Zero Waste Initiative

Helping Ninjas just launched our initiative Zero Waste, an effort to reduce waste sent to landfills and educate children on the importance of teaching our youth how to help the planet.

March 1st through May 1st, Helping Ninjas is asking all youth to participate by collecting at home hard to recycle waste streams as well as strive to make zero-waste choices each day. See more details of how to participate below.

Go Zero Waste Today

To sign up for the Helping Ninjas Zero Waste initiative please fill out the form below.

Items Will you be Collecting Items to save from the landfill

How to Go Zero Waste

Zero waste is a set of practices that aims to reduce waste by reusing, recycling, and composting. The goal is to keep waste out of landfills and the environment. 

How It Works

Use reusable bags and containers

Buy products that are reusable or come in reusable packaging, Composting food scraps, and Using reusable menstrual products. Buy fewer things, buy in bulk, and buy reusable products

Repair, repurpose, and reuse items

Recycle waste through composting, anaerobic digestion, or animal feed

Design products and processes to avoid waste

Conserve resources like energy and natural materials 

Plant something; reduce carbon pollution by reducing methane emissions and adding carbon to soil 

Save money: Buying fewer things and reusing items can save money 

How Does it Work?

What makes something locally recyclable depends on whether your local recycling company can make a profit recycling it. If the cost of collecting and processing the waste is lower than the value of the resulting raw material, it will likely be locally recyclable. If the costs are higher, then it likely won’t be.

The good news is that most trash can technically be recycled. That’s where Terry Cycle comes in.

Helping Ninjas is using Terra Cycle Zero Waste Boxes to help our ninjas find a solution and help to solve the problem of waste.

TerraCycle can recycle the hard-to-recycle because they work with brands, retailers, and other stakeholders who fund the recycling process.

After we recycle the waste into raw material, it’s sold to manufacturing companies who produce the end product and complete the recycling journey. These end products may include outdoor furniture and decking, plastic shipping pallets, watering cans, storage containers and bins, tubes for construction applications, flooring tiles, playground surface covers, athletic fields, and more!

Helping Ninjas youth are collecting waste to fill Zero Waste boxes to ship to Terra Cycle so that they can save it from going to the landfills!

Learn more about how TerraCycle is working to eliminate the idea of waste.

Did you know?

There are more than 2,600 MSW landfills in the United States and more projected for coming years. This map provides a snapshot of the operational project and candidate landfill counts by state. According to the EPA, the United States generated approximately 292.4 million tons of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in 2024, which translates to roughly 4.9 pounds of trash per person per day. 

Per capita waste: 4.9 pounds per person per day 

Total waste: 292.4 million tons of waste

As of September 2024, this table shows the counts of operational projects, candidate landfills and all landfills by state, as contained in the LMOP Database.

Stand Up For Our Planet Campaign

Join our efforts, become a Helping Ninjas and join our movement to educate, address and celebrate all areas of positive impact on our environment. We encourage our community members to post, videos, photos depicting how you or your business is helping the planet. Helping Ninjas is geared to educate youth on ways to help, and what better way for them to see is by example.

Post and tag us!

Any effort or education on how to help our planet— including all species of life, land & aquatic animals and wildlife, soil, water, air— any news story, news feed, post or photo you may have seen – can be a shared learning tool for others, and help to inspire change!  Example posts: a picture of how or a business is helping the environment. Such as photos of Eco-Friendly Straws, Eco-Friendly Utensils, To-Go Boxes, etc.

Any efforts to recycle, composting, reducing waste, conserving energy and/or supporting renewable energy. Promoting urban farming, such as buying local, or any sustainable environment efforts or goals.

Community Outreach and/or charitable acts of helping the community or planet. Any organizations and business efforts to help the environment –is worth sharing!

Learn more:

© Copyright 2025 Helping Ninjas™ All Rights Reserved

Fight Hunger Campaign

Join our efforts to fight hunger and food waste. Contact us to join our efforts to educate, inspire and make a difference.

47.4 million Americans experienced hunger. This means that they have difficulty accessing affordable, nutritious food. 

Join our efforts today. To sign-up for the Helping Ninja fight hunger and food waste, submit the form below:

Defining Food Waste

Food waste is a huge problem and has a direct negative impact on the environment. Helping Ninjas invites you to do your part and spread awareness about this prominent and often overlooked issue.Raise your environmental awareness by learning about food waste and what you can do to curb it in your own home and in the community . Reducing food waste starts in the home, and you can make a difference by taking one small step at a time.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FOA) defines food waste as, “discarding of food that is safe and nutritious for human consumption along the entire food supply chain, from primary production to end household consumer level.”

U.S. Food Waste Statistics

According to the EPA, the U.S. discards some 37 million tons of food each year—a third of all the food it produces—yet just five percent of that is composted. All the rest is piled into landfills or incinerated. More food fills in these trash pits than any other material, says the EPA, constituting 21 percent of all of the country’s municipal solid waste.

Along with the wasted food goes all the water, energy, pesticides, fertilizer, labor and other inputs that go into growing, shipping, processing, marketing and preparing it. When landfilled, wasted food also generates methane, a powerful greenhouse gas.

How are you addressing food waste and hunger in your community?

Share your stories with us!

By Skyler, Age 12, February 20125, Heping Ninja, Indiana

Today my brothers and I went to Second Helpings with our mom. We helped the chef by opening boxes and prepping for the meal that they will prepare in the morning.

