Smiling Is Good For You

“Each time you smile, you throw a little feel-good party in your brain. The act of smiling activates neural messaging that benefits your health and happiness.”

Did you know smiling is good for you? It boosts your immune system and helps your overall mental, emotional and physical health!

Learn more how smiling helps you here and why you should join us and help our elderly citizens.

Helping Ninjas is asking youth to write notes, create cards, color pictures and encouraging parents to post pictures of their children’s cards, art, creations etc. on social media and tag #HelpingNinjas #MakeASeniorSmile and we will post on our website! For more info and to learn which senior living facilities are accepting mail or emails from youth, visits our webpage: Make A Senior Smile

Helping Ninjas are encouraging parents to post pictures of their children’s cards, art, etc. on social media ro inspire others to join our efforts and to make others smile too! Please post and tag us on Twitter, Instagram or FaceBook or you can submit photos via email: [email protected]



Please post and tag us on Twitter, Instagram or FaceBook or you can submit photos via email: [email protected]

Thanksgiving Basket Delivery

November 10th, 2017

Hi! I am a Helping Ninja and I helped my mom and my aunt deliver Thanksgiving baskets on Saturday to people less fortunate than me. I liked doing it because it made me happy. It made me happy because it was fun to make peoples Thanksgiving happy too because they now have food and stuff when they would not have had before. One lady even wrote me a thank you note. This made me feel good that I did it.

Helping Ninja, Age 8, Carmel, IN, College Wood Elementary


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