Age Appropriate Tasks

Kids Can Learn to Help!

Teaching our youth how to help might be the most important thing we can teach them. This six-year old little helping ninja enjoys helping with dishes.  Join the initiative and teach your kids to be helping ninjas -highly skilled at helping! Join us today and post or send us a picture of your helping ninja (childs’ face do not need to be seen) – only the act of help. Tag #helpingninja

Asking children to help is really easy!

Age appropriate tasks are excellent at building character, creating a sense of responsibility and helps children feel like they are on a team. By giving a child a task, they are successfully going to be able to complete and do wonders – and can produce happier children.

Join our initiative and help us educate our youth on the importance of helping each other, the planet and ourselves. Start with a simple task, like washing dishes…teach your child to become highly skilled at helping!



If you need help determining which task is age appropriate for the child you are wanting to teach the importance of helping, please email us and we will be glad to assist you: [email protected]

Read this great article that appeared in Todays Parent Magazine August 2017



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