Stand Up to Straws

An initiative to educate youth on the impacts of global plastic pollution.

 Helping Ninjas™ is leading a student-led campaign, #Stand Up To Straws, a youth initiative effort to create awareness, educate, inspire to make a change, and to stand up for what is right –reducing manufacturing and production  of single-use plastics, such as straws. Plastic straws, amonst other plastic waste items, are causing tremendous environmental damage to the water quality, atmosphere, animals and marine life.

Helping Ninjas hopes #StandUpToStraws will help to create awareness about plastic polution and educate youth on the adverste affects of single-used plastics. Plastic waste is entering our waters at fast rate, polluting the water, harming sea life and our environment. Straws are just one of many single-used plastic items, at 4% of the globes total plastic waste, at 2000 tons. (Total Plastic Waste is Tons)

Helping Ninjas™ #StandUpToPlastic  initiative addressing global plastic pollution.

Follow us on Twitter: @standuptostraws
FaceBook @standuptostraws
Instagram @standuptostraws

#StandUpToStraws Helping Ninjas™ Initiative

As future leaders, we need to stand up for our planet and our marine life, and together take a stand to stop pollution of plastic. Helping Ninjas does not think that there is a mass prodcution world-wide need for plastic, and that much of it that is being proudced and used by consumers is wasted. Helping Ninjas hopes to help influence the reduce of plastic production. Consider the idea that if the manufacturing of plastic could come to a lower or minimum production, exploration of the intent to manufacture of only eco-friendly consumer items would become widespread.

Plastic Waste

US scientists have calculated the total amount of plastic ever made at 8.3 billion tonnes. This mass of material that only in the last 65 years The 8.3 billion tonnes is as heavy as 25,000 Empire State Buildings in New York, or a billion elephants. (Reference,, July 2017, BBC News) 



Did you know that only 9% off plastic EVER made has been recycled? Leaving 91% of the world’s plastic NOT getting recycled, and, its ending up in our oceans. In fact, scientists are predicting that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean then fish. And, that is important because 70% of the Earth’s oxygen, comes from our oceans and marine plants. To prevent suffication, its time to re-think our single-use plastic items, find a way to ensure they are recycled, or reduce usage to elliminate waste.

It’s time to stand up to straws and plastic, and Stand Up For Our Planet!

  • 8.3 billion tons of plastic has been created in the last sixty-five years
  • 50% of all plastic (roughly 4.1 billion tons) was created in the last 13 years 
  • 91% of the worlds plastic is not recycled 
  • 8 million tons of single-use plastic items in oceans
  • 70% of the Earth’s oxygen in the atmosphere is produced by oceans & marine plants 
  • Straws mkae up 4% of plastic items entering oceans & causing adverse affectson the environment 
  • 2000 tons of plastic straw waste enters our ocean each year
  • 500 million straws are used daily in the United States
  • Scientists predict by 2050 there will be more plastic then fish in oceans

#StandUpToStraws is an initiative to educate youth on the impacts of global plastic pollution and to think about cause and effect, and to stand up for our planet. Helping Ninjas wants to educate and create awareness about this issue and how one can help our environment & all aquatic marine animals. Options to help are total ellimatation, reduction, and, another way, is using alternative straws.

Variety of Alternative Eco-Friendly Straws

  • Metal Straws
  • Glass Straws
  • Paper Straws
  • Compostable Straws
  • Bio-Degradable 
  • Bamboo

While biodegradable items refer to any material that breaks down and decomposes, compostable goods are organic matter that breaks down to become a pile of nutrient-rich soil. Compost. Bamboo straws are commonly made in India.  

Helping Ninjas are asking community members to join in our efforts! To participate by simply just choosing to refuse a plastic straw and trying an alternative.  Join in by learninghelpingand sharing and posting a picture of a StrawLess Cheers!  Or by Flossing!

You can follow us on social media:
Follow us on Twitter: @standuptostraws.
FaceBook @standuptostraws
Instagram @standuptostraws

Helping Ninjas encourages businesses to join in our efforts, too!

We are inviting businesses to join our initiative by displaying our signs.

