The Ultimate Guide to a Sustainable Diet

by Lindsey Fella Bery, CEO, Helping Ninjas™ on October 20, 2019 in Health + Wellness

Eating for energy. Learn to make sustainable food choices that fuel your body and the planet! 

Sustainable food items improve the quality of life, age, illness and ensures the safety of our families and our planet. Educating ourselves on this will allow us to understand food consumption. The choices made about what food we consume, how it was produced and manufactured, ultimately affects our health and the health of our children. The food we eat directly has either positive or adverse effects on our body and our environment. The choice of whether to choose foods that are sustainably made or not  –is ours.

Steps to ensure you are eating: a nutritious and beneficial and environmentally conscious diet  and how to choose food choices that conserve our planet’s energy and provide us energy.

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