Why is Recycling and UpCycling Important?


Reduce. Reuse. Reycle. Learning these words will help our environment and each other.

Upcycling. Repurposing an unwanted item. Also, known as creative reuse, is the process of transforming by-products, waste materials, useless, or unwanted products into new materials or products of better quality or for better environmental value.

Recycling. The process of converting waste materials into new materials and objects. It is an alternative to “conventional” waste disposal that can save material and help lower greenhouse gas emissions. Recycling can prevent the waste of potentially useful materials and reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, thereby reducing: energy usage, air pollution, and water pollution.





Check out this creative way to repurpose legos and even a childs sweater! What else can you upycle? Email us so we can share!

Sweater Weather

Trash Animal Street Art


Turning Trash Into Art

HGTV has a great idea – upcycle old t-shirts into a reusable produce bag! You can choose to skip the plastic bag and reuse this one! And it’s washable!

Click on a photo to be directed to HGTV website to learn how!




Helping Ninjas found that are engaging and useful in eduacating  youth to understand why recycling and upcycling is so important.





Not all plastic can go in your at home recycle bin. Learn about smart recycling! Where do I recycle plastic bags and wraps?

What Can You Recycle? A-Z 

View Full List: https://www.in.gov/idem/recycle/2345.htm



Did you know that composting is a form of recycling?

Compost: The act of creating renewable energy – creating compost soil from food waste that will be used to fertilize crops and repelnish soil. 

Check out what the city of Boston, Massachusetts is doing! Click on the photo to learn!


Compost Party

November 17, 2017

Hi I am a Helping Ninja and we had a Helping Ninja Party to celebrate National America Recycles Day. I learned about recycling and composting. Composting is kind of cool. There was an experiment. One jar is a compost, the other will be like a landfill. I can’t wait to watch and see what it does. I am glad I came to the party because I didn’t know about this ever before.

Helping Ninja, Age 10, 4th Grade, College Wood Elementary



Food Rescue Mission

November 5, 2017

Hi I’m a Helping Ninja. Today I read online about a place that recycles food! They collect donated left over food that is not used – Food Rescue helps more than 200 caring agencies and 200 restaurants, and 500 schools. That is a lot of saved food! I want to help by sharing about it. I have pictures from their website for you to see and a video about what they do.

Helping Ninja, age 8, College Wood



0 Waste

Hi Im a Hellping Ninja and I just watched this video, https://youtu.be/nYDQcBQUDpw

It is about a girl who lives for 5 years with basically zero waste because it all fit into one jar. I couldn’t believe it. I think I can help by sharing this with my friends, they should watch it because after I watched the video I realized I can actually help by asking people to please use less pollution like the girl did.  And, I could also just ask for people to start doing better things in the world and stop  buying a bunch of things, and doing things like going all the way down to a town, to maybe Fishers and you live in Carmel Indiana and they have a farmers market right next to them. And say maybe you could even start trying to grow it. Or say they go  all the way to the shopping mall and then they have to get all these things and packages when there are places you can buy used stuff and would cost less weight. Also, so you could compost the vines of the dead plants and other stuff you may have in a compost which would turn into a compost soil and then you can put it in soil again. And use it to then make new plants with that, so it’s basically reusing and recycling. Only buy things that you can resuse.

Helping Ninja, age 8, Carmel, IN


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