Community Service and Giving Back

Be a Helping Ninja!
Helping Ninjas is continuously seeking new ninjas! Our not-for-profit organization is geared to educate and inspire youth to help the world. We have Helping Ninjas in over 40 states- and are always looking for individuals who are wanting to help others, our planet and ourselves and inspire others to help the planet, each other and ourselves. Helping Ninjas is always looking for people to volunteer with us and to join the our mission to become highly skilled at helping.

Looking to get involved in a not-for-profit organization?

How can my kids get involved in the community? How can your family get involved and give back? Helping Ninjas is here to serve! Let us help you get started today.
Contact us at [email protected] or you can message us on Instagram, Facebook or X.

Want to help the world?

Helping Ninjas is always seeking new members.
Contact us today!

View Instagram Helping Ninjas™️ (@helpingninjas)

Follow us or contact us directly via message us on Instagram, Facebook or X.

Are you already a Helping Ninja?

Join us on our mission and tag us in your videos or posts, or send them to us and we will share them!

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