Thank A Firefighter Schools

Thank you for your time and interest in helping to educate our youth the importance of showing thanks to those who serve and protect our communities.

Helping Ninjas™ would like to invite your classroom and school – teachers, facutly, staff and families to participate in theThank A Firefighter Initiative!

We are encouraging local youth (and adults) to write thank you cards to firefighters, and our offering collection and delivery of cards to firefighters. Helping Ninja kids will be physically collecting and distributing thank you cards locally to fire stations to give to firefighters in our community, and also to mailing them to firefighters in California.

The thank you cards created by your school community will  serve as a gift to local firefighters and will help our initiative – educating the youth the importance of showing recognition to firefighters!This could provide your class room a chance to share your gratitude and aspire other classrooms to collectively create thank you cards or students and families at home!

In hopes to celebrate their service, dedication and bravery firefighters portray each day in our communities across the globe, and to educate our youth the importanceto give thanks to firefighters and opportunities to do so.Thank A Firefighter Initiativeis an effort to inspire others and create awareness for our youth! All communities, school – faculty, staff, students and families are invited to support this cause

Online your school community has the opportunity to share on social media, tagging #ThankAFirefighter. This also provides a tag for thank you to post a photo and sharing online!You can follow our efforts via Twitter, Instagram and Facebook: @ThankAFirefighter.

A flyer is attached about the Thank A Firefighter Initiative.Upon participation request we will add your logo (at no cost) to our flyer for you to display in your school. Helping Ninjas also extends the invitation to add your school’s name and logo to ourinitiative’swebpage:

If you would like to participate in initiative by hosting a collection box to collect cards in your school community! Helping Ninjas can provide you with a white 12 x 12 cardboard card drop box! The Thank A Firefighter Initiative drop off collection will be ongoing. Schools are welcome to join the initiative at any time, in any capacity! E-mail Helping Ninjas to confirm your participation and please include the following information:

  • School Name
  • School Contact Person
  • Contact Person Email
  • Dates of Proposed InitiativeParticipation (Start and End Date)
  • Request Thank You Card Host Box
    • Address to Deliver 12 x 12 cardboard box

Helping Ninjas will be glad to provide further information about your support and participation in the ThankAFirefighterInitiative. Please confirmations and inquiries to [email protected]

Join The Floss Challenge! #FlossForFighters and # FirefighterFloss another way for your school community to join and show your support, by flossing! The floss dance challenge is a fun and unique way to create awareness and join together as a community to give thanks! Individuals or groups can participate in the social media floss dance challenge, simply floss, post and tag! Tag #Floss4Fighters, #FirefighterFloss and tag us! Classrooms, students, families, PTOs, office, café, custodial & transportation staff are all invited to floss!

To enter the challenge: floss dance, record a video, post and share! But before you post, tag someone you want to challenge!! From one classroom to another at your school –or one school to the next, help us give appreciation to firefighters with this floss-off!

The challenge will be issued on Twitterand will run December through March 1st 2019 and at any time your school, student, faculty and/or parent participation is welcomed! The winner from will be selected on March 1st, 2019, and the post that has the most likes, the individual or group will receive a popcorn party for the entireschool! Be sure to include our tag @thankafirefighter so that you can be a contestant for the School Popcorn Party!

@ThankAFirefighter Initiative Facebook:                      

@ThankAFirefighter InitiativeTwitter:

@ThankAFirefighter Initiative Instagram:


Video To Share:


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