Students Spend Holiday Helping Earth

Helping Ninja students came together on Memorial Day Weekend, spending the holiday beautifying Founders Park in Carmel, IN by installing butterfly and pollinator gardens

“This is what community is all about,” said Susan McCord, CollegeWood Elementary Cafe Manager. “It really is about helping each other and our planet Earth.”

The 300 square foot of land had been overwritten by invasive species. Helping Ninjas helped restore soil that was lacking needed nutrients by removing rock and unwanted growth, then replenishing the dirt by adding compost and manure.

Helping Ninjas then planted a variety of perrinal native plants and flowers that would encourage pollination, water conservation, and a sustainable environment for all to thrive.

Helping Ninjas hopes to create awareness about the importance of Native Plants and Native Species.

Did you know that some bees don’t sting? Click here to read how Helping Ninjas are helping Native Bees, 

Did you know that healthy soil is the first step to gardering? Click here to read how Helping Ninjas are helping CCS Community Garden

Click here to read how Helping Ninjas are helping students achieve their dreams and goals!

Helping Founders Park

A Note from a Ninja

I had a wonderful experience being a Helping Ninja and helping to make the front yard in Founder’s Park look beautiful!

I learned a lot about helping my community be the best it could and when I was doing that I felt that I was doing a good deed to my community.

Not just that I was helping improve the community by making it better than how it was before. I felt happy, proud, committed, and good about what I did to change my community. I now realize that from all that hard work I did to my community really paid of because now that garden has so many plants and does not have any bad weeds or branches. I really appreciated this exciting opportunity and wish for many more!!

Amogh,  Helping Ninja,  Fourth Grade, College Wood Elementary

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Students Spend Holiday Helping Earth


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