 4
Shades Up! There is the Super Moon!  Helping Ninjas, Age 4

This Helping Ninja shot two photos only seconds apart! 

Super Moon 2017 in my front backyard Helping Ninjas Age 6
Super Moon 2017 in my backyard. Helping Ninjas Age 6

Super Moon Photos Through A Child’s Lens

Today we learned about a Super Moon and got to see one and take pictures!

A Super Moon 7% larger and 15% brighter than normal! It will not happen again until January 2018. The moon is the only natural satellite orbiting our earth. We should look up at it more often, the Super Moon is a cool opportunity to help get children excited about science!

Helping Ninjas Mission: Post & Tag #KidsSuperMoonPics #helpingninjas Helping Ninjas will publish your photos of Super Moon 2017 on our website!

The following Super Moon 2017 pictures taken by  Helping Ninjas.

See the Super Moon through eyes of a child! More photo captions coming soon. (Helping Ninjas Photographers have school in the morning!)

To learn more about the Super Moon 2017 go here:

To learn more about the Super Moon Trio go here:

To learn more about how to teach kids moon phases, go here:

Stand Up For Something You Believe In

#standupforsomething #helpingninjas

We talked about the importance of standing up for something you believe in! And we watched the Stand Up For Something Music Video by Andra Day and Common. These Helping Ninjas stand up for kindness, anti-bullying, equality, and foster kids! Join our mission: #standupforsomething 

Helping Ninja Mission: #standupforsomething


Helping Ninjas Accepted the Challenge Oprah! Mission Complete!

#standupforsometihng #helpingninjas


I stand up for foster kids!  Helping Ninjas, Age 8 

I stand up for anti-bullying! Helping Ninjas, Age 8 

I stand up for kindness! Helping Ninjas, Age 8

I stand up for foster kids! Helping Ninjas, Age 8

I stand up for equality!  Helping Ninjas, Age 6

I stand up for kindness! Helping Ninjas, Age 4


How Kids Can Help Hurricane Victims

A Note from a Ninja:

Hi Im a Helping Ninja! I want everyone to know that kids can help the world too! We, the Helping Ninjas, raised $208 for Hurricane Victims at 5 days of lemonade stands in our neighborhood! And over $100 in supples. 100% of it was donated to the Midwest Food Bank. (They are a partner of the Salvation Army). Whats even cooler is that I got to help edit and make this video showing what we did!

Helping Ninjas, Age 9, Carmel, IN College Wood Elementary



Firefighters Love Cards

An article Published on

Why firefighters treasure ‘thank you’ letters

You would be surprised with the power and impact that writing a simple “thank you” card to first responders might have.

This article was originally published on November  13, 2017 by FR1 Community Q&A with FR1 Community Q&Q\Q|A. See full article here:

That single act of human kindness of simply saying “thank you” meant the world to me and to this day still does. (Photo/Pixabay)

Mike Lewter, a former paramedic, gave his opinion on the topic below.


I worked as a paramedic for 12 years before switching professions. About four years after quitting, I ran up on an accident on a mountain back road that was caused by a hit-and-run driver.
It was near Christmas and the woman, who was driving with her two children in the back seat (both under four), was coming back from town after checking off her entire gift list when someone plowed into the rear of her car and left the scene. The force of the impact must have been immense as the rear window was shattered and rained down into the back seat covering her children in tiny squares of glass and the rear bumper was pressed in between the bottom of the rear seat and the rear axle, obviously destroying everything she had just bought. Thankfully, they were all OK, just naturally very scared, shaken, and distraught by the incident.

I immediately checked on the mom, who said she was OK, and then turned my attention to her children, taking care to remove all the glass from their hair and car seats. I was driving a somewhat roomy and warm work van and moved the mom and her children into the van while still keeping them in their car seats to await the arrival of the highway patrol and the local rescue squad because the outside temperature was around 25 that evening.

Continue Reading the Full Article Here 



Make A Card For A Firefighter

Making cards is one easy way to kids can help give back to the world. Helping Ninjas are asking children all over the world to thank a firefighter.  Make a card today! SEND US YOUR PHOTOS OF YOUR CARDS AND WE WILL POST!  Email us: [email protected] Or have an adult post your photo or video and tag #thankafirefighter #helpingninjas




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