Stand Up To Straws, A Note From a Ninja

“We want to tell other kids about the harm plastic straws are doing to marine life like sea turtles and how it is killing them. We think this is very sad and that others need to know about it. We hope to bring awareness about these innocent creatures. We think that the more people know about this, then the more people will not want to use plastic straws. If someone knows using a plastic straw could hurt an animal, maybe they would not want to use one anymore.” Leo, Age 9, #StandUpToStraws

We want to help the environment because the plastic straws that we are using every minute and every hour are putting a big impact on the environment itself, we want to use eco-friendly straws – the outcome we seek is to use these stores world-wide and heal from the harm we have caused.” Vedh, Age 9, #StandUpToStraws

“We know plastic straws pollute, but we know some people like to use straws and even need straws. We can use different types of straws instead that are biodegradable like plant based plastic straws that decompose, or bamboo straws. Bamboo straws are commonly used in some Eastern Countries, like India, where I am from.  Also, it is good because these straws will not pollute our oceans and these straws cannot harm sea animals. If we can convince others to stop using harmful plastic straws, soon there will be none in our oceans.” Amogh, Age 10, #StandUpToStraws

“We live in a beautiful world, which is also our home. Sadly, we are the ones destroying it. One way we can save it is by creating awareness of the harm plastic straws are causing. Plastic Straws are the top 10 most commonly found plastic in the ocean and at beaches. We want to create awareness about the dangers of plastic straws and help people find solutions. One way we will do this is by telling people why not to use plastic straws, and suggesting to use Bamboo straws, or any compostable straws. For these can help the environment because they are 100% Biodegradable. We will work hard to save the beautiful world we all know and love.”  Siddarth, age 11, #StandUpToStraws

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