Community Service Initiative

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How can my kids get involved in the community?
How can your family get involved and give back?
Helping Ninjas is here to serve! Let us help you get started today.
Helping Ninjas is continuously seeking new Helping Ninjas to join us in our efforts to become highly skilled at helping the world!

Our not-for-profit organization is geared to educate and inspire youth to help the world.

We have Helping Ninjas in over 40 states- and are always looking for individuals who are wanting to help others, our planet and ourselves and inspire others to help the planet, each other and ourselves. Helping Ninjas is always looking for people to volunteer with us and to join the our mission to become highly skilled at helping.

Sign-Up to get involved in your community and do community service! Become a Helping Ninja today. Fill out the below form to sign-up to start giving back today!

By filling out this form you are registering to become a Helping Ninja. There is no cost. Helping Ninjas will contact you and get you going right away helping your community and your environment.

Helping Ninjas is seeking volunteers to sign-up for various educational and community service learning, projects and activities and events. To be directed to our Sign-Up Sheet via Sign-Up Genius:

Click here for Helping Ninja Sign-ups via Sign Up Genius!

Want to help the world?

Sign-up today! Helping Ninjas is seeking new members.

Contact us at [email protected] or you can message us on Instagram, Facebook or X.
Helping Ninjas for more details.Email us today!

Want to help the world?

Helping Ninjas is always seeking new members.
Contact us today!

View Instagram Helping Ninjas™️ (@helpingninjas)

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Be a Helping Ninja!

Are you already a Helping Ninja?

Join us on our mission and tag us in your videos or posts, or send them to us and we will share them!

Volunteer with Helping Ninjas
Helping Ninjas is always looking for people to volunteer with us and to join the our mission to become highly skilled at helping the world. Contacts us today! [email protected] or DM us on Instagram, Facebook or X.

Follow Us on Instagram Helping Ninjas™️ (@helpingninjas)

Feeding Indy

Second Helpings rescues food that would otherwise be thrown away, prepare it, deliver it to local nonprofits for free, and train people for careers in the culinary industry. They deliver more than a million meals every year—many of them to kids and seniors. Second Helpings fights hunger in Central Indiana from every angle.

Since 2018, Helping Ninjas youth and families have been volunteering their time to help at Second Helpings and help to “feed Indy.” In fact, one of our Helping Ninjas’ Skyler, was the youngest person to ever volunteer at Second Helpings at age 4.

On August 27th, our founder, Leo Berry and his two brothers, Sawyer and Skyler Berry volunteered at Second Helpings. They helped to prepare pasta for the Second Helpings Chef. They were able to help feed over 600 families by preparing 200 lbs of pasta!

Read the Indianapolis Star Newspaper Article that feature Helping Ninjas

Volunteer with Helping Ninjas

Helping Ninjas is always looking for people to volunteer with us and to join the our mission to become highly skilled at helping the world. Contacts us today! [email protected] or DM us on Instagram, Facebook or X.

View this profile on Instagram Helping Ninjas™️ (@helpingninjas)

Want to help the world? Helping Ninjas is always seeking new members and volunteers to help in our mission to become highly skilled at helping the world! Contact us today!

Check out “Helping Ninjas Volunteer Sign Ups”

To be directed to our Sign-Up Sheet via Sign-Up Genius:

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Growing Food For Others

Helping Ninja Skyler grew gardens this summer and donated some of his produce and herbs to Second Helpings!

Volunteer with Helping Ninjas
Helping Ninjas is always looking for people to volunteer with us and to join the our mission to become highly skilled at helping the world. Contacts us today! [email protected] or DM us on Instagram, Facebook or X.

View this profile on Instagram Helping Ninjas™️ (@helpingninjas)

Want to help the world? Helping Ninjas is always seeking new members.
Contact us today!

Grow Your Own Food

Each summer Helping Ninjas all over the country grew gardens in their backyards and communities! Share your photos of your garden with us! Tag #HelpingNinjas

Here are some photos of Helping Ninja Skyler’s garden! He grew lots of herbs and a variety of peppers!

July 2024 Helping Ninjas Gardens

Volunteer with Helping Ninjas
Helping Ninjas is always looking for people to volunteer with us and to join the our mission to become highly skilled at helping the world. Contacts us today! [email protected] or DM us on Instagram, Facebook or X.

View this profile on Instagram Helping Ninjas™️ (@helpingninjas)

Want to help the world? Helping Ninjas is always seeking new members.
Contact us today!

Check out “Helping Ninjas Volunteer Sign Ups”

To be directed to our Sign-Up Sheet via Sign-Up Genius:

Click here for Helping Ninjas Sign-Up Genius

Volunteering and Making A Difference

Helping Ninjas are making a difference at Second Helpings. On Saturday June 29th 2024, a group of Helping Ninjas got to volunteer and serve their community of Greater Indianapolis.

