Help Children Want to Help the Earth

Help children develop a lifelong appreciation for nature! 

Help us teach children to  connect with nature and learn to love the world we live in – that way they will want to learn how to help it!

Children are spending more and more time indoors, and not reaping the benefits that young persons can from being outside! Like exploring new textures and sensory experiences – which helps improve motor skills and teaches them to be scientists – learning  how the world works and finding happiness through doing it! Not to mention the mental and health benefits of fresh air and sunlight, in the form of. Vitamin D. What are you waiting for?  Let them get outside and explore! It’s that easy!

Join the Initiative! Share your pictures with us, or post and tag #helpingninjas

According to Early Head Start, National Resource Center:

“There  is growing consensus among educators, health and mental health professionals, and other child advocates that this trend has significant adverse effects on young children’s health and development. For example, Richard Louv, a child advocacy expert, worries that children are disconnecting from the natural world, a condition he calls “nature-deficit disorder’. According to his research, nature-deficitdisordercontributestoa rise in obesity, depression, and attention disorders, and as young children“spend less and less of their lives in natural surroundings, their senses narrow, physiologically and psychologically….” Read the full article:

Helping Ninjas at the Beach

Age Appropriate Tasks

Kids Can Learn to Help!

Teaching our youth how to help might be the most important thing we can teach them. This six-year old little helping ninja enjoys helping with dishes.  Join the initiative and teach your kids to be helping ninjas -highly skilled at helping! Join us today and post or send us a picture of your helping ninja (childs’ face do not need to be seen) – only the act of help. Tag #helpingninja

Asking children to help is really easy!

Age appropriate tasks are excellent at building character, creating a sense of responsibility and helps children feel like they are on a team. By giving a child a task, they are successfully going to be able to complete and do wonders – and can produce happier children.

Join our initiative and help us educate our youth on the importance of helping each other, the planet and ourselves. Start with a simple task, like washing dishes…teach your child to become highly skilled at helping!



If you need help determining which task is age appropriate for the child you are wanting to teach the importance of helping, please email us and we will be glad to assist you: [email protected]

Read this great article that appeared in Todays Parent Magazine August 2017



Power of Plants: Clean Air In Your House

Accept the Helping Ninjas Mission: Learn about or even help a child actually get one of the listed plants in the article below, and help to clean the air!   Learn, Help & Share, tag #helpingninjas with any of the following tags #cleanair #powerofplants #scienceiscool

Did you know that plants can clean the air? Plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. Kids like to learn about air-purification & how indoor plants play a role, and absorb many gases including carbon dioxide! Helping Ninja Kids thinks this is really cool!

See a list of plants that can actually help clean your air in your home! The below link will take you to a great article about the power of plants in your home!

See List of Plants In this Article:

Do Indoor Plants Really Clean the Air? Learn about air-purification capacities of indoor plants have found that plants can absorb many other gases in including carbon dioxide. Read more here:



Can Indoor Air Can Make Kids Sick?

Accept the Helping Ninja mission, get outside and play! Post a picture and tag #helpingninjas #winter #fun #heatlhykids

A Helping Ninjas mom recently ran across and article mentioning the importance of getting outdoors – it helps to give clarity, because of the stimulation oxygen to the brain fresh air can provide and it actually helps to boosts the immune system! We should all be trying to get outside and enjoy the benefits of playing in the winter months and most importantly, lets help to get our kids outside! Studies show that indoor air is actually making us sick.

Read more here….




Playing In the Snow is Good For Kids

Studies show that kids can develop fine motor and sensory skills, just by playing in the snow! And, it stimulates creativity! And cold air is a great lung cleanse! We need oxygen to produce white blood cells that can fight off germs – this is why fresh air is so good for us!

Accept the Helping Ninja Mission and get your help encourage your children to go outside in the snow! Kids love to play in the snow, but not if they are freezing! They won’t last longer then a few minutes if they get snow in their boots, or collars, or pants get wet! So, just be sure they are dressed warm enough, children have smaller bodies then adults, so sometimes need more layers.

101 Snow Games to play with your Kids:

Guidelines To Keep Children Safe in Cold Weather: To learn more about safety guidelines to keep a child warm in the winter, click on any of the link:


Indoor Air Can A Child Sick? Read more here:

Hands On Nashville

Hands On Org. Nashville connects you with local organizations in the area that are currently accepting donations. If you would like to help your child and their friends to learn about the importance of helping, this is an excellent source for Nashville residents to find out how to help!

Accept the Helping Ninjas Mission to donate to not-for-profits near you!  See their wish lists here:

There are  many things your child can donate, and by helping them perform this simple act of kindness they will feel the power of help!

Hi! I’m a helping Ninja and I helped write this spotlight on our blog!

Age 6, Helping Ninjas, Carmel IN

National World Soil Day

Today is National World Soil Day!

Another reminder and reason to compost! it helps to replenish our soil!

Learn more about composting at!   You can see our cool Helping Ninjas Compost Jar Experiment at work!! 


World Soil Day is celebrated annually on the 5th of December at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations headquarters in Rome, the regional offices and through national and local events.  

Great article from United Nations about National World Soil Day!

Helping Ninjas Mission: Love Nature

Helping Ninjas thinks kids need to learn to love nature! Send us or post  your photos or videos of children spending time outdoors – and we will post them!

Helping Ninjas on a hike, exploring at Cool Cree Park!
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