Mission: Straws

Yesterday, we continued to accomplish our journey by convincing more companies to stop using plastic straws and other plastics.




We started by going to the local Kroger, and. we talked with the manager and he agreed to hang flyers in the employee break room! He also said said he will hang our signs for customers bring reusable bags instead of using plastic bags or choose paper.

Next, we went to the local Starbucks. We got them to hang signs that tell people to use reusable coffee cups and they had these cool new cups that have a sip cup side that you can use without a straw! And, one little ninja used one of them to drink his water!

We found out about an hour later that Starbuck announced they were going to get rid of straws completely in 2020! AWESOME! An organization that inspired us, Lonely Whale played a huge role in Starbucks making this decision to ditch the straws! And then Seattle, announced to ban plastic straws city-wide!  This  do this amazing and we are hoping to inspire Indianapolis!

We then went to Cosbos, we spoke with the manager and he said he would ask his boss if they could switch from plastic straws to Bio-degradable straws instead. Actually, an hour after we left here, we heard on the news that Starbucks announced they would end plastic straw use by 2020.

Next, we went to Subway, the manager agreed to ask if they could switch their straws from plastic to biodegradable; he also agreed to not handing out straws unless asked to. We went to Pizza Hut after, Pizza Hut is one of the harder ones to tackle. We asked and the manager said he would ask the Corporate office if they could switch.


We then went to Muldoons, they actually already switched from plastic to Bio-degradable; so they agreed to hang are flyers! They had just opened the box that day! We were so exited to learn they are leaders in the city and helping the environment! Wait to go Mudloons!

Thank you Mudoons of Carmel!



We then went to Sccoty’s Brewhouse, they also agreed to look into it a couple of days ago. So, we delivered flyers to them.





Then we went to Main Street Poke, We found out that they switched their straws a while back; and they also agreed to hang our signs. We were so excited to learn that they are ALREADY using COMPOSTABLE Straws!  And, the hung our sign! Thank you Main Street Poke!








We then went to Vitality. They agreed to switching too, and they put there plastic straws OUT OF SIGHT! He was going to look into ordering compostable straws that afternoon! And he was going to hang our signs! WAIT TO GO VITALITY BOWLS





Celebrating the floss at Vitality Bowls, whom agreed to ditch the plastic straws and immediately look into purchasing of eco-friednlly as well as only give to patrons on a need to ask basis! Helping Ninjas Hive Five!

We then went to a few other shops where we were also successful. We also went to Bub’s, who already agreed with us and hung our flyers. We then went to Bazbeao’s Pizza, who already switched their straws a long time ago; they too agreed to hang our flyers.

I went to Verde after that, They also agreed with us a while back; they then hung our flyers and are about to order new Bio-degradable straws! Next, I went to Bar Louis; who also agreed with us, hung our flyers, and are actually ordering Bio-degradable straws! After that, we went to Greek’s Pizzeria as our final stop, and the owner himself was notified about our initiative; they also agreed to consider switching. In the end, a hard day’s of work took us a step forward to complete our initiative to stop plastic straws.

Day 3

Today six helping ninjas and a helping ninja mom visited several businesses today informing them about our #StandUpToStraws initiative. Inspiring to see children determined  to help and I am honored to have the opportunity to watch it unfold and look forward to witnessing positive impact on a more sustainable environment!

Helping Ninjas and visited with the following Carmel businesses, excitedly to report all of which were compliant with our cause, and had open minds to supporting our efforts!

The following businesses agreed to support our cause by hanging signs and look into exploring alternative straws!

  • Kroger, 161st Spring Mill
  • Starbuck’s/Kroger, 161st Spring Mill
  • Cabos Mexican Restaurant
  • Subway
  • Pizza Hut
  • Vet
  • Starbucks
  • Ice Cream, Carmel
  • Verdes
  • Greeks


Written By Helping Ninjas, Sid, Leo, and Helping Ninjas Mom, Lindsey 

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