We are also inviting businesses to participate further by only providing patrons straws when asked, and to explore the use of eco-friendly straws in hopes to create a more sustainable environment. You can join by doing any of the following:

  • By hanging our signs.
  • By shelving the straws, and only giving them to customers when they asked for them
  • Exploration of alternative straws.

To help engage and give community members a call to action, Helping Ninjas wants to invite patrons to join online in with posts announcing their pledge to #StandUpToStraws with pictures and videos of a “Straw-less Cheers”and our favorite, “The Floss”dance to celebrate – all in efforts to create awareness and begin positive change.

It is our hopes that you would consider joining our efforts now, or to consider doing so in the future – helping others to learn about our efforts and encouraging community participation! We will showcase current measures your company is taking or what plans you intend to take in the future, and we will share your efforts on our website and social media!



Local Businesses That Have Pledged To StandUpToStraws

Local Businesses That Already StandUpToStraws

Helping Ninjas™ #StandUpToStraws was recently featured on WishTVIndy Style!

Want to Join Our Efforts?


We need more Helping Ninjas! Our signs & forms are downloadable. Click here to download our poster: StandUpToStrawsPoster PDF

To Join follow us on social media:
Follow us on Twitter: @standuptostraws.
FaceBook @standuptostraws
Instagram @standuptostraws


You can also join our efforts and help our oceans by purchasing our sticker pack in the Apple™ App Store.

Helping Ninjas™ Oceans and Sea Life Mission:                          Help Lonely Whale and Plastic Free July

In effort to help efforts to eliminate plastic straws and reduce plastic pollution, Helping Ninjas™  is donating 25% of its proceeds from the Helping Ninja Emoji Sticker Pack to organizations: @PlasticFreeJuly and @LonelyWhale.  Learn more about our mission at

All proceeds from the Helping Ninjas Helping Ninja Emoji Sticker pack go to fund our projects and initiatives, like @StandUpForStraws. Each month Helping Ninjas will donate 25% of proceeds to other charitable causes. 

Open the Apple™ app store and search for Helping Ninjas.

Helping Ninjas™ Oceans and Sea Life Mission:  Supporting efforts Lonely Whale and Plastic Free July

In effort to help reduce plastic pollution and to join the efforts to eliminate plastic straws,  Helping Ninjas have  joined the global movement for a #StrawlessOcean with LonelyWhale.  We have also pledged to a #PlasticFreeJuly. Learn more at 

Helping Ninjas™ Mission to Ocean to Explore and Research Plastic Pollution 

In effort to see first hand the plastic pollution and harm plastic straws are causing on our oceans, Twelve Helping Ninjas will be traveling to southern Florida during the month of June. During this time Helping Ninjas will explore and research the effects of plastic on our environment and will be documenting and recording all findings. These Helping Ninjas will also be visiting local marine animal rescue centers as well as researching local community efforts to make a difference.

Follow these Helping Ninjas efforts on the Helping Ninjas Blog and on social media: @StandUpToStraws or hashtag #StandUpToStraws #HelpingNinjas

C.A.R.E Center on the Gulf

You are Never Too Young Too Learn To Stand Up For Your Planet!

Click to see Alternative Straws with Skyler, 4 Year Old Helping Ninja!

Notes from our Ninjas

“We want to tell other kids about the harm plastic straws are doing to marine life like sea turtles and how it is killing them. We think this is very sad and that others need to know about it. We hope to bring awareness about these innocent creatures. We think that the more people know about this, then the more people will not want to use plastic straws. If someone knows using a plastic straw could hurt an animal, maybe they would not want to use one anymore.” Leo, Age 9, #StandUpToStraws

“We want to help the environment because the plastic straws that we are using every minute and every hour are putting a big impact on the environment itself, we want to use eco-friendly straws – the outcome we seek is to use these stores world-wide and heal from the harm we have caused.” Vedh, Age 9, #StandUpToStraws

“We know plastic straws pollute, but we know some people like to use straws. We can use different types of straws instead that are biodegradable like bamboo straws. Bamboo straws are commonly used in some Eastern Countries, like India, where I am from.  Also, it is good because these straws will not pollute our oceans and these straws cannot harm sea animals. If we can convince others to stop using harmful plastic straws, soon there will be none in our oceans.”Amogh, Age 10, #StandUpToStraws