Volunteer with Helping Ninjas
Helping Ninjas is always looking for people to volunteer with us and to join the our mission to become highly skilled at helping the world. Contacts us today! [email protected] or DM us on Instagram, Facebook or X.

View this profile on Instagram Helping Ninjas™️ (@helpingninjas)

Want to help the world? Helping Ninjas is always seeking new members.
Contact us today!

Check out “Helping Ninjas Volunteer Sign Ups”

To be directed to our Sign-Up Sheet via Sign-Up Genius:

Click here

Why We Love TerraCycle

TerraCycle is a company that allows you to recycle and reuse, well, anything.

That’s a pretty cool thing because it means, less trash in the landfill. Less trash in the rivers. And, less pollution in the ocean. And, I love animals. My sister Layla loves dolphins. My brother Sawyer loves sharks. Skyler, my youngest brother loves sea turtles.

TerraCycle is a company that allows you to recycle and reuse, well, anything.

That’s a pretty cool thing because it means, less trash in the landfill. Less trash in the rivers. And, less pollution in the ocean. And, I love animals. My sister Layla loves dolphins. My brother Sawyer loves sharks. Skyler, my youngest brother loves sea turtles. My mom, well shes scared of sharks and to scared to touch dolphins, but she loves the ocean because she says it makes her happy, and because the ocean helps us breathe. She says without it we would not be here anymore. My dad loves to swim in the ocean. He jumps in the waves with us and he goes really far out and it scares my mom. She has to yell at him to come back sometimes. He does.

Why am I telling you all this? Because if we don’t start recycling all things ever made, our ocean will be full of trash. And, then – well, um, it is NOT good.

TerraCycle gives you a box and then you collect the trash and then you mail it back to them. They turn it into something useful and keep the trash out of the landfill.

My mom met a really nice lady named Shannon Cook. She is the sustainability manager at a place that sells cars and trucks and vans. It’s called Tom Wood Subaru.

My family and our friends in our neighborhood collect things that we give to TerraCycle so they can recycle it. Otherwise, it will end up in the trash can. Which, we all know wher that goes. TerraCycle is awesome. They can help save our planet.

Subaru helps stuff get recycled and re-used at TerraCycle.

Subura loves the Earth so they want to help, just like us.

We collect trash at home that we cannot put in our recycle bins and we collect stuff in our neighborhood from other helping ninja’s houses, like Jack and Garrett, and, my mom’s hair dresser, Elana, she collects her K-Cups at her salon for us, and two other helping ninjas, Claire and Alice, their mom, Kate, collects trash at her office for us. Her office, It’s called Eli Lilly.

We collect snack wrappers and snack bar wrappers and chip bags. And K -cups for coffee makers and plastic coffee lids and coffee cups.

Some of the stuff we buy at the store has the TerraCycle symbol on, letting you know you can recycle it with TerraCycle. Otherwise, it will not get recycled and goes to a landfill. Thumbs down.

My little sister Layla, can be annoying sometimes, but I guess we do have some fun when take a trip over to see Shannon, and we get to recycle our trash. with TerraCycle.

We think it is fun to help the planet.

Once we collec all the trash that is not recyable at our homes, we take it to Shannon. She sends it TerraCycle. TerraCycle will recycle the stuff into something that Subaru can use to help others. Like a park bench or a picnic table. Shannon said they have a whole magazine of stuff and she would show it to us next time. Shannon also said that Subaru will donate it to a local school or park. I think that that is very nice and I think that all busineses should do this. My friend and brother and sisters do to.

Shannon helps us to put the trash in the boxes. She thanks us everytime we come and bring her stuff to send to TerracCycle. She says that she mails the boxes and TerraCycle does the rest.

Shannon must be really smart. And Subaru. Becuase they help the planet and becaue they know about TerraCycle.

We collected so much trash this time that we filled all the TerraCycle boxes really quick and Shannon said she would have to take some of our trash out to the work garage to put in the other TerraCycle boxes..

This is Vedh and Sawyer. I’ve known Vedh since he and I were four years old. Sawyer, he’s my little brother, he is six.

Subaru has these boxes to collect plastic coffee lids and cups all over their offices that way you can’t forget to recycle it.

If you do, then well, that is pretty lazy.

TerraCycle has these other boxes that are really cool called zero-waste boxes. These zero-waste boxes, you can put anything in, and they will recycle it. It’s awesome.

By the way, I don’t like writing in school and typing is just ok. So my mom lets me use a voice text in her notes on her iPhone and I get to record what I am saying. She will ask me questions and then I’ll answer into the microphone. Sometimes I just say things like I am now. Then she copies and pastes it into this word press blog so it lets me fix my words pretty quick that were spelled wrong. My mom helps me with the punctuation. And some of the grammer that I don’t know or forget. Like periods and capital letters. I always forget those. She also told me this is still writing even though I am talking, so I guess I like to write when I get to write this way. And my mom is teaching me how to upload pictures to the blog today.

