Second Helpings Helps Environment

Helping Ninjas give Second Helpings a Helping Ninja high five!

Learn about Second Helpings in Indianapolis and how their food rescue program encourages helps to feed others in need all while creating a sustainable environment!

Did you know that they also compost  any leftover or unused food scraps?

Want to see more pictures of the Helping Ninjas Volunteering at Second Helping? Click Here.

An Excerpt from SecondHelpings.Org


Food Rescue Environmental responsibility is at the core of our mission to reduce waste. We take food resources that no one else wants or needs to fulfill the most fundamental needs that people can’t life without — nourishing food and careers that lead to self-sufficiency.

It’s estimated that every man, woman and child in the U.S. wastes up to a pound of food every single day. In Indianapolis alone, that’s almost 1,000,000 pounds of perfectly good food headed to the landfill every day. We work with our partners in the food service industry—distributors, caterers, restaurants, grocers, and others—to safely and efficiently collect surplus and perishable food that was headed for the landfill. Every year Second Helpings rescues more than 2 million pounds of nutritous food and uses that food to transform lives through our Hunger Relief and Culinary Job Training.

Recycling Often when Second Helpings takes in food, we also take in a great deal of packaging. It would be incompatible with our mission to merely throw away this extra packaging. Second Helpings recycles all cardboard, crates, plastic and bottles that hold our food. We also recycle all of our office paper and packaging as well.

Garden In 2011, Second Helpings partnered with Keep Indianapolis Beautiful to build a water-friendly herb garden at Second Helpings. Volunteers worked hard to erect the structure, grade the land, and plant all the herbs. Now, the garden is providing the kitchens here at Second Helpings with fresh basil, parsley, mint, and oregano. These herbs will season Second Helpings’ food long into the winter.

Want to learn more about Second Helpings Mission: Transforming Lives through the Power of Food

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