“We live in a beautiful world, which is also our home. Sadly, we are the ones destroying it. One way we can save it is by creating awareness of the harm plastic straws are causing. Plastic Straws are the top 10 most commonly found plastic in the ocean and at beaches. We want to create awareness about the dangers of plastic straws and help people find solutions. One way we will do this is by telling people why not to use plastic straws, and suggesting to use Bamboo straws, or any compostable straws. For these can help the environment because they are 100% Biodegradable. We will work hard to save the beautiful world we all know and love.”  Siddarth, age 11, #StandUpToStraws

Helping Ninjas™ Mission to India to Explore and Research Eco-Friendly Straws 

As a part of this initiative, Three Helping Ninja students are traveling to the country of India this year during the months of June and July and will be exploring and researching and making an effort to find source vendors to supply the eco-friendly straws such as bamboo and/or banana leaves – to local businesses, schools and organizations. We hope to help create a channel for distribution of eco-friendly straws and a cost-effective price to help create a sustainable program. Straws made of banana leaves and bamboo straws are commonly used in India, and sold at local markets in bushels of 200-300 for about 130 rupees ($2 U.S.). They are 100% biodegradable and 100% compostable.

It is our hopes that Helping Ninjas can try to help completely eliminate plastic straws completely, however, to bring awareness that if straw usage is a must, to replace harmful plastic ones with biodegradable and compostable straws!

Helping Ninjas raised over the last two weeks, $100 to purchase our first round of Bamboo straws while researching in India. We raised this money by recycling glass milk jars at Kroger and selling our old toys, shoes, a toddler firetruck bed, a kid bike to a local off hand store.

Founder Leo Berry’s little brothers Firetruck. It had been in the family for 5 years & now is being recycled for a good cause!

With this  $100 worth of alternative biodegradable straws, we will begin the portion of our campaign by giving samples to others. Trying to address any concerns of total straw elimination, showing that their is an eco-friendly and cost-effective alternative – plastic is NOT necessary.

We will be giving samples to local schools, local athletic clubs, restaurants, churches, businesses, community organizations and corporation – everyone!  And eventually, all schools, businesses, corporations and organizations across the world will know about this alternative and the importance of why we should use it. If straws are a must, then we must use safe straws!

Helping Ninjas™ was first founded because of a love for animals. Founder, Leo Berry, has always had a love for animals and insects and science. Naturally, Wild Kratts was a favorite past time show to engage. At the age of seven, a month before his 8th birthday, Leo and his mother sat down at the computer and began researching what animals were endangered. Leo’s mother knew that he loved animals and thought it might be an interesting topic to research, and gave them an activity to spend quality time together.
Leo was very heartbroken when he found so many species on the list. “I think I could literally here is heart-breaking,” said Lindsey Fella-Berry, The Helping Ninjas Mom. “I saw the empathy and concern in his eyes. And, then – the despair and confusion. He didn’t understand why this was happening.” Leo’s mother explained to him to the best of her knowledge, as she was learning too.  Togerher they read reasons for each species to have been placed on the list. “Then the wheels began turning,” said Leo’s mom. “A honest, genuine desire to help these creatures expelled from his little body and heart, and a passion to tell the world how to do it.”
So, naturally when Leo heard how plastic straws are hurting our oceans and the marine animals living in it or on beaches, his reaction was like this, “Straws are doing what?! How rude!”
Leo and his fellow Helping Ninjas are embarking on a new journey to help tell the world how to take a stand for what is right, and stand up to straws and joining the fight to end plastic pollution.
Helping Ninjas, College Wood Elementary Students, Carmel, IN