So, why do we love TerraCycle. (My mom just asked me to repeat the question.) I love Terra Cycle becuase the guy who founded it, he doesn’t belive in throwing things away. He says we can resuse everything. My mom says he is right. When he was 25 he had this idea and about ten years later he is doing really great stuff. I have to agree with him. (His name is Tom.) Tom says that ALL waste can be recylced and reused and used as renewable energy.

Here is a picture of Tom. My mom taguht me how to screen shot something on her iphone, and then we can put it in the blog. This picture came from Tom’s website:

What Tom is doing with Terra Cycle is awesome because he is helping the world. He is teaching others about waste and what we cacn do with it, besides dump it in a landfill. It reminds me of when I learned about composting. I thought that was pretty cool too. Taking food waste and making it something else that helps more food grow. My mom taught me about composting. She loves to compost. And she really likes TerraCycle. So do me and my friends and Layla, Sawyer and Skyler. And my dad. When he remembers to do it right. My mom sometimes has to remind him,. She says, “Mitch that goes in the TerraCycle box.”

If you know someone using Terra Cycle, send pictures to us, and we can post them. And your story too. That way we can all help save the sea animals and the ocean and the planet by using less stuff and not throwing things away in the trash can.

Reusing stuff and recycling, well, its actually, cool. And, well, so is TerraCycle.

Helping Ninja, Age 9

These are our pictures with Shannon at Tom Wood Subau in Indianapolis, Indiana where we take our trash to be mailed to TerraCycle to make cool stuff out of it.

TerraCycle was founded by Tom Szaky. This video is about Tom and his ideas on waste and recycling. You can learn alot by watching the video. You can also learn more about him and his company at

Subaru Loves Earth

To learn more about Subaru and it’s partnership with TerraCycle visit:

Photo vis

To learn more about how it works, visit:

Meet the Helping Ninjas

Helping Ninjas, Inc. is a non-profit organization based in Carmel, Indiana. Helping Ninjas mission is to create opportunities for youth to learn to become highly skilled at helping the world – the planet, each other, and oneself.

Helping Ninjas Founder Leo Berry, and the founding members and siblings:
Layla, Sawyer and Skyler.

Helping Ninja Saniah,Saigna, Maison & Maejor

Helping Ninja Saniah and her siblings Saigan, Maison and Maejor are collecting wrappers in their neighborhood, school, and dad’s office!

Dr. Marcus Mcray is collecting candy wrappers in a Rubicon Trick or Trash box at his chiropractor office! Marcus is the owner of Excel Chiropractor Studio and Invoke Pilates and Yoga Studio and is the official chiropractor of the Indianapolis Colts.

The Helping Ninja McCray family have been a part of Helping Ninjas since founded in 2018 and are taking part in Trick or Trash for a second year!

Helping Ninja Shruti and Siddarth

Shruti and Sid are founding members of the Helping Ninjas and this is their second year for participating in Trick or Trash! Sid is a Helping Ninja Youth Leader and contributing blog writer for the Helping Ninjas. Shruti is a Helping Ninja Youth Leader and a contributing artist and social media communicator.

Helping Ninja Arjun

Shruti and Sid are founding members of the Helping Ninjas and this is their second year for participating in Trick or Trash! Arjun is a Helping Ninja Youth Leader and contributing blog writer for the Helping Ninjas.

Helping Ninja Kate

Helping Ninja Kate in San Diego, California is collecting wrappers in her community for Rubicon’s Trick or Trash. Kate is a contributing write to Helping Ninjas Blog. Check out her trips for a more sustainable Halloween!

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Helping Ninja Sammie

Helping Ninja Sammie in Fort Wayne, Indiana is collecting wrappers in her community for Rubicon’s Trick or Trash.This is Sammie’s second year to participate in Trick or Trash!

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Sammie Smile Podcast

Sammie has a new PODCAST: Sammie Smiles! In episode 2, Sammie interviews pen pal and CEO of Ryan’s Recycling Ryan Hickman. They talk about all things recycling and helping the environment — and about her involvement in Helping Ninjas and Trick or Trash! 

Helping Ninja Avi

Helping Ninja Avi in Carmel, Indiana is collecting wrappers in her community for Rubicon’s Trick or Trash.

Helping Ninjas Isiah

Isiah and his brother in Carmel, IN often help others and our planet in their community. Their family enjoys volunteering and doing actives at home.

Helping Ninjas Flynn

Helping Ninjas Flynn in Brooklyn, New York is collecting wrappers in her community for Rubicon’s Trick or Trash.

