Streams of Plastic

November 16, 2017

I think it is important to tell the world that if don’t stop littering plastic then most of the fish will be dead in the ocean.  I know now after watching this video what it means that we can not litter anymore and really should stop even using plastic. I want to tell the world to please stop littering bc I like fish and our oceans. 

Helping Ninja, Age 7, 1st Grade, Carmel, IN College Wood Elementary

“Tapped” Mission Complete

October 25th, 2017

I just watched the short video Tapped.  It has won a lot of awards.  I learned that bottled water could be poisonous, and we to stop using it and buying immediately. The stuff in the plastic seeps into the water that we drink so the chemicals to make the bottles can get into the water we drink.  There are 29 billion bottled waters bought every year.  This made me sad. Even though it makes me sad, I want to watch the whole movie when it is comes out tomorrow. You can watch it here:

Helping Ninjas, age 8, Carmel, IN, 2nd Grade, College Wood

Mission: Watch Streams of Plastic Short Film

October 25th, 2017

Eco Plastic, Streams of Plastic

I just saw a video about recycling and how you should keep plastic away from the ocean.  In Indonesia and Malaysia they rescue 100 to 200 kg of the plastic in the ocean every day. That is way too much and sad.  We need to save the world.

Helping Ninjas, age 6, Carmel, IN, Kindergarten, College Wood

Helping Ninja Mission: Watch Eco Plastics Short Video


October 25, 2017

Helping Ninja Mission: Watch Eco Plastics Short Video

I ‘Watched Stream of Plastics” and I learned from watching that video that there’s a lot of trash in the world especially plastic and its polluting and ruining earth. And much today bad stuff can happen if we don’t do stop it.Their our a bunch of animals dying and a bunch of other bad stuff.  And,  if we don’t help, who’s going to help? I liked it because there are good people trying to help the world and trying to stop the plastic companies making more plastic, if they stop we wouldn’t have it to throw everywhere. Something cool was these scientists  created a global app on your  phone– you can take on pictures of trash and then tell the authorities  where it is. I don’t have the app but I thought I will try by taking a picture of trash next time I see a bunch of trash and send it to someone who can help.

Helping Ninja, age 8, 3rd Grade, College Wood

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