The Last Line of Defense, The Indiana Wetland Bill

Today in modern Indiana Senate Bill 389 it was stated that it would lift all the protections for wetlands and it SB 389 and overwrite the bill that is defending the wetlands. We need to stop this and protect our Indiana wetlands.

By Leo Berry, Age 11, Helping Ninjas Founder

Today in modern Indiana Senate Bill 389 stated that it would lift all the protections for wetlands and SB 389 is to overwrite the bill that is currently defending wetlands. We need to stop this and protect our Indiana wetlands.

When I read this, I felt mad and worried. I am witnessing leaders enlist danger to our future. We should all choose planet over profit.

A new bill proposed this legislative session would repeal the state’s wetlands law, stripping protections for many of the wetlands that still exist across Indiana. Those who support Senate Bill 389 say it’s needed to remove red tape for builders and developers.

Indy Star: January 25th, 2021 Article 

So I sit here and think: Why is it that this world we live in is so driven by outcomes that do not always work in favor of nature?

We have a right to a secure future, one that we can live in. The world that has been given to us, all of these wonderful things, and we continue to destroy it. If we continue to take everything from this world, there will be nothing left and neither will we.

Leo Berry is in the fifth grade.
Leo is Helping Ninjas Founder, An attendee at Indiana’s first-Youth Climate Rally, Attendee at Earth Charter Indiana’s 2020 Climate Camp, and participant in the Virtual #GlobalClimateStrike 2020. Leo has met with StateHouse officials in 2020, and also attended the hearing of Senate Bill 229 at the Indiana State House 2020.

Update 12:45 p.m. Jan. 25. 2021: Lawmakers passed SB 389 out of the Senate Environmental Affairs Committee Monday afternoon, after more than two hours of testimony and discussion. The final 8-3 vote fell along party lines. The bill will now head to the Senate floor.”Indy Star January 25, 2021

Hoosier Environmental Council

Anti-Wetlands Bill 2021 SB 389 would eliminate protection of state wetlands in Indiana, and most of our wetlands are state wetlands. In the 1980’s, it was estimated that only 15% of Indiana’s original wetlands were left.  In 2003 the legislature recognized the value of preserving the remaining wetlands and wrote the state wetlands law. Wetlands provide water purification and critical wildlife habitat and absorb large quantities of water which reduces flood risk. SB 389 will likely be heard in the Senate Environmental Affairs Committee this week. – Hoosier Environmental Council

IDEM Says Wetlands Important

Information from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management on why wetlands are important. Read here.

Sign my petition to save the wetlands!

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