Vedh Barre, Age 11, Carmel Clay Schools
Helping Ninja – Founding member and youth leader
Indiana State House hosted its first ever Youth Climate Action Day, on Jan- 28, 2020 and Helping Ninja’s was one of the groups that was invited to the event. I was so excited and happy to be a part of it and attend the event, as it was geared towards spreading awareness about the environmental problems we are facing today, and how we go about solving these problems as it would impact our generation the most.

It was a great experience for Leo Berry, Siddarth Chavali and me to hear from our State lawmakers, Environmentalists and Youth Citizen representatives on this topic, hearing them speak provided a glimpse into all that we do as Helping Ninja’s with helping the environment and the difference we (kids) make.
This validated our belief on how kids and young people can make a huge difference and play a vital role in bringing the much needed change and awareness of the local and global impact of climate change.
The most exciting part of my trip to the State House was getting to meet State Senator J. D. Ford and State House Representative Donna Schaibely, and the opportunity to interact with them and ask questions.

I want to thank Jim Poyser, Executive Director with Earth Charter Indiana, a non profit that focuses on helping our environment who made this happen for us and a special shout out to Lindsay Berry, for making all this happen for us!
All in all, it was an amazing experience and I am so happy that we could be a part of the first ever Youth Climate Action Day, in Indiana!