Helping Ninja Malone and Frankie

Helping Ninjas Malone and Frankie in Pheonix, Arizona are collecting wrappers in her community for Rubicon’s Trick or Trash.

Helping Ninja Mac

Helping Ninjas Mac in Las Vegas, Nevada is collecting wrappers in her community for Rubicon’s Trick or Trash.

Helping Ninja Harper and Emma

Helping Ninjas Harper and Emma in Lexington Kentucky are collecting wrappers in her community for Rubicon’s Trick or Trash.

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Helping Ninja Isabella and Declan

Helping Ninjas Isabella and Declan in Nashville, Tennessee are collecting wrappers in her community for Rubicon’s Trick or Trash.

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Helping Ninja Quinn

Helping Ninjas Quinn in Fishers, Indiana is collecting wrappers in her community for Rubicon’s Trick or Trash.

Helping Ninja Bhavya

Helping Ninjas Bhavya in Noblesville, Indiana is collecting wrappers in her community for Rubicon’s Trick or Trash. Bhavya is Indiana’s Jr Pre-teen National Miss Princess 2020.

Helping Ninjas Thatcher

Helping Ninjas Malone and Frankie in Denver, Colorado is collecting wrappers in her community for Rubicon’s Trick or Trash.

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Helping Ninja Sapna

Helping Ninjas Maria

Helping Ninja Maria in Boston, Massachusetts is collecting wrappers in her community for Rubicon’s Trick or Trash.

Helping Ninjas Sahana and Sidhaarth

Helping Ninjas Sahana and Sidhaarth in Tampa, Florida are collecting wrappers in her community for Rubicon’s Trick or Trash.

Helping Ninjas Amy, Elijah and Hannah

Helping Ninjas Amy, Elijah, and Hannah in Greenwood, Indiana are collecting wrappers in her community for Rubicon’s Trick or Trash.

Helping Ninjas Lucas

Helping Ninja Lucas in Wilmette, Illinois is collecting wrappers in her community for Rubicon’s Trick or Trash.

Helping Ninjas The Grant Family

Helping Ninjas The Grant Family in Chicago, IL are collecting wrappers in her community for Rubicon’s Trick or Trash.

Helping Ninjas is student led organization and youth help with the website, please check back as continuous updates are made to

Help The Homeless

I didn’t want to have a life where I never thought about other people.It made me feel good to help them. I feel like I should keep helping more, because I should think of others rather than myself. You can always help more, and there are always people that need help!

I feel like I should keep helping more, because I should think of others rather than myself. You can always help more, and there are always people that need help

Helping Ninja Nathan

It made me feel good to help them.  

Helping Ninja Isaiah

Helping Ninja Mission:

Help The Homeless

Story submitted by Helping Ninjas Nathan (Age 12) and Isaiah (Age 9)

Hamilton County, Indiana

Why did you join Helping Ninjas and why did you decide to help the homeless?


I didn’t want to have a life where I never thought about other people.


We have more than others, so we should give stuff to other people who have less than we do.What happened? My mom saw a facebook post from Rebecca on her page “Michele’s Mission of Love” about needing supplies to deliver to the homeless. 

We previously have helped Rebecca, by meeting her at the Maker space in the Fisher’s library.  This is where we helped her make sleeping mats woven out of plarn (plastic yarn) for the homeless. We also helped tie the ends of small blankets that were given to the senior center.

We have also been helping another women named Evon, who made a facebook page named “Breakfast Buddies”. She goes downtown in Indianapolis to feed and give clothes to the homeless every Sunday.  


We heard about the people sitting on the street with no home and felt sorry for them and wanted to help. We decided to make two donations so we could help pass things along to both ladies. My mom went to the store and bought supplies to make 24 kits that included a bottle of toothpaste, a toothbrush, toothbrush case, and a bar of soap. 

She also sewed 24 face masks to go into the kits, plus more for the second donation. We bought socks, hats and gloves to help keep them warm. We made 40+ scarves by buying thick fuzzy fleece fabric, cutting it into strips and then tying knots on the ends. 

We went through our food to see what food and candy we could donate. We made kits that we put into plastic ziplock bags and sorted items into trash bags. It took about 1 week to make the scarves and get everything assembled.


It made me feel good to help them.  


I feel like I should keep helping more, because I should think of others rather than myself. You can always help more, and there are always people that need help


Stay tuned…more to come!

Volunteer with Helping Ninjas
Helping Ninjas is always looking for people to volunteer with us and to join the our mission to become highly skilled at helping the world. Contacts us today! [email protected] or DM us on Instagram, Facebook or X.

View this profile on Instagram Helping Ninjas™️ (@helpingninjas)

Want to help the world? Helping Ninjas is always seeking new members.

Contact us today!

Check out “Helping Ninjas Volunteer Sign Ups”

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