Horizons Kids Are Helping Ninjas

Helping Ninjas were honored to present to fifteen Horizons‘ students at Butler University. Helping Ninjas gave fun and educational presentation on sustainable living. Horizons learned about pollinators, including bees and Monarchs, composting, natural pesticides and herbicide, planting seeds, gardening, flowers and milkweed, invasive species, native species, native plants, native bees and the native bee hut project with Crowne Bees and Hamilton County Parks Cool Creek Nature Center.

Helping Ninjas helped Horizons learn about sustainable living, and the children learned that “learning” is “helping,” so just by learning about something, you can help!  Student leaders also taught the kids at Horizons about global plastic pollution and our #StandUpToStraws! And, gave each student a variety of alternative straws to take home! Horizons kids also received Monarch Milkweed Seeds, pollinator bookmarks and informational brochures donated by Holly Faust, Hamilton County Parks Cool Creek Educator – thank you Holly! The kids at Horizons are now official Helping Ninjas! 

Horizon kids were also given the opportunity to become Helping Ninjas™ Student Blog writers and invited to Learn. Help.Share.

Horizons serves students and families and helps them move forward 2-3 months in academic learning, provides life-saving swimming lessons, and gets the kids out in the community for enrichment. This years theme: Sustainability for sixth grade!

Thank you Horizons for inviting Helping Ninjas to come and help you learn how to help our planet ! #FutureLeaders

Helping Founders Park

A Note from a Ninja

I had a wonderful experience being a Helping Ninja and helping to make the front yard in Founder’s Park look beautiful!

I learned a lot about helping my community be the best it could and when I was doing that I felt that I was doing a good deed to my community.

Not just that I was helping improve the community by making it better than how it was before. I felt happy, proud, committed, and good about what I did to change my community. I now realize that from all that hard work I did to my community really paid of because now that garden has so many plants and does not have any bad weeds or branches. I really appreciated this exciting opportunity and wish for many more!!

Amogh,  Helping Ninja,  Fourth Grade, College Wood Elementary

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Students Spend Holiday Helping Earth


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