Make A Senior Smile

“Each time you smile, you throw a little feel-good party in your brain. The act of smiling activates neural messaging that benefits your health and happiness.”

Psychology Today

Join Helping Ninjas efforts today to MAKE A SENIOR SMILE!

To sign-up for the Helping Ninja MAKE A SENIOR SMILE. Initiative, submit the form below:


History of Make A Seinor Smile

Since residents in senior living homes are not allowed visitors right now, Helping Ninjas are asking youth to write notes, create cards, color pictures and post online so that the local senior citizen community centers and facilities.  The elderly in these homes are not allowed visitors right now. 

Join our efforts as we help spread cheer during this time of isolation and uncertainty. A simple act of creating a card, drawing a picture, a nice sentiment, telling a joke, or even just saying “hi” can go a long way! We want our elders to feel special and loved! We are encourging a small act of kindness to let our fellow community members and senior citizens know, they are not alone, and to make them smile!

How does it work?

Helping Ninjas are encouraging parents to post pictures of their children’s cards, art, letters, and kind notes on social media to inspire others to join our efforts and to make others smile too – and so that our senior citizens know that they are being thought of and that we care!


Once the artwork or card is created, post and tag Helping Ninjas via social media or you can email it to us!

Post A Letter, Card or Art Work Online

Post and tag:

#MakeASeniorSmile #HelpingNinjas

Please post and tag us on Twitter, Instagram or FaceBook or you can submit photos via email: [email protected]

Photos of the card or artwork is all that is needed! Photos of youth with the card is optional.

Helping Ninjas will share posts and photos of youth artwork and notes on our social media @HelpingNinjas and/on this webpage:

The senior homes will communicate to residents about our efforts to spread kindness and smiles — and direct them to our webpage: Make A Senior Smile Art:

Submit photos/videos:

To submit photos to Helping Ninjas — share via email [email protected] or post photos on social media:

Helping Ninjas Facebook (Handle @helpingninjakids)

Helping Ninjas Instagram (Handle @helpingninjas)

Helping Ninjas Twitter (Handle @helpingninjas)

Shruti, Age 8,

Helping Ninja Leader



Post your photo of the letter, artwork or card and tag:

#MakeASeniorSmile #HelpingNinjas

Helping Ninjas will re-share posts and photos of youth artwork and notes on our social media and/on our website!

Not on Social Media?

Please contact Helping Ninjas via social media or [email protected] to submit your photos and letters for Helping Ninjas to post on our website if you do not have a social media account or if you wish for Helping Ninjas to email to senior centers or to find one near you that is accepting emails if you wish to do so yourself. 

Make A Senior Smile Cards and Art

View all #MakeASeniorSmile Art submissions from Helping Ninja youth. Click here.

Our Helping Ninja leaders are calling local senior citizen homes asking if they would welcome mail or interested in learning about are efforts.

Helping Ninja Sammie making calls to senior living communities to see if they are accepting mail and to let them know about our efforts.

Is the senior living center you wish to send cards to not accepting mail?

Some facilities have can not receive mail so welcomed the idea of visiting our website and social media and following the hashag #MakeASeniorSmile The senior living directors will share our photos and artwork via the resident community television!

They also suggested and welcomed the idea of taping letters to the windows and doors of the entrances of the facilities.  Or sending emails.


Helping Ninjas is compiling a list and connecting community member, families and youth to nearby senior living facilities who is welcoming mail and has agreed to place the letters, art, cards and place on their residents community boards and community television for all to enjoy! Unfortunately, some senior citizens facilities are not accepting mail, and any mail that is essential is undergoing a quarantine.

To to find a senior living home near you that is accepting mail to display on their community boards for all to see and enjoy. Click here.

Want to add your senior community center to our list?

If you do not see a senior citizen home on our list for accepting mail, we suggest that you contact them directly and ask if you can email the card to them! Or contact us, and we will help you!

Contact [email protected] for more information on which senior community living centers are welcoming this kind gesture and to find out which centers are welcoming emails.

Do you know someone who would love receiving a card or artwork?

Do you have a loved one in a senior living community or assisted living home? Please let us know and we can make sure they receive mail (if allowed) and if not, we can get it to them via email.

Helping Ninjas will help make sure your special senior feels loved!Helping Ninjas will help make sure your special senior feels loved!

If you would like your special senior to receive LOTS of cards and letters, with your permission, we can even share their info on our site so that others can also send them some smiles!

Your artwork may even make not just one person smile, but many!

Smiling is good for us! It acutally helps boost our immune systems!

Smiling helps to:

Smiling and laughter are beneficial for your mind, body and overall well-being. 

Need more reasons to join us in helping to make a senior smile?

There Is Magic In Your Smile: How Smiling Effects Your Brain and Body

“Everyone knows how great laughter is. It curbs stress, banishes depression, slashes your blood pressure, and firms up your immune system. And recent research shows, to reap these benefits, all you have to do is crack a smile.”

Best Life Online

“A smile spurs a powerful chemical reaction in the brain that can make you feel happier. “


Boost your health by smiling!

Helping Ninjas is a youth-led not-for-proft. Join us as we teach our youth to become highly skilled at helping!

Be A Helping Ninja!

Make A Senior Smile!

Helping Ninjas will continue this effort to make a senior smile until it is safe for them to have visitors again. Please consider joining us.

Please contact us via email: [email protected]

Consider paying it forward and join our efforts to spread happiness and pay respect to senior citizens.

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