The first thing we did when we got there was go the pantry and get the boxes. Then we helped the chef by pouring the continents of the pasta boxes into the food bins.

Giving Back

Sign-up today to participate with the Helping Ninjas!Check out “Helping Ninjas Volunteer Sign Ups”

To be directed to our Sign-Up Sheet via Sign-Up Genius:

Helping Ninjas Sign-Up Genius

Volunteer with Helping Ninjas
Helping Ninjas is always looking for people to volunteer with us and to join the our mission to become highly skilled at helping the world. Contacts us today! [email protected] or DM us on Instagram, Facebook or X.

View this profile on Instagram Helping Ninjas™️ (@helpingninjas)

Want to help the world? Helping Ninjas is always seeking new members.

Contact us today!

Helping Ninjas Emojis

Join our Helping Ninja emoji contest and help our planet!

Helping Ninjas Emoji Sticker Contest

Helping Ninjas are choosing new Helping Ninja emojis for our Helping Ninja Emoji Aticker app in the Apple App Store! And yours could be next!

Each month Helping Ninjas uses its proceeds to fund other Helping Ninjas projects and/or donates a portion of the profits from  other charitable organization!

The Helping Ninja bandana is a band of fabric, a common thread that ties us all together, despite differences of age, status, gender, race, ethnic or economic background, making our world a better place through kindness and selfless acts – whether it be helping the planet, each other or oneself. 

Share your Helping Ninja Emojis with us!

To sign-up for the Helping Ninja emoji contest, submit the form below:

How does the emoji art contest work?

At the end month, the Helping Ninjas will vote via our monthly Helping Ninja Zoom Party! We will announce it the first of each month! 

No limit of submissions!

Children can enter as many Helping Ninja emoji submissions as they want!

Each month Helping Ninjas uses its proceeds to fund other Helping Ninjas projects and/or donates a portion of the profits from  other charitable organization!

Helping Ninja Maddie
#helpingninjas, Sarah

#helpingninjas, Layla

#helpingninjas, Shruti

Download our Helping Ninjas Sticker App

100% of Helping Ninjas™ emoji sticker pack proceeds goes towards creating opportunities for youth to create change and inspire others. Helping Ninjas, Inc., a youth-led-not for profit, that supports global, national, community philanthropical, charitable, and environmental causes.
Search “Helping Ninjas” in the Apple App Store
Join our efforts today!
Download the Helping Ninja Sticker App for 99 cents and help us to inspire youth to become “Highly Skilled At Helping.”

Click to be directed to

Sign-Up & Join Us!

Youth Leaders

Interested in becoming a youth leader of a not-for-profit orginazation?

Helping Ninjas is now accepting youth leadership positions to help lead all Helping Ninjas initiatives for 2025.

Fill out the form below to become a Helping Ninja Leader.

Please check all Initiatives You are interested in leading

Join our campaign to inspire youth to learn how to help the world.

About Helping Ninjas

Any child can join the Helping Ninjas.

Helping Ninjas, Inc. is a registered U.S. not-for profit organization. Membership to join is free. Helping Ninjas is an ongoing open-enrollment.

From acts of help at home to school to in your community every act, small or large, helps make the world a better place and by doing acts of help, is the only requirement to become Helping Ninja.

Registration form to join Helping Ninjas:

participant Age


Helping Ninjas hosts monthly Zoom parties for all Helping Ninja youth across the globe! We have Helping Ninjas in Europe and across forty-one states. Connect with other like-minded youth and learn how to help the planet and each other.

Donation Drive

Join Helping Ninjas today and help us collect items and donate them to someone in need in your community! Helping Ninjas will help you get going and educate you on what it takes to host a successful donation drive to make a big impact in your community.

Sign-Up Today to start your own Helping Ninjas donation drive!


Helping Ninjas

My name is Layla Berry and I helped organize a food donation drive at School of Rock in Indiana. All of the students at SOR were invited to donate food items in need at Second Helpings. We donated the food to Second Helpings in which they will use to make meals for those in need.

Want to help the world? Helping Ninjas is always seeking new members and volunteers to help in our mission to become highly skilled at helping the world! Contact us today!

Compost Pumpkins Challenge

Every year pumpkins are the produce to pick during the Halloween season.

Agriculture accounts for 10% of the United States’ greenhouse gas emissions, so what can you with your pumpkin? So, what can we do to help? Compost them! 

It’s that time of year, you buy a pumpkin, grab a knife and begin your masterpiece. But what happens when your jack-o-lantern turns from spooky decoration to soggy decomposition?

According to the USDA, last year 2 billion pounds of pumpkins were grown in the United States. Approximately 85% of pumpkins are grown for carving and decorating, which creates a lot of waste.

Join the Helping Ninjas and compost your pumpkins. Collect in your neighborhood or community and compost them at ac compost facility near you or right at home! Sign-Up Today!

October 31, 2024 – Helping Ninja, the Silberstien family, helped to offset waste to the landfills by collecting pumpkins in Hamilton County to be composted.

Sign Up with Helping Ninjas
Compost Pumpkin Challenge Sign-Up

Click here

Want to help the world? Helping Ninjas is always seeking new members. Helping Ninjas is always looking for people to volunteer with us and to join the our mission to become highly skilled at helping the world. Contacts us today! [email protected] or DM us on Instagram, Facebook or X. Contact us today!

Follow on Instagram: Helping Ninjas™️ (@helpingninjas)

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