Market District

Written by Siddarth, Age 12, Helping Ninja, Carmel, IN

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Why should others consider using reusable bags to grocery shop?

2016, the global population of more than 7 billion people produced over 320 million
of plastic. This is expected to
by 2034. In order to reduce these numbers people need to reduce the amount of plastic waste. Approximately
500 billion
single-use plastic bags are thrown away each year. This translates to about a million plastic bags thrown away every minute across the globe, causing billions of marine life to die each year. Using reusable bags can reduce these numbers and help create a healthy
ecosystem. If people around the world switch from using plastic bags to reusable bags, we could save our ecosystem, reduce plastic waste, and save billions of marine animals. In conclusion, plastic pollution is destroying our ecosystem and we can protect our
beautiful world, just by choosing a reusable bag over plastic.

plastic pollution is tearing up our world, knowing that I helped prevent plastic bags enter the ocean, inspires me to continue to help the world and gives me a feeling of “Hope” that we can protect our beautiful world.

learned to make eco-friendly decisions, and to reduce plastic waste.

is important to recycle because plastic pollution is tearing our world apart with more than
320 million tons
of plastic entering our ocean in 2016, this is killing
billions of marine life and is destroying our ecosystem. At this rate of plastic pollution, that statistic is expected to double by 2034. You see, recycling can reduce these numbers, protect the ecosystem, and save marine life around the world.

is important to protect our planet because we can in which create healthy ecosystems, protect life, and to create a sustainable, healthy world for future generations.

stated before, approximately
500 billion
single-use plastic bags are thrown away each year. This translates to about a million plastic bags thrown away every minute across the globe, causing billions of marine life to die each year. Using reusable bags can reduce these numbers and help create a healthy
ecosystem. Market District not only reduces waste by implementing the use of reusable bags, but they also recycle plastic bags(Which can’t be done by curbside recycling), take Eco-friendly actions, and Market District uses “Green” decisions in their daily
operations so that they can reduce plastic waste and conserve energy. These decisions make Market District a role model. I truly believe that other business should take after Market District and try to be a “Green” business just like Market District.

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