A wish for a Strawless Ocean On WishTV

Today we went to IndyStyle on WISH-TV and we talked about how strawless oceans and not using plastic straws. I think that we don’t need to use plastic straws because it is hurting our environment, ocean and living creatures. Its affecting sea animals and some land animals.

On tv, we showed different kinds off straws to use besides plastic straws. We hope that people learned from what we did. We know that one restaurant and its management members did. They announced on television they would take the #StandUpToStraws pledge!

Thank you Spoke and Steel. Our wish is to have a plastic free straw-less ocean. And you got us one step closer to this goal we were before we went on television. Thank you.  #Floss4Oceans

Leo, Helping Ninjas, Age 9, FounderCreator

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Spoke and Steele announced they would take the #StandUpToStraws pledge! They are Helping Ninjas!

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