Learning about something and how to help. Helping and then sharing what you learned to inspire others!
Learning is helping. And you can help others by sharing what you have learned.
Join Our Iniatative!

Helping Ninjas™ mission is to create a desire and incentive for youth to help others, oneself and the planet.
Our vision Learn Help Share is to create awareness on important issues and then educate youth to learn how to help, and then sharing it, to inspire others!
Learn Help Share: WWF Wild In The Classroom

**Helping Ninjas is a student-led organization and students help with website design and content.
Learn Help Share with us!
Helping Ninjas wants to share with others what you are doing to help each other, your communities, yourself and the planet! Others may be inspired or learn from your posts!
Helping Ninjas™ believes that educated opinions can be given to help youth to learn, however, to inspire, we believe that one must hold a positive angle when discussing concepts, ideas, policy, of conflicting interests.
Helping Ninjas wants to share all ideas that could inspire others to help the world and each other! Please send ideas and/or written submissions by e-mail and or mail to: [email protected]
Helping Ninjas will repost, re-gram and maybe event spotlight your submission on our website or student blog!
Helping Ninjas asks that when submitting blog posts and our social media posts and/or tagging Helping Ninjas, or our Helping Ninjas Initiatives, to please abide by these guideline:
If you cannot say something nice, then don’t say anything at all.
Insults do not Inspire.
Learning about ways to help, is the first step of helping! Please consider posting and sharing on social media and tag #LearnHelpShare or #HelpingNinjas!
Learning is helping. And you can help others by sharing what you have learned. You can do this by taking a picture or a video, writing something & sharing it! All youth are encouraged to Learn Help Share! Enrollment is free and no cost to any student, educators or parents and guardians.
DownLoad The Helping Ninjas™ Learn.Help.Share. Chart
Children can choose from a variety of forms to participate. Click here.
Helping Ninjas wishes to create opportunities for children to learn how to help, through education and community participation, a program designed to encourage and inspire children to help, no cost to participate – it is free to all students as well as partnering businesses, corporations and organizations.
Join the Helping Ninjas movement by sharing inspiring and educational posts!
Post and tag #LearnHelpShare on posts that you think may inspire others to help! Or, if you see a post worth sharing, and think others can learn from it — re-post and tag @learnhelpshare or #learnhelpshare for an opportunity for Helping Ninjas to repost!
Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and IG!
Click on any of the links to directly connect:
Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
Learn Help Share
Video of Butler University, Indianapolis, IN, Horzions Sixth-Grade Campers. Helping Ninjas helped these students by sharing what we have learned about sustainable living and helped them learn too!
Example Learn.Help.Share. Video Blog Post:
Helping Ninjas™ Mission To India
At Home Particpipation
If your chid wishes to participate in Learn Help Share at home then Once a child completes an entire’s month worth of “acts of help” please submit to us to redeem your Helping Ninjas reward! The child will receive a free Helping Ninja Certificate via email, a Helping Ninja Sticker emoji via e-mail and a Helping Ninja Headband.
Educators, schools, classrooms that participate will receive special incentives and rewards, including class parties at the end of the year for those students who have completed a Learn Help Share chart each month! Educators click here to enroll and you will receive your Learn Help Share welcome packet and your children can start being Helping Ninjas today! Packet includes a Learn Help Share welcome letter and introduction to how to to students can become highly skilled at helping. Also included: Helping Ninjas Emoji Stickers, Helping Ninja HeadBands, Helping Ninja charts and Helping Ninja Certificates. Once enrolled if educators choose to do so your school and class will be listed on our website as official “Helping Ninjas” and granted permission to use the Helping Ninja logo for classroom and/or social media purposes!
Helping Ninjas outreach to local businesses to join our efforts, to inspire and create awareness about the importance of helping. If you would like to learn more about the Learn Help Share. program or interested in involvement, participation or becoming a partner please contact us. Helping Ninjas is currently taking applications for sponsorships with this program. Please click here if you are business and would like to apply.
Helping Ninjas will be offering small achievement awards and incentives in the form of prizes or coupons to students who complete of acts of help each month and submit – at home, in classrooms, children organizations, etc.
Click here to link to our Helping Ninjas Blog
Helping Ninjas hopes to set an example and precedent for others for proper and expected social behavior as a citizen of the world.
Through our Learn Help Share. and other Initiatives we will be encouraging youth and community engagement online social media. while honoring and following guidelines of Helping Ninjas™ Social Media Etiquette. Read more here:
Plastic Waste, 91% does not get recycled.
©Lindsey Fella-Berry 2017- May 2020 All Rights Reserved