Learn.Help.Share. Join us to help our oceans and marine life and to help create awareness by posting informative information of any of the following:
  • Write for our blog! Send us thoughts, opinions, facts, etc.. on plastic straw pollution.
  • Statistics on plastic straw pollution and/or plastic pollution
  • Why are plastic straws are bad for the environment?
  • Why are plastic straws are bad for the ocean?
  • How  are plastic straws hurting marine life?
  • Pictures of straw pollution
    • Either that you have taken or that you find on Internet – please site photo origin, so credit is given where credit is due!
  • Pictures or Videos of marine life that are suffering from plastic straw use
    • Either that you have taken or that you find on Internet – please site photo origin, so credit is given where credit is due!
  • Can YOU live without plastic straws? Why or why not?
  • Alternatives for schools and how they can stop using plastic straws…
  • Ways that companies and large organizations can stop using plastic straws…
  • Restaurants, how they can stop using straws?
  • Ways that you personally have stopped using plastic straws…
  • Reactions to anyone you have asked to not use plastic straws in form of videos, photos, blogs
  • Emails/Letters that you have written to anyone to not use plastic straw.


Have an idea to add to our list above? Post on social media and tag #standuptostraws – Helping Ninjas will repost and then add it to our list! You can also e-mail any ideas or any of the above submissions. 

Helping Ninjas™ Incorporated is a student-led not-for-profit. Our mission is to create opportunities for children to learn how to help the world. #StandUpToStrawsis an initiative to educate youth on the impacts of global plastic pollution.  It is part of our larger commitment to encourage youth to Stand Up For Our Planet.

Helping Ninjas™ Helping Carmel Clay Schools

Helping Ninjas is excited to announce that College Wood Elementary in Carmel, IN is joining us in our #StandUpToStraws campaign. CWE is set to pilot this student-led campaign, eliminating plastic straw use in grades 3-5 beginning Fall 2018.

Susan Eva-McCord, Carmel Clay Schools, CWE Food Service Manager & District CCS Green Tea Representative is happy to see College Wood students once again involved in helping our Planet. “Once students witness the fruits of their efforts, other opportunities unfold, which fosters the excellence Carmel Clay Schools are accustomed to,” says Ms. McCord. “I am very proud of these young students.”

Helping Ninjas are exploring alternatives for plastic straws for grades K-2.

Watch Our #StandUpToStraws Campaign Video

Helping Ninjas™ Helping Carmel Clay Schools

Helping Ninjas proudly  announces that all thirteen Carmel Clay Schools in Carmel, Clay District is joining us in our #StandUpToStraws campaign. CCSGreenTeam and CCS Cafeterias are  set to pilot this student-led campaign, eliminating plastic straw use in all grades  beginning Fall 2018. Particpating shcools will only provide straws if required and/or requested.

Read more here:

Check out the Helping Ninjas™ Student Blog

Stand Up To Straws Initiative

Helping Ninjas™ Mission Help to help create awareness: Learn.Help.Share about #PlanetOrPlastic NationalGeo™ 

Let’s get inspired Learn.Help.Share. Learn about National Geographics #PlanetorPlastic and write thought, a message, an article, a blog post, or anything that inspires you! Like a picture or a drawing! Submit it to Helping Ninjas so others can learn too! Helping Ninjas will share it! We want others to learn what you learn when reading National Geo™ Planet or Plastic recent awesome publication about plastic taking over our planet. It is a must read! Learn.Help.Share.

©NationalGeo™ #PlanetOrPlastic www.nationalgeographic/planetorplastic/

National Geographic™ #PlanetorPlastic


“Creating opportunities for all ages, genders. and ethNicIty to educate themselves on how to help the planet, each other, and oneself and how to execute acts of help and kindness, might be the single most important thing we give to our youth.” – A Helping Ninjas Mom 





About Helping Ninjas, Inc.
Helping Ninjas, Inc. is a not-for-profit that is student-led and focuses on bringing awareness to the importance of teaching our youth ways to help the planet, each other and themselves. Helping Ninjas Inc. was founded by eight-year old Leo Berry, and was recently incorporated in February 2018. The organization currently has approximately 50 active youth and their family members engaged in its mission to become Highly Skilled At Helping. Helping Ninjas, Inc. has been awarded a U.S. Trademark for both their name and logo was published in the Official Gazette on May 8, 2018. Receiving the trademarks on the 8th was an awesomel yet ironic birthday gift for Leo who’s birthday is 9th of May!












Helping NInjAS, INC May 2017-August 2018 ©Copyright
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