C.A.R.E Center on the Gulf

Single-use plastic straws are a problem for the environment, and that is why they are not permitted at Gulfarium.

Helping Ninjas got to meet Gulfarium, Sarah, who #StandsUpToStraws

She helped Gulfarium create a recorded segment of her explaining the harms of single-use straws! We heard it over the loud speaker! Sarah asked all visitors at Gulfarium to choose to refuse a straw!

Helping Ninjas got to visit the C.A.R.E. Center – A center and hospital of composed of marine biologists who rescue, rehabilitate and release sea turtles.

Links to  videos to see Gulfarium staff in action, and the many ways we are helping our oceans.  See Gulfarium staff in action: https://www.gulfarium.com/conservetopreserve

C.A.R.E. Center is a great resource! Individual stories about our C.A.R.E. Center and updates may be found here: https://facebook.com/gulfariumcarecenter/


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