Global Food Waste

An estimated 52 tons of food in the United States is being discarded every year. An average of about $218 billion dollars in waste.

An important video that asks us why are we throwing away food?

Why Compost Food Waste?

  • Saves Landfill Space: Food waste consumes 21% of landfill volume and a huge portion of a commercial food generator’s waste stream.
  • Green House Gas Abatement: As food waste decomposes in landfills it produces methane, a Green House Gas with nearly 60x the warming power of Carbon Dioxide.
  • Promotes Healthy Soil: Composting closes the loop by keeping nutrient-rich soil cycling through an ecosystem and creates a valuable commodity out of would-be-waste.
  • Supports Jobs: Investing in a composting infrastructure in Indiana supports and expands green jobs in the community.
  • ReFED determined that utilizing the existing centralized composting infrastructure has a national diversion potential of 5037 tons of food waste, an economic value of $4 per ton, and 2605K tons GHG reduction, and supports 9,000 jobs (ReFED, 2017).

refed infographic final

Read more here at the IRC…

 How New York Is Turning Food Waste Into Compost and Gas

City officials hope to divert organic refuse from landfills. Where will it all go?

The New York Times
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